"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the Heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
I have just recently returned from a trip to the Northwest of the United States of America, during which time I experienced multiple visitations of the manifestation of the glory of God. I share them with you now as an encouragement, and in the hope that countless others will experience a fresh outpouring of God's miracle-working power.
There were so many awesome prophetic engagements with the Lord, that I can hardly find the vocabulary to describe them. I was deeply impacted by the revival atmosphere in the Northwest. All glory to God. I don't pretend to understand everything I experienced, but with child-like faith I say, "Thank you Father," and trust that the Spirit of wisdom and revelation will make all things clear in His perfect time.
Vision of Light--September 15, Yakima, WA
While sleeping at the home of my hosts, I was awakened at 5:45 am by the Lord, and as I struggled to open my sleepy eyes, I was to discover that the darkness was illuminated with His glorious light. The house had no power due to an unexpected power outage, and I lay breathless at the wonder of what unfolded before me.
Suddenly, the Lord took me by His Spirit into a dimension of His grace I have not previously known. It was as though I was inside a human body, and the Light of Christ was illuminating cells, bones, organs, and tissues. I traveled at the speed of light around a human body, marveling at its construction and the way in which the light of Christ affected physical matter.
I was privileged to witness the creative light of God at work as the Father revealed the uniting of an egg and a sperm to create a human embryo. I saw tiny cells multiply and a young fetus form in the womb. I lay bathed in sparkling light marveling at it, and yet, not fully understanding what God was doing.
My whole being was infused with a holy energy emanating from the Light of Christ. I managed to fall asleep again some time later and when I awoke, although my body was tired from the long flight, it was still flooded with supernatural heat and light.
His Blood Washes--September 16, Spokane, WA
During the 4-hour drive from Yakima to Spokane, another manifestation of glory deeply affected me. I was trying to take a nap, but found I was unable to fall asleep. Even as my eyes were closed, an unusual phenomenon occurred--red color started to seep across the inside of my eye lids. When I inquired of the Lord, He reassured me and told me that He was washing my eyes with His blood, so that I might see things as He sees them. After a few moments, my eyes became clear again, and I was able to see normally. I believe the Lord is taking His Bride into new depths of appropriation of all that the Blood of Christ has accomplished on our behalf.
Feathers Fall--September 17, Coeur D'Alene, ID
In just three days, I had been in Seattle, Washington, and now I crossed my third state line to speak at Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. The presence of the Lord was stunning and as we worshipped, many of us felt the soft breeze created by angelic wings as they descended into our meeting. There was also a supernatural manifestation of tiny white feathers that fell from Heaven during the message. How wonderful!
I had been sharing about a dream I had received in which God protected me and then gave me a white feather. Gateway Fellowship is experiencing a profound outpouring of glory at this time; thirty-eight gemstones have fallen from Heaven in recent times. I preached from Ezekiel 46 on preparing our hearts for revival. The Lord wants to open our spiritual eyes and ears, that we might see and hear the sounds of Heaven, and become more intimately acquainted with His glory as ambassadors of His Kingdom here on earth, as well as experience revival.
Healing Vision--September 17, Umatilla, OR
After lunch and another 4-hour drive, I arrived in my fourth state on this trip--Oregon. In Umatilla, I shared testimony, taught, and preached on God's lavish love for His children (1 John 3:1-3), and the Spirit fell, and healed broken hearts, backs, cysts, and more. There is healing in the glory!
During worship, I received a vision of a little Jewish boy. He held a Rose of Sharon in his hand and was enjoying the bloom. In Washington state just two days previously, I had my first ever glimpse of a Rose of Sharon bush. As my friend and I stood beside the tree, God's glory began to be poured out from Heaven to earth. What joy we experienced!
Now the Lord was speaking in a vision using the Rose of Sharon, and the tenderness of the moment was not lost on me. The vision changed, the boy became a man, and now held a red rose in his hand. A thorn from the rose pierced his flesh and as the blood trickled down his palm, the man received supernatural revelation of the blood of the Messiah being poured out as a love offering for his salvation. He wept and received Christ as his Savior.
The vision changed to a setting at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, with every nook and crevice filled with a Rose of Sharon blossom. The Jewish men who stood at the wall were also receiving the revelation of the Messiah as Savior just as the man in the previous vision had done. The symbolism of the vision speaks of a massive outpouring of salvations amongst the Jewish people. Thank you Jesus--we receive it and pray for all Israel to be saved.
