THE RELEASE OF BREAKTHROUGH IN CALIFORNIA (Not another cliché breakthrough word)


Since January something has been up in California. Recently one of our friends, Liz Jones, came to California on a month-long prayer journey. She began to go into deep intercession for our ministry with one of our team members, Dr. Ayoade Alakija. Days and days of intercession went by and one day they had a power encounter. Liz Jones, saw an angel, and said the angel’s name was “Breakthrough”. He had come to bring revival to California and breakthrough to us, our city, and the State.


When she told me I was encouraged, but it did not fully register. In the past ministry I was involved in, WhiteDove Ministries, we did a series of conferences on a similar encounter that Bob Jones and Randy Demain had reported having about an angel of breakthrough who is instrumental in revival. Much happened but I was not personally impacted at the time, at least in a visible way. I was not discouraged because I saw other people, places, and regions impacted. I just did not personally have a breakthrough. I thought that perhaps Liz was just picking up on these encounters and applying them to us. However, I found out that Liz Jones who is from England had not heard of these encounters and that her encounter was completely separate from the others.


What got my attention was that many things we have been praying for during the two years that we have been in Los Angeles started to happen in the two weeks following the encounter. We had break through with our 501C3 filing; I sold my house in an impossible market that I had left in Alabama; and was given the money to pay the significant loss that resulted as a result of the sale; and, several of our team members have had breaks in the entertainment industry, while others seem to be going nowhere.
We knew something was up!

I recently went to a conference with Randy Demain who had had an encounter with what he also called the angel of breakthrough in Nigeria while on a ministry trip in 2004. This angel had been involved with Benson Idahosa during the great Nigerian revivals of the 1990’s. Bob Jones had a similar encounter a few months later with similar details about this angel of breakthrough being released in America (see for article). I told Randy about Liz Jones’ encounter when I was with him during a conference held on Valentines weekend in Idaho. He looked surprised. He said that the presence of the angel had left him, and that the Lord told him that he was taking breakthrough somewhere else for a while. However, the angel of breakthrough would be back with Randy in the future! Randy said “So, that is where he is!”

Randy began to unravel what he has seen happen when he prays for breakthrough in a church, city, or region. I believe it can be summed up in the following process: 1.) consecration/purification of believers; 2.) breaking through of promises given to believers and the purposes for their lives, as well, as for the harvesting of the harvesters; and, 3.) the release of believers into all the world to bring the Kingdom and give Jesus His reward! Our church has been in phase one, and partially in the second phases of this word (although there has been evangelism and placement into the secular arena lately that has been beautiful).


On Tuesday, February 24th, two significant things happened to us. Lou Engle and approximately fifty members of his “The Call” team came to my house to pray. We prayed over Hollywood and California. During this time I felt led to talk to them about the angel of breakthrough. I began to see that Lou Engle, who has been an intercessor for California for over 20 years, was about to see a breakthrough in the answers to his many prayers. We were also reminded together of a word he gave me at Harvest Rock in 2003. He had prophesied the following to me: “Son of California! Come home! You will be one of the main inheritors of my prayers for the last 17 years of revival in California!” This was three years before I moved out to California. As we reminisced about the word that day, Lou and the Call team prayed again for us to inherit the prayers that went before us.I knew I was not only standing for myself; but, for believers in the land who have hoped such radical things could happen in their lifetimes, and that California would again be ripe for revival.

Liz Jones and I shared about this breakthrough angel the same night with our body at our Tuesday night service in Studio City, California. I loved the language because it put total emphasis on this angel being empowered to release a breakthrough so we can see Jesus and bring HIM everything HE deserves! The fullness of HIS reward! What if God is about to break through again in a historic revival? Bob Jones had prophesied to us that by 2010 we would begin to see a measure of revival, and by 2012 that revival would be historic! When I was with Lou Engle and his team, I realized that makes 2009 a countdown year towards promise. I really felt that was for them personally but now I also see a corporate dimension to this prophetic parable. We are in a countdown year.


On February 25th, I had a dream that I believe is significant and specific to California (but, feel free to take it if you are from another region). In the dream I went to the store and bought 22 stakes. I painted the word “breakthrough” on eleven of the stakes, and also painted images of keys and crowns. I left the other eleven plain.

