God's Judgement Coming to the Earth

The Father yesterday spoke to me about speaking forth this word about his judgment coming quickly upon the earth. I have had several words from the Holy Spirit on what is about to transpire on the earth in the coming days since the beginning of this year. This is the first time the Father has told me send it forth to the people, with a specific warning to those in the Mt. Rainier area of Washington.

The Father is about to unleash a series of events upon the earth that will set men's heart failing. These volcanoes and earthquakes will be set in motion by the Father for the purpose of bringing men's heart to repentance in this hour, and bringing many to Christ. For those who will not heed, they will mean destruction and devastation in the days to come. For truly God's judgement is coming upon the earth in these days that are coming very quickly.

A year and a half ago, the Father showed me a string of volcanoes that would erupt at the same time on the earth. Then about 6 months ago or more, He spoke to me about Mt. Rainier, specifically. He confirmed it through another prophet friend of mine, Jim. Well this past week, He told me it is about to happen, between the next 30-60 days. Pray for what is coming upon the earth, was what the spirit spoke to me.

He gave me a great burden to warn those in the Mt. Rainier area, to pray and fast, and hear what preparations the Father wants you to make in what is coming, whether it means for evacuation, I don't know.. Just seek him, and he will tell you what you need to do in the days to come before this eruption.

The Father mentioned specifically Mt. Rainier, that would erupt, and that would set the series of natural disasters in motion, including earthquakes and more volcanoes, set off in this chain of events that would occur at the same time, like a chain set off. This sign will also be confirmed by prophetic events that will take place in Israel at the same time, around the feast times.

First the shaking and rocking of the very foundations of the earth, first spiritually, then in the natural realm with the earth. Also, he is moving the very plates under the earth, to cause many things to come to pass to bring those who have been in rebellion to him. It is for them, that He is doing this, to bring many into obedience to Him. Also, new ones, into the kingdom. Volcanoes will erupt, earthquakes will shake the very foundations of the center of the earth, as the Father shakes and moves in the earth, in this hour.

When I saw Mt. Rainier erupting, the Father showed me a series of earthquakes that would rock the very foundations of the earth at about the same time, or following. I saw many earthquakes occurring at the same time, in Alaska, Oregon, and California, being affected, as well as Washington, and few other states.

Those in Mt. Rainier area have not been warned by their local people, and they need to make preparations for this. So let this word be a warning to you from the throne room of God. Not to fear, but a warning to seek the spirit on what to do.

Today, the Father gave me a great urgency to warn the people, then my computer crashed for many days... so it is going forth now.. The Father told me to send forth this warning for those in that area, that it is coming quickly and swiftly. There are other prophets who I love and trust totally for hearing from the throne room of God, who have spoken the same thing to me in the past months. The Father is sending forth a warning from his prophets in this hour.

When I saw the plates below the earth move in the other day, and the father said, I am moving the very plates under the earth to bring these events to pass. I am doing this, for many will repent and come back to me in this hour.

I don't usually send out warnings like this, but we are to warn the people of what is going to transpire over the next few months, for we are those on the wall.

So I am sending this forth as a warning to all those in the Washington state area, near Mt. Rainier. This will trigger a series of earthquakes also along different faults in that area. This volcano has been upgraded to a level two, which means it is about to erupt within the next 30-60 days. Pray and fast and pray that God's will be done and his purpose come forth out of these events.

These were the words He spoke to me today to share with each of you.

"Fear not, my children, for you are in my hands, protected from all harm.. Listen to what the spirit is speaking to you in this hour. Be alert, and be vigilant to what I am speaking in this hour.

Rejoice, my little ones, for you are hidden in the palms of my hands, protected from all harm, and kept safe as you walk in by my spirit, says, the Lord."

Gloria Shepherd

8/26/01 http://www.angelfire.com/ga/GardenofJesus/