Evangelism Angels Come From Africa to California"
Power Evangelism Angel
Just before an evening session I received what I can only describe as a supernatural infusion of Kingdom Financial Strategies. As I delivered the message, the presence of a very large angel came with an anointing for businessmen and women to create finances for the Kingdom. Some refer to this as the "Joseph Anointing," which is demonstrated in Genesis 41, as Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams and gives him prophetic direction on how to prosper during an economic downturn. In many cases there were immediate responses as strategies for business and finances came in. My own ministry received an answer to prayer that night for a financial need.
The next session the angel was back, and this time nearly the entire conference was set free and healed of broken hearts and issues with wounds from authority. The session after that, the angel was present and nearly everyone there experienced a manifestation of the Holy Spirit in their body with jolts of electricity, tingling, and warmth. Dozens were physically healed that night and there were reports back the next day of supernatural turnarounds, including someone about to commit suicide who was ministered to and saved.
I had not seen this type of power for a while and I had never seen an angel like this. Whatever was needed for the people, the angel would release an anointing for an immediate response. I telephoned a friend of mine in the U.S., a prophet named Bob Jones, to ask if he was aware of an angel like this. Bob told me the angel was "Power Evangelism" and it was being assigned to me to come back to the U.S. to bring about a revival.
The Gathering Angels
That night I had a spiritual experience. I don't know if I dreamed it, was really there, or it was a vision. In this experience, I was driving down U.S. Highway 101 in California. I noticed on the side of the road that there were dozens of Cal-Trans workers (California Department of Transportation). I looked closer and I saw their faces turn into ancient African faces with eyes of blazing fire. They were busy scooping up handfuls of white balls of light from the grass. They were able to find these lights that had been overlooked and discarded by others. Then the fear of God came over me as I realized these were the angels that have been sent by God to gather in a great revival (see Luke 10:2 and Matthew 24:31). I knew that this group of angels had come from Africa to the U.S. to bring about revival.
The Power Evangelism Angel and the Gathering Angels are now in California preparing for a great move of God that will sweep the entire earth. Their focus will be on the outcasts and people that are called by God but overlooked by men. Though this particular move from God is starting in California, it will not be limited to California but will sweep the globe. Many different types of visitations and outpourings from God are happening right now all over the earth. This is just one of them.
The White Feather
Many of the prophets at the conference in South Africa were telling me that an angel has been assigned to go back with me to the U.S. for revival. Since this is so serious, I asked God for a confirmation. At the next meeting a "white feather" literally appeared in mid-air and floated down to the palm of my hand in plain view of everyone. As this happened the power of God hit the place quite strongly. I slid out of my seat and was on the floor in an Acts 10:10 trance type of experience. I saw the angel holding my hand and I began to receive a deep level of revelation that has not stopped since.
Sir Isaac Newton's Third Law of Motion and Revival
As I was leaving South Africa, I received a prophetic word from God that what is happening will be similar to Newton's Third Law of Motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." The action of the angel from South Africa being given to the United States will create a reaction in South Africa of an equal proportion and there will be a reaction in the Spirit.
There will be a revival in South Africa as well as in other parts of the world. When I got home from my trip, I had an encounter in which I was taken in the Spirit to South Africa and shown a division that God is healing. There are divine strategies being released from Heaven to help remove obstacles to unity in South Africa and around the world. Unity among Christians will be a key to sustaining any revival or move of God.
How to Respond
I was really reluctant to release this article. I am not saying this will have the same level of impact as previous moves of God or that my ministry has an exclusive right to what is happening. I do feel that I must tell people about what I experienced and begin to impart this as much as possible. In the past I have actually downplayed many of my supernatural encounters because I don't like sensationalism, but this one is significant. As I got home and began to do research on the internet, I saw several other ministries release articles on angelic encounters they had over the past few days. I have been saying for years that we are sitting on one of the biggest revivals in Church history.
What I noticed is this: As these angels and the anointing they bring are released, they take what we already have to a new level. So I encourage you to begin to ask God for more of what He has called you to do. Begin to step out and use your gifts right now. Ask God to give you opportunities to share His love. Watch, as you will begin to see more supernatural signs and manifestations of the Holy Spirit as this is released.
"He (Jesus) told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.'"—Luke 10:2
Doug Addison
InLight Connection via Elijah List
About Doug Addison: Doug and his wife, Linda, are founders of InLight Connection located in Santa Maria, California. Doug is a stand-up comedian who teaches courses on finding your destiny, hearing God, dreams and visions, and understanding the supernatural. Doug also trains and leads Dream Team and Prophetic/Power Evangelism outreaches throughout the United States and around the world. Doug's passion is to reach people who don't know God's love. Doug has been a pastor and church planter and is the author of the book, Prophecy, Dreams, and Evangelism.
