The Remainder of 2009

Revolve to Resolve

By Pastor Vince Morales

During Spring, 2009, I began to hear the word “resolve.” As I prayed into this, I began to notice patterns in various people of unresolved issues resurfacing as an old cycle. I approached the Lord about 2008 having been a year for leaping forward. February and March 2008 were months for God’s people to leap forward into their seasons. Many were walking out of the season of the Lord and straggling behind. In 2008, the Lord presented a divine chairos moment for stragglers in the Body of Christ to leap forward and into the current season of God. Prophetic acts were made and scriptures declared in prayer gatherings in many church gatherings. By faith, God’s people took a leap forward. Seemingly, many brothers and sisters continued in frustration during the remainder of 2008 and well into 2009.

As the word “resolve” stirred in me, I connected the matter of “old cycles.” Many anointed prophets and teachers have taught and prophesied regarding “old cycles” and the need for those “old cycles” to be broken over the last couple of years. This is no new revelation in many apostolic and prophetic streams. The Lord began to tell me:

The advancement of My Kingdom hinges on the ambassadors I have placed in this world. I have equipped you, empowered you, commissioned you and anointed you with My authority and power. The idea of advancing My Kingdom is understood. The revelation of it is undiscovered and not understood by many in the realm of their own lives. Before My Kingdom can be advanced in the world, My Kingdom must be advanced in your own life. My Kingdom must advance in your minds. I will not shift their paradigms, I will not change your mind, My people must change their minds.

“Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace...” (Ephesians 4:3). While this passage speaks to unity in the Body, its truth applies to the central core of each believer. Where there is no bond of peace, there is no unity of the Spirit. Where there is no unity of the Spirit, there is often a fractured condition of the believer. Thus, the believer has not resolved an issue or old cycle in their life. Their struggle around the same mountain or sins continues. This struggle continues to prevail simply because we have not done the first thing in Ephesians 4:3, “Being diligent to preserve…” the things stated, unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Jesus said the peacemakers are blessed in Matthew 5:9. It is easy for many “warrior” minded believers to conceive being a “peacemaker” in the world. That Jesus did not come into the world to bring peace, but a sword (Matthew 10:34). Understanding Jesus definition of “sword” is the Word of God is common knowledge in the Body of Christ. The Lord told me:

My Church is ready to take the sword to the world but fail to take the sword to their own flesh. My peace always follows my sword. My people would rather that peace precede My sword. I say, as surely as you take My sword to your flesh, to your old cycles, to your old habits, surely the peace I give will follow. The process of being a peacemaker will always involve the violence and confrontation of judging yourself. Resolve to bring your old cycles under the judgment of My sword through your repentance. Apply My sword and bring your flesh to a place of death. Sever your flesh from the throne of your life, that I may be the sole ruler in the throne of your life. I will not share the throne with any idol, nor with your old cycles that rule powerfully in your soul.

In Romans 12:18, Paul exhorts us, “if possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” Many in the church understand the importance of being at peace with those around us. With family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. What is not always easily grasped is the need for God’s ambassadors, His representatives on this earth, His prophetic vessels, to be at peace with themselves. We include ourselves in “…being at peace with all men.” Many are not.

This is the place where many in the Body of Christ are continuously in a holding pattern. Understanding a holding pattern is easily understood when we think of an airline on a runway waiting for clearance to take off. Holding patterns are places where many believers find their greatest experiences of frustration. These “holding patterns” are not always the will of God, but are self-inflicted “holding patterns.” Rather than painfully judging one’s self, they push it off on “the Lord’s doing something in my life” or the “dealings of the Lord.” Since 2008, the timing for the next season may be now. We “revolve” or continuously circle around our mountains or “sins” and call it a “desert season.” However, like the Israelites, the Lord will allow our revolving around our mountain until we resolve our mountain.

One Saturday afternoon, my wife and daughter were in the backyard when they noticed a beautiful bald eagle being harassed by several crows. They reported that the crows were essentially chasing the bald eagle away. I heard the commotion but did not see the event. Out of wanting to see this event personally, I asked the Lord to show that to me because I believed the Lord was saying something through this.

