Marriages Under Attack

This word is not specifically for or about the Northwest region, but I recognize the issues that it addresses in our region. I have seen too many of these attacks in our region, among our warriors, our brothers & sisters.

Last summer, the Lord revealed that a demonic floodgate had been opened and many marriages would be assaulted and destroyed if we did not rise and fight. He said that many would easily give up on relationships. I was made aware by the Lord that the bar had now been lowered on covenant relationships, specifically marriage relationships. There are many reasons for this that I will not touch on right now, except to say that every individual's choices affect the whole Body and ultimately influences the spiritual climate of the entire world.

We are in a massive battle for marriage and family, and we must win. People are hurting. Children are hurting. The Body is hurting. Marriage failures are love failures and love failures hurt everyone involved. Love is to be our greatest aim. We must fight for love's sake. We must raise the bar again.

I am not suggesting that there are not legitimate terms for separation and divorce. If someone is not safe in a marriage due to the level of abuse and maltreatment or painful marital unfaithfulness, then it is often important for them to find a place of safety in order for healing and alignment to take place. Sometimes such a separation is temporary but, unfortunately, sometimes it requires a permanent decision.

With this in mind, I say, in great sobriety, that too many are jumping ship instead of fighting the love war. Too many are breaking covenant not only in marriage but in family, friendships, and in the Body of Christ. Large battles bring large victories when finally won, and we CAN win if we persist in love and faith. God always leads us in triumph; love never fails (see 2 Corinthians 2:14 and 1 Corinthians 13:8). Love is not selfish but always fights for the freedom and well-being of another. Love lays itself down for others.

Fight with Love as a Weapon

I have seen individuals in very difficult situations in their marriages. These scenarios affected their emotional and sometimes even their physical well-being. Instead of jumping ship, they decided to fight with love as their weapon. They humbled themselves and found a safe place to stand in Christ. In faith and humility, they went to war with LOVE.

Their situation did not change right away, but they did. They were committed to their marriage vows: for better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health. They have a depth of character now that I have seen in few others. It is refreshing and rare. They are believing for their spouse to come all the way through, but in the meantime they have their place to stand... to fight... to live.

Recently, I received a prophetic word in prayer when I was interceding for a particular individual who was struggling in their marriage. I believe it might be for many others who are struggling at this time. May it encourage you! Breakthrough is on its way! All things are possible to those who believe. Let us believe for miracles of restoration! I know that God never usurps a person's will, and sometimes you cannot do anything about the choices of another, but there is a place for you to stand that is safe and pure.

For those of you who fought, stood, and kept love and faith in your battle, yet did not see your partner make right choices that provided restoration, I want to bless you and commend you for your walk. A reward of honor is yours. Wear it well. Even though you might not have seen a victorious outcome in the marriage itself, you are victorious in your journey in Christ. Move on and experience the goodness of the Lord as He leads you in new beginnings.

Word From the Lord for Those in Marriage Battles

The word of the Lord is for you to pass all your love tests in this season. This is your time to sow love, and you WILL reap...beyond your wildest dreams. This is your personal opportunity to go deep into understanding "love" as Jesus loved.

This is your time to find your place to stand in Christ and live in the heavenly realm that He pours out around you – the realm that you will be hidden in, the realm that you will be safe in, the realm in which you will find your protection, provision, and covering. This realm IS Christ and He is all you need.

During this season, you will be perfected in love and in faith. Do not allow love or faith to weaken, but strengthen that which remains. Love perfectly now. Sow love bountifully now and you will reap bountifully, and you will be loved perfectly by MANY, not just a few, in the days to come.

Right now you see through a glass dimly, but soon you will see clearly. A day will come when you will fully understand. In that day, you will rejoice in the goodness of your God and thank Him for the way He has led you.

Patricia King
Extreme Prophetic Ministries


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Kim Clement from Seattle, WA, April 4, 2009

4/4/2009 From Seattle, WA April 4, 2009

America is on the verge of a change, America is on the doorstep. A brand new door is about to open for this nation, a door we never expected. We are on the verge of something. People have not seen it. Men have cried, men have complained. But God said, while they are complaining and while there is blindness in the church and blindness from the people, I am already calling you, “come up here, come up here, come up here to a higher place, and I will show you the things that will take place after t

For the Spirit of the Lord says there shall be a sign that I will send to you, says the Spirit, there will be a sign in the heavens. It will look and it shall be likened unto a woman that is about to give birth, that she is in labor. For God said, there shall be a sign, for even in the Book of Revelation, even as I said there was a sign in the heavens, so in this nation I shall bring a sign in the heavens. And it shall look as if it is a woman, it shall be as a woman that is in labor and about to give birth, says the Spirit of God, to a son.