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This is Personal
I heard the Holy Spirit say this, "What I am doing, I am not doing because you have prayed perfectly right. What I am doing, I am not doing because you have prayed long enough. I heard the enemy boast that the Northwest is his. This is personal. I am going to pour out the light of MY Glory over the Northwest and the darkness will flee from before My presence. It isn't later it's now." He kept saying this over and over.
He said, " The wars in the heavenlies are not fought over wealth or land; they are fought over the souls of men. People are the prize! All those who call on My name will be saved. I have stirred Myself up as a man of war, and with my own right arm and My upraised right hand I will bring vengeance against the enemy."
I asked, "Lord do you mean “now” now or Your now? He said, "When you see something happen with your natural eyes you say the time is "now." I say the time is now when I declare it's now."
Heads Up
Saw a picture of the enemy standing right in front of us, so close that He can't be seen around. He is spewing things, like, it's never gonna come, this is going to take forever, you must endure these assualts.......forever. His goal is to make us give up hope, focus on now, and what is in front of our faces. He is wanting us to take things in our own hands or sit down so we are not ready when God shows up.
I saw that if we would push the enemy out of our way we would see the Lord right behind Him. That the pouring out that has been spoken of over and over is wth Him. That it is not a movement, or a day, of excitement, but it is a permanent outpouring.
If we would push the enemy out of our eyesight, we would break into rejoicing with what we see. We wouldn't be able to help but rejoice, because the presence of the Lord is so near.
Those on the outside looking in can see it, we are so close that we can't see it, unless we push what is standing in our vision to the side.
Isaiah 66:8-9,14
8 Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things?
Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment?
Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.
9 Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD.
"Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God.
14 When you see this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like grass;
the hand of the LORD will be made known to his servants, but his fury will be shown to his foes.
Alena Miles
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Olympia: Summer’s Outreaches & Recent Testimonies
As you may know these ministry outreaches have changed the lives of many. Daniel 12:3 “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”
I know of no other way to reach the amount of people that we are able to reach in a day than by joining with a community event where great numbers of people will be gathered. Isaiah 65 says the Lord is found by those who are not even looking for Him. We have found this to be true.
A good example is the family that came to Lakefair not knowing we would be there.
Seeing the sign for a Free Encouraging Word stopped. The first one after receiving her word left encouraged and tearful. She returned with a sister, then an aunt, then the mother, who brought grandma, then the niece and her daughter. As a result of the words given to this large family storms were survived over the next 3 years because of what the “Ladies in the Park” told them. Not only that but one of them was completely set free from irrational fears and her 3 year old daughter was healed from something the doctors did not know how to.
Then there is the young man who woke up with the thought that he was going to have a spiritual experience this day. He didn't know where to find it. So he headed to Lakefair thinking this is where he would find it. He comes to the Free Encouraging Words tent where the team not only gave him a Word from the Lord but led him to a saving knowledge of Jesus. He left a grateful man.
Thank you for your past support and looking forward to the many souls Jesus wants to save through us this summer outreach season.
D.I.S.I.RE Ministries
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The Potential Power of the Pacific Northwest
It would be easy to parallel the power held within a volcano as that meant for destruction, but I believe this is more in correlation with the potential of the power of God in individual churches, communities, and cities.
So when I mention volcanoes, I believe you could replace that word with any appropriate city, church, or even individual.
The Ring of Fire
The Pacific Northwest if part of a geological circle known as the Ring of Fire, where many active volcanoes are located. I believe this name to be prophetic nature for the region. The fire of the Holy Spirit is just awaiting to be loosed, much like Jeremiah prophesied that the Word of the Lord was like fire shut up in his bones (Jeremiah 20:9).
At one time, there was no doubt that these mountains were alive, releasing molten rock and changing the landscape around them. But now, years after their initial “eruptions,” these mountains lie dormant, or asleep, iced over and covered in snow; their mouths are now shut and closed off.
Rumbles of Revival
Even though these volcanoes may look asleep, they are very much alive on the inside. Once the pressure reaches a certain level, the mountain will then explode to action, shaking and quaking everything around it.
There have been major eruptions, or revivals if you will, in these mountains. Consider Mt. St. Helens and most recently Mt. Redoubt (whose name suggests another prophetic message all in itself. Let us not “doubt again” the power of the Holy Spirit and His capabilities in this region.)
What Does This Mean?