A week later, my daughter and I were at my son’s track meet when we heard a loud commotion in the sky. We looked up and noticed a half dozen or so crows chasing off a bald eagle. The Lord was answering my prayer. Frankly, the crows looked like tiny birds compared to the bald eagle. At that moment, the Lord confirmed to me what I believed I was understanding about that scene:

My prophetic voices in the earth are like the great bald eagle. I have empowered them with strength in their wings to ascend to the highest places in Me. Their wings are designed to reside in My highest realms. The power they carry within them is so sufficient, so extraordinary, the patterns of this world and the kingdom of darkness is merely like harassing crows. At any moment the bald eagle could turn around and drive off or destroy the assignments of the crows. What My people have yet to resolve is themselves in Me.

My people will flee like the bald eagle, rather than stand strong in Me. It is easier for them to revolve their old cycle than to resolve who I am and what I promised I would do. My people are faced with their finest hour. My glory stands at the door for those who choose to resolve Me in their lives, who choose to resolve my Word in their hearts and who resolve that which I have spoken through My prophets. Arise My people, your finest hour is here. You must resolve Me in your heart, and you must dissolve your flesh and your carnality in Me.

Let all of God’s people, Arise! for He is a rising God. Don’t focus on the enemy who may come in like a flood. Your God promises He will raise up a standard against him (Is. 59:19). When your God arises, He arises big! He arises powerfully! Gloriously! and always on time. He spoke the universe into existence and it continues to expand because He never ordered it to stop. When your Lord commands you to arise, you are never to stop arising because He never commanded you to stop. NOW ARISE!!

Pastor Vince Morales

Revival Life Northwest

Bellevue, WA

The Dead Raising Team

In the Spirit of Revelation 19:10, "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

I've written about the Dead Raising Team (the DRT) in the past. This is another description of them and their work.

This is our heritage here in the Pacific Northwest. If "healing is the children's bread," then resurrection from the dead is the children's meat and potatoes.

Please pray for the Dead Raising Team: more opportunities, more resurrections, more boldness. We need more of this in the church, and in our region!

If you have difficulty playing this clip, click on the title ("The Dead Raising Team").

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Keeping Up With the Horses

Jeremiah 12:5
"If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you,
Then how can you contend with horses?
And if in the land of peace,
In which you trusted, they wearied you,
Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?