In the dream I went to eleven regions in California during 2009 with emphasis on the March through June time frame. I presented a stake to different pastors/ministry leaders throughout California to stake the land out for breakthrough to happen for them and for their region. The painted stake was kept for their ministry; but, the plain stake was taken to a significant place in their region. I had the ministry leader pound the stake into the ground to mark a covenant declaring that in our lifetime in there would be historic breakthrough in politics, entertainment, business, education, family, and church throughout the State of California.

In the dream I asked the pastors to begin to release stories of breakthrough on the Internet that happen here! I knew it was the Hebrews 10:24 principle: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” It was important that believers in California hear from each other to spur each other on towards the love of Christ as a State. We are about to have historic breakthrough revival reports from our very State! I saw as we did this that God would release a strategy as contained in Hebrews 10:25. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching.”

When I woke up I knew that God was marking out territory in California to inherit for His purposes. I knew that we were entering into a season of consecration and a measure of breakthrough that is a preparation season. I also knew that it was going to be easier than ever to find unity among the churches that are centered around the desire of the love of God to visit our State.


I was excited when I awoke from the dream that the 22 stakes also represented Isaiah 22:22 which we had prayed as a release over California while with Lou Engle and The Call team the day before. I also felt that they were divided into two groups of eleven because God wants to release the Spirit of Revelation over California (Ephesians 1:17) which is summed up by the attributes contained in Isaiah 11:1-4. He is also going to reclaim his purpose in this land one more time. Isaiah 11:11 states the following: “In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the remnant that is left of his people...” This passage represents the bringing together for purpose, God's people.


Whenever an area faces crises such as California is facing at this time it is normally a set up for God to shine such a great and marvelous light. At this time our economy is threatened, our politics are failing, our education system is in turmoil, and, our families are in crises. But, there is a God of breakthrough who has a Kingdom that is higher then what we see. The strategy of Heaven is to release the GOOD NEWS of who Jesus is, and of His Kingdom, to cause us not to fail but to THRIVE in love and good works. THE KINGDOM OF CHRISTIANS IS THE ANSWER FOR THIS SEASON IN CALIFORNIA!


I encourage that pastors, business owners, entertainers, politicians, educators, and families come into prayer agreement of the scriptures just mentioned: Ephesians 1:17, Isaiah 22:22, Isaiah 11:1-3, and, Isaiah 11:11, over your family, occupation, and the land itself. One of the names of God in Hebrew is Baal-Perazim which means “Master of the Breakthrough”. This is seen in 2 Samuel 5 when David defeated his enemies in a land he named after this mighty principle. Pray for the God of breakthrough to come!

I will be going throughout the State during the rest of the year walking out my dream in the natural. I don't know if we will be doing this publicly or privately; but, we would love to report on what is happening as we walk this out; and, also, we would like to hear about some of the breakthrough testimonies of what happens with you. If you are a pastor and want to respond to this word please contact my office at (or if you have my personal email feel free to contact me there). If you have had a testimony of breakthrough since January 2009, please share it with us! We will be trying to go to all eleven places, which as of yet have not been identified, during the next few months.

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Money Multiplication Testimony!

In the Spirit of Revelation 19:10, "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Here are three testimonies on a single subject. I suggest that we learn a lesson.

Ivan Roman tells this story:

It was at Mike Fogaras’s church. I brought a young man named Bryce with me, and Joe Meyering’s dad Steve was taking the offering. An atmosphere of God’s glory was so present. He wasn’t manipulating or sharing an hour-long stories about how to get your money. He was just telling stories of the glory of God and the goodness of God in his finances.

Bryce showed me his wallet on our way up here, and he said, “Look, I’m really sorry. I only have 12 dollars.” I said, “It’s OK. I invited you, I’ll take care of your expenses.” So he was in the front row next to me, and I hear him. He pulled out his wallet and he said, “God, if you’ll put money in this wallet, I’ll give it to you. BAM!” And he was kidding, he was just kind of talking to himself. And he freaked out and he goes, “Ivan! Look!” and he had $30 in his wallet, a $20 folded very nicely.

I didn’t know what to do, so I interrupted Pastor Steve and told the story. But not very many people know me, and nobody knows him, so it felt kind of weird. Then Mama, Mama Jill got the faith of Go. She says, “God, if you did it for him, you can do it for me.” She opens up her purse and there was $60 that wasn’t there.


Bill Johnson tells the story of someone who had been asking God for inheritance. He looked at a bank account that he knew was empty, and found $10,000 in it.


Shaaron Coleman tells this story;

I need to get to bed but I just had to share a quick testimony about a money multiplication miracle I had tonight!

