Pioneer Movement Coming Forth in the Pacific Northwest Corridor

I believe there’s a pioneer movement coming forth in the Pacific Northwest Corridor. I recently saw a corridor of doors from Utah through Idaho into Oregon and Washington State. I heard it’s the corridor of doors that can become a corridor of glory! 

Each door represents a city that the LORD is knocking on their door (Revelation 3:20); will the remnant open the door and allow Him to come in and break the bread of Covenant Renewal. Will the remnant renew their wedding vows with The LORD - All My Life For Your Glory, Let My Life Be A Seed For A Harvest of Sons of Glory! 

If the remnant will renew their Covenant Vows of absolute surrender to the eternal purpose of God - Then and ‘Only Then’’ will they see the Revelation 4 door open. Psalm 24 becomes a possibility in 2024 if we will answer the summons!

Ed Watts,
Zion Gate Ministries, Flint, MI