This is an interesting challenge that I believe God is speaking to His church right now. “You think you’re tired now? What are you going to do when the pace picks up? He’s been saying this for the past couple of years.
And now the pace is picking up. If we were content to jog along in the back of the pack, maybe also in the back pew, not pressing very hard into “God things”, then we’re discovering that isn’t working as well as it used to. I expect we’ll find the back rows of the church becoming more sparsely populated as their usual inhabitants can no longer keep up and fall away.
But the Denizens Of The Back Pew aren’t typically readers of blogs, particularly blogs like this one whose purpose is to challenge the status quo. Readers of this type of blog are more likely to be followers of Christ who are intentional and pressing forward in their relationship with God.
Believers who take the position of, “I want more in God,” tend to be among leaders of this race that we’re running with the footmen. And if the pace of the race is picking up, if the pacesetters are no longer soldiers but horses, then what will happen to those runners who were not falling behind? What will happen to the leaders of the pack?
What do we do? An examination of this passage reveals some answers.
First, the terms are military: “footmen” refers to solders on foot, and they only ran to the battle they looked forward to winning (a different verb was used of fleeing from a defeat). The run to the fight is indeed capable of wearying us, though it does not need to; by running regularly, with discipline and passion, we can keep up with the footmen. That’s valuable when we’re running with the footmen – as we have been, but not as valuable when the horses come onto the battlefield – as is beginning to happen now.
But the assumption is that after running with footmen for a while, we will run next with horses, or more precisely, we will “contend with horses.” Horses, while valuable other uses, were primarily tools of war, in this era, nearly always pulling chariots, so the image is still one of warfare.
But the verb Jeremiah chose is not about “keeping up with” the war horses and their implied chariots; it’s about contending with them. The Hebrew word charah is a primitive root, speaking of passion, jealousy, anger; it’s related to an Aramaic root word meaning “to cause fire to burn
Let’s just be bold and come right out and say it: our pace is picking up. It used to be that we could keep our place in the race by running with a certain level of exertion, and it isn’t working any more. We’re running just as hard, but we’re falling behind.
The solution is not about running harder. There is benefit in running harder when the pace is slower, when the pace-setters are foot soldiers. When the battle horses come onto the field, it’s not about running harder, it’s about charah: it’s about passion, anger, burning.
In this phase of the race, running harder won’t help. Passion is the only thing that will get us through this season, passion for the Man Jesus, for our relationship with Him, passion for the battle we’re facing, for the people who will be the spoils of war for one side or the other. Passion, fire in our soul, is the solution in this season we’re entering.
In traditional Hebrew fashion, the question is asked twice, using two different metaphors:
· If you’re getting weary just running with the footmen, what will happen when you need to contend with horses?
· If you’ve gotten weary in a land of peace (in which you’ve trusted), then how will you do in the floodplain of Jordan?
The phrase “floodplain of the Jordan” is interesting, particularly as we’re heading toward that place, away from the land of peace that we’ve become comfortable with. In the Hebrew, “floodplain” is a the metaphorical translation of the KJV and NKJV, while NIV and RSV translate “thickets”. The original word references “majesty” and “splendor.”
Both speak of abundance, of increase. The region around the Jordan was thick with growth, nearly a jungle compared with the rest of the land, and the reason was the water of the Jordan. So the figure of speech “floodplain of the Jordan” is talking about a season of fruitfulness, of increase, of abundance: an increase of the River, an increase in growth, an increase of harvest.
It might be worth noting that the increased growth around the river also provided cover for predators: lions particularly were known to hide in the cover there. Where there is an increase of harvest, there is often an increase of predators.
The point is this: “If you have been caught up in the crises of the land of peace, what will you do when I begin pouring out more of my river, when you enter the season of fruitfulness?”
It’s easy enough to be caught up with the stuff of life. We have challenges from information overload, from on-line distractions, from provocations coming from landlords, co-workers, other drivers. It’s easy to become overloaded in the drama of this season of running with the foot soldiers.
The fact that it’s foot soldiers we’re running with should help give us perspective: this isn’t about my comfort: we’re running to a battle. I need to be prepared for that battle, my attention needs to be on eternity in order to not be caught up in order to not be wearied in this race. I must “fix my eyes on Jesus” (Hebrews 12:1-2) and run with the discipline of a single focus to keep up with the soldiers. That season was marked by “Just keep on running. Just keep running.”
But with the increased pace of the war horses, there comes an entirely different focus. This season is being marked by an increase of the River among us, and by an increase of growth and of harvest. In this season, we’re beginning to experience the outpouring of God and the ingathering of the lost that we’ve been praying for during the years and decades of “just keep running.”
This is what we’ve been praying for, what we’ve sacrificed for, what we’ve been waiting for! But now that God is answering those prayers, things are different than they once were. The water is higher. The undergrowth is thicker. There’s life sprouting up all over the place, whether in healings, in people coming to (or back to) faith, or in unbelievers being open to hearing the gospel of life.
But there are lions hiding in these bushes as well, still roaring, still seeking someone to devour. If not you, then some of the new believers, some of the people who have been recently healed, some of the folks asking questions now.
We’ll be sustained in this battle by the fire of passion. Discipline – which was so valuable before – is of less value now; its place is perhaps a safety net: if passion falters, then we’re not completely destroyed. But the successful warfare strategy will be to develop a burning heart, to fan the spark of our love for God and for His people into a flame and nurture it into a bonfire. In the wild, have you noticed how a campfire always draws the people around it, but the wild animals are driven away from it in fear?

Northwest Prophetic,

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Spectacular Dead Raising Testimonies

In the Spirit of Revelation 19:10, "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

This is the most amazing testimony I've ever heard. I know the two men giving the testimony, and I know them to be trustworthy witnesses, so I have to believe them.

Both of the men in the recording are part of the greater Pacific NW: both are from northern California. (Yes, northern California is part of the greater "northwest" region; so is Vancouver, BC!)

These stories illustrate how the spiritual warfare is going in Muslim nations: the spirit behind Islam is terrified of the Spirit of God, but the boldness of the Christians in their testimony, in their reliance on miracles, means the gospel is growing at a record pace in the heart of the Muslim world.

There are three testimonies in this audio recording. The first two are overwhelming and hard to miss. The third is just as significant, just as miraculous, though it's easy to overlook: 90,000 believers turned out for The Call in Indonesia, the largest Muslim nation, one of the most aggressively Muslim nations on Earth. For those of you who know what's been going on in Indonesia, this is stunning.

If you have difficulty playing this clip, click on the title ("Spectacular Dead Raising Testimonies"). Note that there is no video; this is an audio clip.

Testifying: Dan McCollam, from The Mission, sharing with Bill Johnson of Bethel Church. Also available on YouTube.