Churches and individuals in the Pacific Northwest have great potential to move in the power of God in these days. It is time now to pray for visitation, just as God did with Mt. Sinai, whose mountain probably looked very much like a volcano. The clouds of glory and the flames of the Holy Spirit can manifest once again with signs and wonders following those who believe. There is such a hunger for the things of God, and this region is ripe for the harvest!
As everything that can be shaken will be shaken, it is a great opportunity for the Church in the Northwest to manifest in power and display the glory of the Lord in a new and powerful way.
May 5, 2009, AJ Coulterhttp://secretsofthelord.wordpress.com/
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The Prophetic Word That Saved My Life!
A testimony of a prophetic word to Pastor Rick Thale,
given by James Berkley of the Elijah Commission, August 26, 1999.
By Pastor Rick Thale
On August 26, 1999 James Berkley came to our Church to release God’s gifts of prophecy, teaching, and worship. My wife, Kate, and I received a prophetic word from James that went as follows:
"The enemy is going to attack you not for the first time but the second time. Do not worry, the Lord God will protect you and raise you up even before the attack can get started. This will take place in 3 months time."
There were more words that night but this one in particular caught my eye, so I watched for it. I had no idea what to expect. I did know from scripture that I did not have to fear. The Bible example came to me of Jesus prophesying to Peter in John 21:18 saying,
"Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish."
The key word for Peter here is "When you are old". When the Sanhedrin imprisoned Peter threatening his life, he had a prophetic word from Jesus which gave him great courage. "When you are old", Peter was not yet old! Paul tells us in 1 Tim 1:18 to "wage a good warfare", "according to the prophecies previously made concerning us". Therefore, when Peter realized he was not yet "old" as Jesus had prophesied, he had faith and confidence to overcome! Hallelujah!
Back to my story. I was sitting in my bedroom on a Tuesday night at around 11:30PM. I was in the midst of some strife over an issue in my life. All of a sudden, I felt as if an arrow had been shot into the back of my thrown. The next day, as I had done so many times before, I went to work not feeling well. I thought I would just work off the sickness and move on with life. Well it did not turn out that way this time! I was worse than ever. I then took off work.
I was going to go deer hunting with a good friend and if I missed work I thought I would not be able to go hunting so off I went. Well on Thursday I went hunting but man was I ever miserable. I was useless! I sat in the truck uncomfortable and horribly sick. I knew I had to push my way through this because I had such a full schedule for the weekend.
I had scheduled a 3-day Motorcycle class for the weekend which cost $50.00 several months earlier. To miss the class would force me have to reschedule and that would be months later. My schedule was too jammed to do that. I attended the whole thing! I attended the Friday night book session. Saturday, I barely survived the riding portion.
The trial was not over here because I had to do a Church Service on Saturday night. Boy, did my dear friends let me know how horrible I looked! Many prayed for me but to no avail. I was already in a full-blown attack. Sunday came early and off I went to complete the skills and testing, I finished at around 3:00 on Sunday.
Going home, I went straight to bed! I had a fever and was breathing very shallow. I had to put pillows under me to sit up all night to be able to breath. The next morning, on November 20, I told my wife I had better go to the Doctor’s office. By this time, things were progressively worsening. By this time, I was breathing 165 breaths per minute. When I arrived at the doctors office, they sent me straight to the emergency room at Black Hills Medical Center in Olympia. Man did the doctors and nurses flew into action. I was admitted right into ICU. I had an oxygen mask on and the doctors were desperately trying to figure out what was wrong with me.
Wednesday morning at 3:35AM, things worsened. My wife, Kate, who was at my bedside, could see I was going away. She hit the button for help as I took her hand. I looked her in the eyes and said, "Remember the word from James Berkley? We are walking through it right now" I then passed into a coma.
For days, I was in a deep coma. The doctors could not figure out what was going on. Then they found I had a blood staph infection. They told my wife it was at a high enough level to end my life. On top of that, they found I had full-blown pneumonia in both lungs, both upper and lower. The oxygen deprivation to my brain had now been eleven hours. The doctors prognosis to my wife was I would not make it, and if I did there would be months and months of restoration to motor skills, learning to talk and walk and such. The doctors had move quickly so they started by suctioning my lungs. Later the doctors told me only 5% of all who go through this procedures make it through. On top of that, my blood hemoglobin level was at 17. I was told people die at 14.
On the fourth day of the coma the doctors finally discovered I was having a ketoacidosous attack. They have never seen one this bad. The doctors were administering five times the insulin that the average person would receive. The also had me on the two strongest antibiotics known to man at the highest dosages possible.