For God said, there is a birth taking place. And America is suffering the labor pains, America is suffering the last hours before the birth of this child. Did you not know that during your labor, did you not know during your pain that there will be something birthed, says the Spirit of the Living God. It’s about to be born. It’s about to be born for this nation, a move of My Spirit that shall shake the church, that shall shake the gates of the cities. Listen to the Word of the Lord. It’s about to be born, your travail must come to an end, says the Lord!

We’ve heard all the best and the greatest sermons, knowledge has been divided where men have begun to regurgitate for too much knowledge. The Spirit of God said, let the Spirit speak, let the Spirit bring visions. Let the Spirit bring dreams, let the Spirit bring trances, and let them put you in trances that you may see and that you may dream the dreams of God and not have the nightmares of Satan. For God said there have been too many nightmares and there has been too much fear and this has come from the dispersing that has come from a chest that has been opened up by the powers of hell.

But yet God said there is a treasure chest that is about to be opened up, and a provision that will come to this nation which people will say “it is impossible.” Some will even say “it is evil.” But God says, fear not, for the shaking that you are about to experience is coming because this that you have been laboring is a child that is about to be born, a move of the Spirit that is about to be birthed. Even as you have fasted and you have prayed and you have called out to God, and you have said, where is the God of Elijah, where is the God of Elijah? God said, even as Elisha stood at the water and he struck it and said, where is the God of Elijah, so God says, I will show you the God of Elijah, I will show you the God of Daniel. I will show you the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I will show you the God of Ezekiel, I will show you the God of Elijah. I will show you the God of Moses. I will show you the God of Enoch who walked with God, I will show you Him!

Yes I will, says the Spirit of God. I will show you Him. I will show you the same visions that Ezekiel had, I will show you the wheel in the middle of the wheel. I will show the same that Jeremiah saw as he saw a tree and he saw the budding of the branches, so I will show it to you, says the Lord. Even as Daniel saw the kingdom that would be received and the kingdom that would be obtained by the people and the saints of the Most High God, I will show you the same visions, I will show you the same dreams.

Your children, do not reject them for they are going to dream the dreams of God, and they are going to have the visions of Christ. And God says, they will wake up and they will come to your beds and they will say, “Daddy or Granddad, can you please help me. I saw something.” For even as Samuel stood and he was before the presence of Eli, and God spoke to him, so I will speak to your children in the presence of evil. I will speak to your children in the presence of religion. I will speak to your children, says the Lord, for it is only the children that can bring about this thing, says the Lord!

Listen America, listen to the child that is about to be born. Listen to the sound of this child, for even as God says, and even as people have said “we cannot take it anymore, the church is redundant, the church no longer has the life that is had.” Do not be fooled, God said, for that which is invisible I am going to make visible. That which is unseen I am going to make seen. That which has been in the womb is going to come forth and be shown to you, says the Lord. So that pride will be given back to the church, so that joy will be given back to the church.

God said, let the prophet prophesy tonight. Let the dead bones in the valley come to life. Let the dead bones of your children come to life. Let the dead bones of your family come to life as you prophesy, says the Lord.

Look at the sign that is coming in the sky. For God said would you call for God to show you? For is it not told, says the Spirit of God, that this woman that brought and gave birth to this child is likened unto a generation, the bride of Christ that gives birth to this great move, this end time move, men have cried out for it. In the early 17th century they saw your day. In the early 1800’s they saw your day and prayed for it. Abraham saw your day and prayed for this day. Daniel saw this day and he prayed for it. For the Spirit of God said, David saw this day and sang for it. Everyone saw this day, even as early as the early century they saw this day and said “what day is this that the earth would yield its produce to the sons of men? What is this day that even the earth will save the woman that has run away as a flood has come and spewed out of the mouth of the serpent?”