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Elisha Rising—What Do You Have that the Next Generation Needs?

By Denny Cline

Remember the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal? What an amazing encounter and kingdom confrontation. It was clearly one of Elijah's most memorable feats and what many see as the high point of his ministry. Yet, when John the Baptist comes on the scene as a forerunner to the ministry of Jesus, he was said to have come in the spirit of Elijah. What was the purpose? It was to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. This turning was seen as essential to the release of the ministry of Jesus Christ who would both teach and demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

After his great victory at Mount Carmel, Elijah experienced a demonic attack, sending him running in fear and despair to a cave with a death threat over his life. In his state of mind, Elijah felt alone, finished and hopeless. But God finally opened his heart to see that the most important influence he would have was yet to come. Elijah would then go on to form four schools of the prophets, and in particular, mentor a young man named Elisha. I believe this story represents something very important for the Church—the Body of Christ today. Jesus is leading many sons and daughters to glory as it says in Hebrews 2:10, and He is doing it in partnership with fathers and mothers in the faith who have been experiencing the glory of God in this present generation.

The Ministry of Elijah and the Ministry of Elisha

More was accomplished by Elijah pouring into the next generation than his own personal ministry exploits had recorded. So too, will more be accomplished by fathers and mothers in the Church by pouring into the next generation—helping them step into their calling with wisdom, support, and loving relationships to fall back on.

In this day and age of so much "fatherlessness" it is ever so crucial for the Church not to mirror our modern-day culture in this regard. So, here are some questions we must ask:

• What are some of the things we can do to help young leaders emerge and succeed?

• Is the Body of Christ aware of how many young leaders are already stepping into their callings with a great deal to offer now—not just in the future?

• Are we ready to put our money and time where we say our hearts are?

• Do we realize what a double portion really represents?

Although both Elijah and Elisha worked signs and wonders, Elisha was more prolific. Further, Jehu, a spiritual son of Elijah's ministry, brought down Jezebel—something Elijah was unable to do on his own. By the time Elisha came on the scene many other prophets were rising up into their callings—unlike Elijah, who was recorded as feeling all alone (although, in fact, he wasn't), showing us just how few relationships there were between Elijah and his contemporaries.

This was not so by the time Elisha received the mantle of Elijah and began to move in power and influence in the nation. Elisha was the most prominent of the spiritual sons of Elijah, and we notice that when Elijah was taken up, Elisha and many of the other prophets who received mentoring in Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and Jordan seemed to know each other. Elisha was clearly respected and already recognized as a leader in his generation—moving quickly into a ministry which carried double the miraculous power of Elijah.

I would liken the ministry of Elijah to that of John the Baptist, and the ministry of Elisha to that of Jesus. And it is the ministry of Jesus that we are really after—isn't it? There will always be a need for the forerunner ministry to call people to the next level. But as much as we love, thank God for, and honor the ministries of the saints of the past, we need to reach for the ministry of Jesus in His Body—in the fullness of redemptive character and power today. The entire earth is groaning in anticipation to see this type of ministry in the sons and daughters of God.

We can talk all about the next generation and tell them what they should become until we are blue in the face, but unless we commit ourselves to them and the cause that faces them today (not in the future), they will continue to be held back—or like many of us, try it alone. It's a long, lonely journey without fathers and mothers in the Church who really love and are committed to help you rise up into your calling. I am not suggesting this is not going on now to some degree, but I do believe it is certainly a now priority.

Tell the Youth "Elijah has Come"

I had a spiritual encounter in Germany while doing a conference with Steve Shultz for the first German ElijahList Ministries conference in 2005. My wife Ann and I were resting between sessions on Saturday afternoon. She was reading and I was soaking to worship music in our little room. Suddenly I sat straight up in bed thinking I had just awakened, and said, "Why did you wake me up?" Ann's response was, "I didn't wake you up." And then suddenly the vision I was in came right back at and into me. In the vision a man walked up to me and said, "Tell the youth, 'Elijah has come!'" It exploded in my spirit, awakening something within me.

I had no idea what this could mean at the time and asked Stacey Campbell that afternoon. She said, "Well, the Bible indicates he has come, and he will come. But I am not sure either." Over the next couple of years I watched young men and women intentionally looking and asking for mentoring—father and mother-type relationships in the Body of Christ. They want what Elisha had—relationship with those who have experience in their calling to help them step up and into theirs. They honor and want the experience of mothers and fathers.

