Eruption in Oregon

My children, pay attention to the wind and the waves and how unusual things will continue to be reported. Gale force winds that came out of nowhere, it will appear. This will be said in your news.

Watch for an eruption in the state of Oregon. Yes, Oregon. All has been quiet there, but freedom will arise in that state. A hold that your enemies had over you, Oregon is now broken. Watch for a scandal and a resignation to come out of the state of Oregon, a governor, yes, but there are more to follow. 

Oregon, you have not been forsaken or forgotten. Justice is coming to your state. Watch How I move across your land to heal and restore what has been stolen. What has been broken will be given back and restored. 

A sign to watch for Oregon is an earthquake. An earthquake? Yes, that will rock your enemies to their core. It will rattle the gates of hell and destroy the walls and the plans they had built up against you.

This earthquake, Oregon, will signal your release and their defeat. So do not fear when you feel the shaking beneath your feet. Know your enemies have fallen with no way to get their hold back over you. 

So rejoice, Oregon. I am moving to deliver you, and a Great Awakening has already begun but will continue to grow and intensify this year of 2022. “Freedom and justice,” you will shout and know that the Great I AM has come to deliver you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

Julie Green, Davenport, IA


Comment: Earthquakes are common in the Pacific Northwest, particularly around Oregon's underground active volcano

Note also that earthquakes and volcanoes in prophetic words are often metaphorical.