So the Spirit of God says, it is so and it is this day that I speak of for many don’t understand that there has been a war in the heavens for the United States of America. There has been a war in the heavens for these United States. Do you understand that this is not a battle against the economy? This is not a battle against a Democrat or Republican. This is not a battle against a ruler. This is a battle that has been taking place in the heavens, but God said I have expelled those that have tried to interpret incorrectly and I’ve taken them out of the heavens and expelled them to the earth. For the Spirit of God says, this generation, you that have birthed this child, and about to give birth to this move of the Spirit, Satan shall chase after you, but God said, I will give you two wings. I will give you the wings of eagles so that you will be taken to a place that I have kept just for you, says the Lord. I will take you to a place that I have kept just for you. I will give you two wings, the wings of eagles says the Spirit of God, and you shall be carried to a place of safety while the enemy tries to find you, and you will not be able to find this generation and they will not be able to destroy the child.

When the child is born, he will immediately try to kill this move. When this movement is born, he will immediately try to kill it, just like they tried to kill Christ when he was born, just like they tried to kill Moses when a deliverer was about to come forth. This movement is a movement of deliverance, says the Lord, this movement is a movement of deliverance. But I will deliver the earth from the curse. And God said, I will do exactly what I said. He said, for even as I spoke in Exodus 23, and I said these words: if they would just hearken unto my voice, if they would just hearken unto my voice, God said, and they would obey my voice, there shall be no sickness. I will take sickness from amongst you. I did not say that you will not be sick. I said I will take sickness from amongst you, I will take it out. There shall be no more miscarriages, and there will be none that will be barren amongst you, says the Lord. But I will bless your hands, I will bless your womb. I will bless your businesses, I will bless your churches, says the Spirit of God.

This is a word for the United States of America. I’ve been caught up into a spirit world. I cannot move from there now. For God says, there is a sign, there is a sign that is coming from the heavens and you will see it. It is as a woman that holds a child, the child that has been born. And God said, the enemy shall say, “I must spew out of my mouth the waters so that there will be a flood, and so the flood will take this generation and take this child.” But the Spirit of God said, and hear the word of the Lord: the earth shall save the woman, the earth shall save the child, the earth shall swallow up the water and there shall be no flood of evil nor iniquity. There shall be no flood of evil nor iniquity, says the Spirit of God. They shall not take this that is about to be born and cause that to happen that happened in the previous generation and the previous move. There shall not be barrenness, there shall not be any miscarriages, there shall be no dues paid. God said there shall be no divorce, and there shall be no people that shall say it is okay to do these things. For God said this that is about to be born is one of the holiest moves of My Spirit and it shall be done with the most unholy people that are alive today, says the Lord.

America, hear the word!

I’m seeing all kinds of things, I see a spider web and I see a spider and this thing that the spider has caught, God said, is a necessity. Why? Because the Spirit of God says, this has weaved its web in the palaces, the spider has weaved its web in the palaces, says the Lord, even in the greatest of royalty in my kingdom, the chosen generation. We have found spiders and we have found cobwebs, and God said, this has to be removed. For the Spirit of God says, even as America has prayed and the people have called out, this vision that has been caught has been brought to your attention is so that you will understood something is being born, a movement is being born, and the un-holiest shall become the holiest. And those that are of much iniquity shall become the saints of the Most High God. Those who have rejected him shall fall on their knees, and they shall become as the Davids of this day.

You don’t understand that God said, I will open your eyes with the knowledge that is given tonight. The earth is crying for the manifestation of the sons of God. The earth is crying out for the manifestation of this movement that is about to be born in the United States of America, in New Zealand, in Australia, in Africa, in South Africa. God says, in England, in Scandinavia, in Greece there shall be a very unusual move.

In Italy even the Roman Catholics shall say, Abba Father, and they shall say, there is only one Christ, and they shall embrace this thing, says the Lord. For the present Pope that I have given shall be washed in the blood of Christ in a way that they have never seen before, millions and millions of Roman Catholics will cry out and they will speak with a new language with stammering lips, they will prophesy. For a prophetic movement shall come upon the Roman Catholic church and the Protestants shall say, this is not right, but God says, it shall be right, for I will join their hands together and they shall be as one and it shall come to pass. It shall come to pass that the dream of Martin Luther and the dream of those that took on Protestants and their movement, God said, they will see the joining of hands.