They also want to go further than we have gone—but not without a safety net. It's amazing to me the quality and heart of these young leaders—not just their giftedness, which is also incredible. One of the saddest messages I ever saw was on the back of an RV. It said, "We are Spending our Kid's Inheritance!" How heartbreaking and unbiblical. Parents are to lay up for their children—not the other way around.

Freely You Have Received, Freely Give

My prayer for this year and the next few years is this: I pray that fathers and mothers will recognize the emerging leaders in the Body of Christ and reach out to them like Elijah did to Elisha.

Elijah made a commitment to help Elisha rise up into his calling, and Elisha stuck close to Elijah for as long as he could—serving, gleaning, and ministering alongside of him—and then received a double portion. It's time for the next generation to rise up and begin to step into their inheritance. If we do it right, perhaps they will do the same for the next generation. Sadly, Elisha did not. The result was his anointing went to the grave with him instead of being imparted to the next generation. Each generation has its own particular calling and anointing—but the next one needs what the former has.

What do you have that the next generation needs? Is it wisdom in business, a prophetic mantle, gifts of worship or a deep understanding of the Kingdom, etc.? Whatever it is, give it away and insure that it will multiply until we see the fullness of Jesus in His Body.

Denny Cline, Senior Leader
Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Albany

Don't Give Up! (A word to the Northwest)

By Ramona Wallace

Brothers and Sisters of the Northwest,

It’s time to cross Jordan into the promises God has given us, and I have begun to see an attack that I did not recognize at first.

Today I felt so discouraged. I felt there was no hope and I would never walk into the promises God has given me. I felt like giving up entirely, UNTIL God opened my eyes to what was taking place in the spirit.

I saw full scale attack against those getting ready to walk fully into their promises given by God throughout our region. I saw demons like snakes, gathering around individuals. They were hissing and lying and showing false things as though they were real. People COULD NOT SEE what was really taking place because the enemy was so in their face with these lies and mirages.

Amazingly enough I saw the angels lined up to the side with their arms crossed just looking on, and God in heaven, His arms crossed as well, just looking on, BUT with a proud look on His face as He watched us in this region. I thought, WHY ISN’T GOD DOING SOMETHING? WHY AREN'T THE ANGELS DOING ANYTHING TO DEFEND OR DEFLECT? THEN I heard God's thoughts: "THIS is a part of their (our) crossing Jordan. Will they believe what the enemy spews at them, or will they choose to believe the truth of what I (God) have already said? Their faith in ME and what I HAVE said is what will get them across Jordan and fully into the promises I have given them."

One at a time I watched as these men and woman under severe assault CHOSE to believe what God said, above what the enemy was saying and showing. AS THEY CHOSE to believe, I saw true peace and rest permeate them and the area around them. The enemy/snakes, slithered away defeated, in silence.

I see that the Northwest is gearing up for something so amazing that God has refrained from revealing even a small portion of the whole picture of what He intends to do here. MANY of us have been stuck in a neutral like position in the spirit. We have wondered if we would ever be able to move forward into what God has promised us. But I see God getting ready to release many of us from the neutral position to full speed, in the blink of an eye. We are like roadrunners (like in the cartoon...built for speed in the spirit), but God has been holding us back for the right moment of release! I see massive release straight ahead in this whole region.

So where are your eyes? What are you CHOOSING to see and believe? Are you choosing to believe what God has said, OR what the enemy is saying right now?

I challenge my Brothers and Sisters of the Northwest: Choose to BELIEVE what God HAS said, and you will make it through with flying colors, and the enemy’s assault will fall powerless to the ground!

Are you in a holding pattern, held back? Believe and TRUST! You are right on the verge of being shifted from neutral to FULL, ALL OUT POWER!


By Ramona Wallace June 4th 2009

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Winds of Heaven Prophecy for Washington State

This is a video clip of a significant prophetic word from my friend Timothy Johnson, who leads Latter Glory in Moses Lake. It was sent to me by some mutual friends. They sent it to me to encourage and confirm the things that the Lord has been stirring in my spirit.

I believe that you all have been feeling the excitement of what He is about to burst as well. I have included the link. It's a bit of a long message. Even if you listen to the first quarter of it you will get the picture of what God is echoing in our atmosphere right now.

If you are unable to load this video, click on the title (Winds of Heaven Prophecy for Washington State) at the top of this page.

From Timothy Johnson, Latter Glory. May 23, 2009

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