These Are No Longer Grounded Eagles

THESE ARE NO LONGER GROUNDED EAGLES, as in those who are not encouraged to soar in their gifts. These are the "grounded" eagles who are seasoned and established by the true heart of Father. 

Back in 2007 when everyone was talking about the eagles arriving in the NW, I had a dream and Father took me to Jeremiah 8:7-8, speaking of the misuse of the law and that even the migratory birds knew when to be where they are called. That was the message Father used to move me out first to Washington State

I BELIEVE HE IS CALLING THE EAGLES TO LAND. They are gathering as a prophetic picture of their release to the mantels and mandate they carry and must carry out. This is the beginning of their moment. In the past, many of the prophetic were "run off" or tied to the ground. We can no longer compromise the call by settling to hide in a cave (Adullam) for fear that we will lose our lives. 

This is the moment we were created for. To "land" with others where we are called and to deliver by The Spirit what is in us to give. Those on the earth will not always hear what you are yelling from "above" in the secret place. Jesus descended to encounter humanity. He came to where we are. That is the heart of Father. We must land to release. 

THERE SHOULD BE A GREAT CELEBRATION THAT THE PROPHETS ARE RETURNING TO THE LAND. Yes, they are called to soar, but remember there is a time to connect to the land as well. We see the ploys of the enemy from the high places and we must of course, travel and spend time there with The Father. This is where the "seer" gift works so effectively. 

We must also gather together and take the land that is given us. I'm of course, speaking allegorically. Your land may be your bloodline, your business, your sphere of influence (friendship or relationships). 

I had a dream recently, where I was standing in a snowy field and eagles were soaring directly above my head. These were not all mature large eagles. I believe that some still need to be established in their call. Every one of them was flying just above the ground. They were going to "land". 

I reached up and touched one or two on the tip of their wings. This was such a joyous and incredible moment! I knew that we had been waiting for them to come and here they were, coming in for their landing! 

As a prophetic people, let's not forget to get our heads out of the sky and be real, so that we speak practically and wisely into those on the ground

Melody Paasch


River of Many Colors

I see a river, a river flowing from His throne coming from this place called Spokane. A river of many faces and races. A river of many colors. I see this river flowing into the sea, I see this river filling the Pacific Rim with fire. With fire and glory. A river of many colors flowing into the Pacific Rim with the fires of end time revival.

I see this river merging with many other rivers from other places and nations. A great river of healing and restoration is cutting the through the rocks and valleys of religion to bring rivers in the desolate heights and pools of water in the desert.

I see the words "Psalm 133" written on the rocks of this river. Like a river the oil is pouring from Aaron's beard and like a river shall it flow from Spokane, Washington. The dew of Hermon shall come from this place called Spokane and the Lord will command a blessing. 

I hear the rumbling of a shaking coming to this area as well. I hear the rumblings of a spiritual earthquake. Many seats of authority being upset and principalities usurped from their ancient places. I see the old places; the historical landmarks of church building coming alive again. 

I see a spark igniting in the old places steeped in tradition. I see an alliance between the Pentecostals and the conservative - like the fisherman in Luke 5 harvest will demand a greater level of unity every imagined. They will cry out to the partners in the other boats, "Come help us! We can hold such a great catch!" 

I see a vast network of ministries starting in Spokane, WA. tying the knots of fellowship throughout the Pacific North West and the world. I see a large base of operation of prayer and intercession mobilized in Spokane, a place of strategy and world evangelism.

A mantle of Philip the Evangelist is settling upon the shoulders of Spokane as they invade the Samaria's of the world. 

I see the word Apostolic over Spokane, an apostolic beachhead for the end time Church and like the Apostles of old their cry will be, "That I might become all things to all men that I might save some..." I will give them a heart for the nations of the world. 

They will be city upon a hill that cannot be hid and house of prayer for all nations. A river of many colors is what I call you Spokane. A river of many colors flowing into the uttermost parts of the earth. The nations shall see it and be glad.

Chad Taylor