And God said, it shall then move into Russia, and it shall move into Indonesia. It shall move then into China. It shall move, God says, into places never dreamed of, but one place that it shall certain shake shall be the Middle East, says the Spirit of God. For the Middle shall defy the spirit of rage. It shall despise the spirit of murder and hated religion and begin to embrace the Christ who shall walk their streets.

America, you did not go there in vain to Iraq. You did not go to the Middle East in vain. I needed the soldiers’ feet to be on that soil. As I told Joshua, wherever you put your feet I will give it to you. This war was not in vain. The blood that was shed was not in vain. That blood shall cry out and Christ’s blood shall cry out in the Middle East, says the Lord!

South Korea, North Korea shall become one, says the Lord. North Korea, your President is dead, he is already dead, I have already written on the wall “mene, mene, tekel, parsin.” God said, your days are numbered, you have been counted in the balances. Therefore, Kim, it is now time now for you to face this that you have done has been iniquitous. You are no longer alive, you are a vegetable, you are brain dead. And God said, because of that, I will cause that to bring about unity in South and North Korea and the greatest move of the Spirit shall come from there.

America shall look and say, “what is this happening? We thought we could make peace through the United Nations.” Hey, what is the United Nations? It is an evil force, says the Lord, that is a stench to my nostrils. They are not what I have called. God said, my church shall arise and invade the kingdoms of this world and the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ, says the Lord!!

There is angelic visitation, you may not believe it. They didn’t believe it in Ezekiel’s day, they didn’t believe it in Isaiah’s day. They didn’t believe it when David stood and watched the angel as he spoke to God and said I would rather you slay me, but don’t slay these people. And so, the judgment, says the Lord shall be stayed, and the plague shall be stayed, says the Spirit of God. Because the David of this hour and the prophets of this hour have stood outside the cities of this nation and they have said, “God, hold back the plague, hold back the plague and save your people.”

Do not fall for this that they have said, “I will judge you and destroy you.” For God said, it shall not be so. For the movement that is about to be born shall bring holiness and bring life and sanctity and this nation shall be shaken to the core because of this night and because of what the word of the Lord has said to every one of you.

Kim Clement, prophesied April 4, 2009, Seattle, WA

To Oregon

The Lord shows your state as a sharply divided place. The lines are drawn and both sides are dug and prepared for the long haul. There is a face off and a stare down as both armies are waiting for the battle. It’s like there are equal two sides and they both are fiercely staring at each other, with weapons drawn and ready.

Then Jesus walks down the middle of the battle lines (between the two sides) and begins to have people switch sides in this battle. The scene is one where he points to people and then they go over his head and join the other army. Then he brings reinforcements in place: more angels to join his side. Suddenly the sides no longer seem so equal as the angels have tipped the balance towards one side.

Then someone asks the Lord, “Why are people changing sides?” He says, “It’s because there are many who will be saved and redeemed who are living in darkness right now. They shall join my army. On the other hand, there are many who say they are on my side yet there are not. I am just going to make sure everyone knows who is on which side of this battle, for there are people who will need to switch sides before the final battle. There are also spies who will need to be found out, for many who say they are on my side are actually not working for me. They are instead covertly working against me. They shall be exposed for who they are. For in this state, all the secret dealings will come into the light and there will be no more secrets. My angels of truth shall expose them and people shall be forced to stand up and takes sides.”

The Cities of Oregon.

The Lord then shows the city of Albany, he says that this city is ground zero for the battle. It is the epicenter where the lines are drawn between the sides. It’s like there is a picture of a city where a line of light meets a line of darkness and there is always contention between the two. It shall become a “New Albany” where my Spirit shall reign freely with no hindrances, but not without a huge struggle.

Then he highlights Grant’s Pass. This city shall be named, “Pass over,” for I will protect it and pass over it.

Portland is a gateway city. And he asks for this city to “Let the King of Glory enter in.” But in his heart he is sad about this city, for in the spirit it is a very barren place. Yet there will be patches of light which will shine through. But overall much of this city will remain in darkness. But surrounding the city will be many who worship the Lord. Their praises shall be heard.”

Bend shall be a bend in the river of the Lord.

Corvallis shall see a great light of the Lord. They shall see a sign and a wonder in the sky which will glorify the name of the Lord.