On the fifth day, I started to come out of the coma. However, I do not remember anything until day seven.
On day eight, the physical specialist came in to see. She was shocked! Calling her boss in because I could walk, talk and sit up!
On day nine the head of the hospital Dr. Black paid me a visit. These were His words, "Boy you got a microscopic virus, but it hit you like an 18 wheeler".
On day eleven, the doctors sent me home with an oxygen bottle. I only needed that for two weeks! During my first doctor’s appointment after the incident, my doctor told me "it was a miracle". He could not explain what happened or why I survived. He went on to tell me one of the issues of why I was hospitalized was enough to kill me having two would guarantee my demise. Having four meant there was no hope. Not to mention I was supposed to stay in the hospital for two months, and go through physical therapy for another three months. I don't know about you but I think God did plenty to stop the attack before it could get started. The nurses in the doctors office afterwards told us that my doctor was pulling his hair out with concern because He could not figure out what was wrong or how to help, he was helpless.
Two weeks after my discharge from the hospital, I went in for a hemoglobin exam. I was told not to be too excited because it would take at least 2 months for my levels to normal out to between 12 or 13. Another shock treatment for my doctor. The test came back at 5.5. In unbelief, He re-tested. This time it was at 6!
Well there it is! This truly is God’s hand and not man’s. What a testimony! I hope you can see what I was trying to tell you.
God Bless,
Pastor Rick Thale
Olympia Foursquare Church
(Now GloryHouse Foursquare Church)
Olympia, WA
For clarity to the dates: I received the prophetic word from James Berkley on August 26 1999. I went into the Hospital on November 20th, I went into a coma November 21st . I left the hospital on December 31, 1999.
Pastor Rick Thale
GloryHouse Foursquare Church
via Elijah Commission
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Not Quite the Breaker Anointing He Was Expecting
So March 27th I broke my radius bone just behind the wrist. Now, when I say broke, I'm not referring to some hairline fracture. The doctors words were, I "blew it up!" He said it was not easy putting it back together. Actually, I believe he said he was in surgery with it for 1.5 hours. It required a plate and 11 screws. He said he didn't even put all the pieces back in.
The first miracle is that during the 5 hours waiting for the surgeon to arrive, my pain was only about a 3 on a scale to 10. Now what's amazing is that my stomach was in turmoil that was consistant with severe pain and yet my pain was nominal. After the numbness wore off from the surgery, the pain escallated to about a 6. It was tolerable, but not comfortable. We finally found a med Saturday evening that would work and that was nice. The amazing thing is I didn't need any meds after Monday 6 AM. All pain was gone. If the story ended there, I would have great cause for celebration. Thank you Lord that there's more to the story.
The doctor said I would be in the temporary splint for 2 weeks to allow for swelling and then 4 weeks in a hard cast before getting in a removeable splint to allow for therapy. I visited the doc after the 2 weeks and got some x-rays and he was expecting to put me in that cast. So after reviewing the x-ray, the doc says "I think I'm going to put you in a removeable splint and start movement therapy right away." Diana probes for more information and he was obviously bewildered, but he was reluctant to say that he couldn't explain something. He goes to the x-ray and shows us where I "blew it up" and showed us how all the screws are where they belong and he stops his conversation before explaining how good it was and basically repeats the same thing and stops again. All his explaination was support for the hard cast and he couldn't bring himself to say what we saw. We were looking at this x-ray of my bone with a plate screwed into it and yet no other defect. After a day less than 2 weeks, I was unable to find any cracks or missing chunks in the bone. I have a perfect bone with a plate screwed to it. Yay God! I did share with him that we had several events of prayer and we were waiting for him to report of what happened.
Now, following continually getting prayed for, I get increase in movement. This improvement is only happening after I get ministered to. During the first two weeks, I had been prayed for several times and each time I felt something happen. The weirdest time was when Diana had the awareness of the presence of God manifesting in her hands and she was made aware that it was a blue substance. When she felt like she was supposed to pour it over me. As she did, I felt something flow into my thumb and down my arm and drip off my elbow. If that's not crazy enough, both Diana and I were left with sticky fingers. I'm not sure what to tell those of you who aren't sure God works that way, but it was a great time had by all and to God be the glory.
I'll have to update this further as the story continues. I just believe I was to share the testimony to encourage others. Remember, testimony is the spirit of prophecy. Testimony give way for duplication of that which is testified.
Tim Phillips
Shared at Revival Town 4/14/2009
Posted on Facebook 4/19/2009
Note: When NWP hears more of Tim's testimony, we'll update this post.
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