The other day I looked in my purse and noted that I had no cash. I didn't think I had a lot of money in there (probably $20 or less), so I figured maybe Jim helped himself to a "loan" but he said he didn’t. We figured that my purse really hadn't been out of my sight, so I must have just spent all my cash and not realized it. But just in case, I said...

"God, if I have been stolen from (and I meant by the enemy OR a person), I demand the money back." I also determined that I would keep a close count of exactly how much cash I do have!

Today I had exactly $30 cash in my wallet when I went to work. Lunch cost me $6, so I had $24 remaining. Tonight on the way home from SOZO Ministry Training I bought some food for $4. When I went to pay for the food I had FOUR TWENTIES and TWO ONES! THAT'S $82! So after paying the $4, I should have had $78 left. When I got home, I had FOUR TWENTIES, ONE TEN, ONE FIVE and SEVEN ONES! That's $102! I can hardly wait get up in the morning!

I told Jim about this and he said that he was asking God today to fix our "money leak" because we have had a couple of repair bills lately. GO GOD!

What's the takeaway? There is no Crisis in God's economy. If you are obeying God in all areas including faithfully tithing and giving, the enemy has no right to steal from you. Demand your stolen goods back! And believe for money miracles...this would be a good time for us to start seeing more of this, don't you think?

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Theatres Of Operations And Specific Campaigns

This is more of a prophetic article than a prophetic word, but it is deeply significant for us here in the Northwest region.

Think of how often the Bible talks about the Christian life in the vocabulary of warfare. Now think of the Pacific Northwest as our Theater of Operation. Northwest Prophetic is a part of the intelligence community in our campaign, in our Theater of Operation. These words are not for Asia, or for the east coast. They’re for us. They’re for our cities, our region. These are our promises....

Theatres Of Operations And Specific Campaigns

Prophetic Words as they relate to Theatres of Operations and specific Campaigns

Often at the beginning of each year there are a number of prophetic words that come out as to what will happen in the year coming up , however when you look at all of these words, there is often a lot of difference and in some cases they are almost opposite. So what is going on?

I think a picture from the 2nd World War will be helpful. If during any year, near the end of the war, you were to ask how the war was going, you would get a number of different answers depending on which Theatre of Operation you were in (European, African, Pacific or Southeast Asia) and which specific campaign. The answers could in some cases seem completely contrary, because there could be breakthroughs in one campaign and yet defeats in another one.

I believe that it is the same in the prophetic world, there are different prophets who prophesy for a theatre of operation or a certain campaign and all of the people who are called to that part of the vineyard resonate with those words, whereas someone called to another vineyard (campaign) are shaking their heads and trying to figure out where this prophet is coming from.

For me personally there are a number of prophets who regularly hit it right on the mark, of where I am at and what is happening in my life and ministry and then there are others who don’t do anything for me, because basically they are speaking to another theatre of operation.

I also have a blog where I post many of the words that touch me and there are a number of people who read the blog and tell me that those words also really resonate with them, because it would seem we are all part of the same campaign.

I asked Dan Olsen, who is retired Special Forces, for any insights on this from his military background and he sent me this reply:

I think you hit it on the nose. We 'know' our Theatre of Operation and are not likely to totally understand the other theatres, let alone the specific campaigns being conducted. Historically this has always been the root of many battles between generals and politicians over the priority of assets supporting the battle. The Commander and Chief makes the final decision. Well our Commander and Chief (Jesus) knows all the Theatre of Operations, sub-Campaigns and battles being conducted.

I don't feel He has any 'all knowing' Generals (though many claim to be) but He uses Generals over Theatres, etc. which would reflect in prophetic words that would be Theatre specific, etc.

So just as in war, we must understand the dynamics of the Theatre and the words spoken over it (social & combat intelligence) - taken as a whole to see what is going on kingdom wide. We get in trouble when we prioritize support to the battle, not understanding all the theatres and possibly having hidden agendas that cloud our thought processes. Best leave this to the Commander and Chief (Jesus) or His Operations Officer (Holy Spirit)

Trevor Macpherson

Cool blogs:
The PilgrimgramFirefall ZineTall Skinny KiwiDarpa's DomainBill Johnson
Be a Hero!Bethel ReddingGraham Cooke
Church Soundguy
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Youth With A MissionInt'l House of Prayer KCInt'l House of Prayer NWInt'l House of Prayer WADisciple the Nations


It is the Year of the Woman

Women in ministry and leadership will be released globally across the Body of Christ. The two righteous seeds of Michal Ann Goll and Jill Austin have been sown into the ground and there will be a harvest of women in both spiritual and secular leadership arising to be champions of the poor, in justice, prayer and creativity flowing freely as the prophetic anointing increases in Jesus' name.