The Lord shakes his head at Eugene and says that, “This city needs to repent before me. Then I will hear their prayers.”

Medford is a Holy place, a place where the angels can go freely. And they shall be seen there. It is a also a city of Hope and a refuge from the world. I call it a “blessed place.”

Salem is a dark and barren place in the spiritual realms, and they shall have their own reward. Yet there are a few who are faithful and who are witnessing. They shall stand out in the darkness. I call for them to keep on going and remain faithful and I shall take note of them.

Oregon, the battles lines are drawn, and the battle is waiting to be fought. Yet there shall be many who change sides at the last minute. Therefore, expect this and know that I am doing a sifting of the armies, both the army of light and of darkness. Therefore be careful about who you judge.

Oregon will be a state of “Patches.” There will patches of light amidst the fog and darkness. And everything will crystallize into focus as the Lord brings about a new clarity between the light and the dark. Then the angels shall join the battle and the battle will be over before it begins. The enemy will be defeated and his forces shall be brought down and those who remain faithful shall stand victorious in the light. And they shall sing a new song and my glory shall come and cover the land.

Alan Brooks, May 27, 2008

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HEALING BREAKS OUT in Washington State

In the Spirit of Revelation 19:10, "...the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

It was an amazing, wonderful, delightful time. The amount, the power and the variety of healing surprised not just Sue and I but, I think, everyone present. We were at Generational Hope Church in Maple Valley, Washington. The pastor, the youth, the people were faith - filled and expectant.

It all began when we went to dinner the night before . We asked the Lord for a prophetic word for the waitress. The Lord told us that she was studying law at University and that she is an athlete. When we asked her if that is true, she replied that it was exactly right and then proceeded to tell us that she had seriously injured both her knees in sports. The damage to her knees was beyond repair and arthritis had come into the joints. "Do you have pain in your knees right now?" I asked. She replied that she did. Then I asked her if she would like to be completely healed right on the spot. I told her it would only take 10 seconds and that I knew that she was busy. I also told her that Sue and I travel to different parts of the world and, everywhere we go, we see people healed instantly..

She said, "OK, go ahead." At that invitation, I simply said, "God, let your love fill this woman. We totally bless and honor her." I then paused 3 seconds, and then said, "I command the cartilege and the miniscus to be completely normal and the arthritis to go in Jesus name."

I then asked her to "test it out." She moved her knees and and did different exercises..."It's gone, It's gone," she exclaimed. "The pain is gone and I can move my knees normally! How did you do this?"

"It was Jesus," I said. "He's doing this stuff all over the world. It's just that easy." Jesus delights to heal people.

Later, she returned to the table and said, "This is so wonderful. You know I've never been a church goer or particularly Christian. May I come to the church where you are having the miracle meetings and may I invite my family?"

The meetings began Wednesday AM and carried on all day and into the evening. The healing began almost immediately and flowed like a torrent of life - giving water from God's throne. It was so easy and natural. That night I couldn't even preach - there were too many healings! There were so many spontaneous healings that people lined up one after the other to testify all evening long. It was non- stop healing and testimony for the rest of the evening.

The testimonies included crippled people walking, deafness, cancerous tumors dissappearing instantaneously, fibromyalgia, whiplash injuries, carpel tunnel syndrome, bursitis, acid reflux, bowel blockage,... people weeping and sobbing at the goodness and mercy of God, Parkinson's disease, children, the elderly , some folks with hopeless conditions, all testified to God's greatness.

The leaders feel this should continue unabated so we are going back to Maple Valley in a few weeks.

What a good, good, good, kind and merciful Father we have. He is completely willing to do all these kind, merciful, wonderful, miraculous deeds all the time. I truly feel that He is much more willing to do these things than any of us realize. Thank You so much Jesus.

Love - Jesus style,
Bob and Sue
Bob Brasset Ministries

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The Transition From David To Solomon

For the past couple of decades, we've been walking in the pattern of King David.

In the late 1980s, God spoke to the church about a new generation of warriors He was raising up, and He used the young David as the model. The new warriors would be anointed by God in anonymity (1 Samuel 16:13). They would be unafraid of the enemy 17:26), and would be willing to step into the war that the generation of Saul had no heart for (17:32). They would initially be disdained by the church of the previous generation (17:28), then the church would try unsuccessfully to clothe them with the old armor, the old methods of waging the war (17:38-39). After the miraculous victories in the Name of the Lord (17:51), finally the old army pays attention (17:55), and draws them into its influence (18:2), which ends up in a sour match (18:8).

It was in this season that God raised up many young "Davids," and formed key alliances with supportive partners, "Jonathans," and brought the new warriors out of the old form of religion into a new model. While many ministries were birthed in this season, there were far more young warriors that fell from the favor of the traditional churches, and were forced by Divine strategy into the wilderness where they began to learn from God. There, they began to gather with others who were " distress... in debt, and ... discontented." (22:2)

Then in the middle of the 1990s, God was speaking of David again, this time from the story of where he brought the ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6 & 1 Chronicles 13 & 15). God taught us that the desire for His presence (the Ark) was good and right, but we must seek for His presence in His way. Jokes were made in pulpits all across the land that the use of "boards and big wheels" (the components used to make a cart, 1 Samuel 6:3) is the wrong way: that's the way of the Philistines. Uzzah (lit. "strength", speaking of man's strength) was killed when he touched the presence of God (the Ark, 6:6,7). David was angry (6:8), afraid & confused (6:9), and put off the project for months or years (1 Chronicles 14). A holy fear came on some as God judged His church.

Later, David submitted to the Law of God & brought the Ark (God's presence) into Jerusalem (the church) using the methods God had commanded (1 Chronicles 15:13), and was lavish with sacrifice (speaking of holiness, 1 Samuel 6:13) and praise (6:14). The house of Saul again expresses disdain, and is judged for it (Michal, in 6:20-23), but the power over the new warriors was broken off: never again would David be subject to the house of Saul.

During this season, the worship movement exploded across America (with Integrity Music & Vineyard Music in their prime), and the cry for holiness was heard, albeit less vigorously. And God's presence did indeed begin to come back into His church. Cities like Toronto and Brownsville became famous for God's presence, but many communities began to see His presence in less publicized outpourings.

The presence of God is hidden away in "David's Tabernacle," which was little more than a pup tent in a back bedroom or courtyard in David's palace, but God's presence is there, and David himself undoubtedly leads the band of palace employees in worship there.

Now there were two places of worship. David and his household worship in God's presence in the back bedroom. But the nation - or those who worship God - still worship at the tabernacle of Moses, which is still in operation on Shiloh's hill. They're obeying the Law there, like their fathers did before them, and God's blessing is on them. The pageantry of the priesthood and the Levites continues in full swing, and the people's offerings support that worship. Israel is obeying God when they worship at the tabernacle. But God's presence, the ark of the covenant, is now gone.

David was arguably the only historic figure who walked in all three anointed offices of prophet, priest and king, and those three ministries are being released on the church again, in the prophetic, intercessory and apostolic movements, and the Lord Himself leads the movements. David's psalmist spirit is being released again, through prophetic song or "ode pneumaticus," the "song of the Spirit."

During the recent years, much was made of the requirements needed to bring the Ark into Jerusalem, but little or nothing was said of what happened to the ark once it got there. In the past few years, God has been speaking of this: there is an established, obedient, liturgical church that is walking in obedience to what God had commanded, and they enjoy power, prestige, position and possessions. But the Ark of God's presence is no longer among them. There is no judgment on them, they are obeying God; but His presence is not among them.

God's presence is more often found in the little bands of God chasers, gathered in small storefronts, converted warehouses and living rooms, led by the Son of David Himself. These are the modern Tabernacles of David.

During those historic years, David worshiped at that little tent in his back yard, but he also worshiped "in the temple" (Psalm 27:4), though it wouldn't be actually built until David was dead and buried. David worshiped in faith, seeing with the eyes of faith that which mortal eyes wouldn't see for another generation. God is beginning to release a faith for the work that God is beginning for the next generation. With eyes of faith, some have seen His outpouring in the generation that is now in its youth. Those visionaries - like David - are beginning to prepare plans, materials and workers for the richest, most glorious outpouring of God since the angels sang to startled shepherds outside of Bethlehem two millennia ago. Many of those preparing and interceding for the outpouring will never see this house with their mortal eyes, but having seen it in faith, that's almost irrelevant: the tidal wave is coming.