It is a Time When the 9 Gifts and the 9 Fruits Come Together

It is time for the fullness of fruit and gifts of the Spirit to come together. Character to carry the gift will be emphasized and accountability that empowers will help create new wineskins for the new wine.

It is a Time When Love Will Have a Say!

Ministerial groups will freshly come together promoting the love of God versus a political system of competition. LOVE L.A.! LOVE PHOENIX! LOVE MINNEAPOLIS! LOVE ATLANTA! LOVE DALLAS! LOVE NEW YORK! LOVE SEATTLE! LOVE CLEVELAND! LOVE NASHVILLE! (You name your city!) LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! One morning, I heard the Holy Spirit singing to me, "All we need is love!"

It is Time for the Realignment of the Nations for Good and Evil

Territorial spirits of darkness are in a time of realigning themselves. Some of the old dark ways of communism are beginning to resurface in both old and new places wedded with strong totalitarianism and militant Islam. Be alert and watchful!

It is a Time When Israel Becomes a Heavy Stone!

It is the time of Zechariah 12:1-3 when Jerusalem becomes a heavy stone for all who touch her in an ungodly manner. The jealousy of God will arise against those nations who attempt to divide Jerusalem. What God has joined together, let no man separate!

It is a Time When the Josephs are Released from Prison

Men and women tried in the fiery furnaces of testing will begin to emerge in this hour across the nations of the earth. They will have the spirit of wisdom and excellence resting upon their lives. Humility will be their outstanding characteristic in Jesus' name.

It is Time for Property Procurement

For some, it is time to purchase property, land and gold. It is a time when wise investments now will pay off later. Whole strip malls and department stores will go up for sale and the discerning and wise will purchase property (in certain situations) for a dime on the dollar.

It is a Time When the Justice Riders and the Justice Writers are Released Throughout the Nations

This will become more than the latest theme or fad in the Body of Christ. Even as the Wesleyans had their circuit riders, there will now be global justice riders who, through the influence of the pen, will undo the injustices of the past.

It is a Time When the Church Receives the Spirit of Adoption

We will receive a Spirit of adoption that will cause us to enjoy and embrace people of different backgrounds than what we are accustomed to. New faith-based adoption agencies will come into being, bringing about a solution to the abortion industry.

It is a Time When a Major Turn is Taken to Begin the End of the Worldwide Child Sex Trade Slave Industry

I have seen a major sex trade slavery ring being broken up for the glory of God in South East Asia. This will have ripple effects around the world and the dominos will begin to tumble! God has on His heart a movement where "every child has a dream fulfilled."

It is a Time for the Revival of the Resurrection of the Dead, Both Physically and Spiritually

Yes, this is the time for the revival of the resurrection of the dead to emerge. Whole churches that have been given up for dead will be revived through the Spirit of Prophecy and Intercession. People will be literally raised from the dead in various locations; the news will spread and the world will marvel.

It is a Time When the Holy Spirit Gives Out Wings to Fly Higher than You Have Ever Been Before

I hear the Holy Spirit saying, "Soar to new heights!" Yesterday's seeming defeats will be turned into tomorrow's peaks. It is time to fly higher than you have ever flown before. New heights of delighting in God are yours through authentic, pure worship.

It is a Time When the Connection Between Revelation 3:20 and Revelation 4:1 is Seen and Manifested

The key of intimacy to open Heavens is being offered. Some will take this for themselves as individuals and some for their congregation. But the Lord is looking for those who will answer the knock at the door for an entire city or region and welcome a glorious invasion of divine visitation.

It is a Time When Spontaneous Healings Break Forth in the Atmosphere of High Praise!

Electric praise will come forth and the dancing hand of God will be released to move across entire assemblies and spontaneous healings and miracles will break out. It is breakout time for the Holy Spirit where High Praises are released from His people.

I trust these few thoughts will encourage your heart and stir up your faith. We see in part and prophesy in part. Well, this is part of what I am seeing and hearing in the Spirit and I trust that it will mesh in with the part that the Lord is showing you as well!

God Bless You in 2009 and Beyond!

James W. Goll
Encounters Network and PrayerStorm