This move of God's Spirit, this message, is not yet established in the Church. The preparations are not yet complete, but the waves are coming more quickly now. I believe that another wave of His Spirit is already beginning. This is not the tidal wave, the move of God that will compare to the glory of God in the completed temple, the outpouring that will bring the harvest of perhaps a billion souls in a single generation. This is merely another lesson, and not necessarily the next one, in preparation for that day which is still yet to come.

The vision is certainly not yet clear, but here are some shadows to be discerned in the approaching wave. 1 Kings 1 documents the transition of leadership from the generation of David to the generation of Solomon.

But there comes a challenge for the succession to the throne, and this is where we must now focus our attention. God's purposes call for Solomon, the son of Bathsheba, to be on the throne. But Adonijah son of Haggith ("rejoicing" or "festive") declares "I will be king" (1 Kings 1:5; see also the "I will" statements of Isaiah 14:13), and he has some claim to the title, being the eldest surviving son of David. (He is also brother to the now-dead Absalom, born from the same mother.) He sets up a coronation with a group of leaders, including some from Saul's days: Joab, the great general & traitor, and Abaithar the priest, the last priestly descendant from Eli. Notably absent are the true leaders of David's generation.

The self-coronation is revealed to the prophet Nathan, who involves Bathsheba, a picture of redemption and forgiveness, and King David himself. The plot is stopped, the right son, Solomon, is sat upon the throne (1:35), blessed (1 Kings 1:37) anointed (1:39). Adonijah repents and is spared (1:51-53) for a season. After David instructs Solomon & dies, Adonijah makes a manipulative try for the crown in the guise of proper relationship (2:13-18), but he's found out & executed (2:22, 25).

I believe that God is raising up a "Solomon generation." These will be characterized by wisdom (Solomon's great gift), by peace (the literal translation of "Solomon") inwardly if not outwardly, by God's favor (Solomon was offered something no one else has ever been, 1 Kings 3:5), and by the great outpouring of God's grace (the "tidal wave" mentioned above).

This generation is also known as the "Samuel generation," for like Samuel, God is preparing them from a very early age to move powerfully in the prophetic and to turn the tide of history. While they will not fight the wars of the older generation, they will lead an entire generation into the glory of God. Of course, they will not go unchallenged by the enemy.

When the present generation of leadership is dying off, I expect that my children's generation will be challenged for the right to shepherd the move of God. There will be some who will rise up from a background of religious obedience, or even the evangelical movement (Adonijah means "the Lord is my master"), and some from a background of the renewal movement (Haggith means "rejoicing" or "festive") to lay claim to the leadership of that generation, and indeed they will have the natural right to claim the position; and they are natural leaders. And they will augment their claim with leaders from the Saul generation, persons (formerly?) of influence in the denominational or traditional church structures. But they will not be God's choice to lead their generation.

Those chosen by God will be brushed right by, and it will seem like they never had a chance, but our generation must recognize the new leaders, and place them in the office that is being wrested from them.

It is interesting that although the attack is against the Solomon generation, it is the David Generation that must identify & overcome the enemy at this time. Our prophets must see the challenge (as Nathan did) and speak out, our pastors must cry out (as Bathsheba did), and our apostles (in the role of David) must designate and anoint the leaders whom God has chosen. They must be brought into leadership, even ahead of us, while yet God's grace is still upon our generation (the throne: 1:35), and this process must be public (1:39). The Solomons will sit on the throne, but it is our war to fight, not theirs, which will make that happen. However, the final victory over the Adonijah rebellion will be theirs.

I believe God has reason for bringing this to light now:

* Our generation will require years of preparation before we ourselves are ready to carry out our responsibilities at the end of our time of glory.

* God will anoint the new generation before the old generation is gone. (I told you the waves were coming faster now.) By that point, before we are through with our own ministry, we must have conquered the Philistines, and have handed the kingdom - and the preparations for the great temple - to the divinely chosen leaders of the next generation.

* The plans, materials and workers must be in place before the next generation is ready, or even understands the vision. We must train the children and the youth in the ways that God has given us: intercession, prophecy and apostolic leadership must be in their blood before they reach adulthood.

* We must intercede for the battle over leadership that is yet to come. A war can be turned by little effort spent before battle is joined. If comes to full combat, the cost will be much greater. We must pray for those chosen by God to be raised up instead of the natural leaders.

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