Pray for Revival--September 18, Albany, OR
An early morning start took us a further 5-6 hours to Albany, OR. for a TV interview with my friend Steve Shultz of The Elijah List. Interestingly, we arrived around 1 hour and 20 minutes ahead of schedule! Translation? Only God knows! The same Spirit who translated Philip (see Acts chapter 8) can still supernaturally move His people around today!
At The Elijah List, it was wonderful to meet friends--old and new, and God poured out such joy! I believe that joy and glory go hand in hand. I learned that Kathryn Kuhlman had been commissioned in a building nearby, and we headed around there and prayed for the Lord to re-ignite revival. The building is now used as a center for youth struggling with addictions. There is still a portal of glory at one of the main entrance ways--go there and pray for the youth that are going to become mighty warriors for Christ. You will be blessed!
Revival Angel with Fire and Cambodia--September 18, Canby, OR
Prior to ministering in Canby, I laid down for a few moments to be refreshed. During this time, I had a vision of a female angel with fire in her wing tips. When she spoke, small fire flashes came from her mouth. I believe she is a revival angel.
The Lord explained to me that this angel imparts holy fire, which burns up what is old in us in order to release the new and fresh growth the Lord wishes to produce in us.
Following on from this, I also received a vision of Jesus walking in the streets of Cambodia, in which I witnessed our precious Lord create new limbs on the bodies of countless amputees. We say, "Yes Lord!"
The ORB in the Sky--September 19
On the plane traveling from Portland to Seattle, I looked out the window and saw a huge glistening orb. It had colors of the rainbow inside it, and shimmered and glowed like a pearl. It traveled with us for some time, and I was quite amazed by what my open eyes were seeing. Suddenly, the orb seemed to surround the plane and seconds later, we hit a significant and very brief storm in the sky.
Many have spoken of angels being seen as orbs of light. I have never personally experienced this until now. I believe what I saw was an angel that was assigned to the airplane to provide protection from the Lord. Throughout this trip, I was so aware of the lavish love, extravagant grace, unbeatable power, and unending compassion of our Lord. What a destiny He has prepared for those who love Him!
Back Home in Scotland, the Fire Still Burns--September 20
Back home, I lay in the dark next to my precious husband, and God's fire burned in my body. I tried to sleep, but sleep was impossible. I lay quietly drenched with sweat because of the manifestation of glory. The darkness became full of the translucent glory atmosphere I had experienced while in the Northwest. It was as though the light had become liquid and viscose in quality. I could literally run my hands through it. The light had substance and was alive with the glory-filled spiritual DNA of God!
Outside, the physical rain poured down in a deluge and occasionally a flash of light would illuminate the dark skies. It felt as though an electric current was running through my whole being. I longed to understand what God was doing with the light!
As I lay quietly, the Spirit of God began to link Scripture to my experience. I was reminded that in the beginning, God created light and it was good! (Genesis 1:3.) God's light is full of His goodness and His creative power. I thought again of witnessing the union of the egg and sperm, and the miracle creation of a human fetus.
God is revealing His creative light to us as His glory manifests on the earth. For many years, I have prayed for the release of a creative miracle anointing, and I believe what I saw was a visual representation of this very thing. Light is energy and Christ's light is life. Christ said, "I have come into the world as light, so that no one who believes in Me should stay in darkness." John 12:46.
Where there is spiritual death, Christ comes to rule with His life-giving Light and presence! I have witnessed cells and body tissue being filled with the glory as Christ healed those damaged cells. My faith level has soared to new heights for those with cancers and for those in need of miracle healings. Reach out now for your miracle--Jesus is the Healer. He is the Creator of Light, He is Light and He dwells in unspeakable light.
The Northwest of the USA is in an Atmosphere of Revival!
When I awakened in the morning, there was another pure white feather as a gift from the Lord! As I ponder my time in the Northwest, it occurs to me that as the Spirit creates an atmosphere of faith on the earth, it becomes a supernatural atmosphere of glory in which miracles can and do happen.
Our Lord Jesus is the Light of the World. Our God is the Father of Lights, and every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Jesus said we are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14)--may our lives reflect and radiate His glory. The light of God's presence brings glory and healing miracles. I believe the Lord is releasing the gift of creative miracles in the earth. The Northwest of the USA is in an atmosphere of revival!
We are each partakers in the harvest and of the glory. I realize that I have shared some unusual experiences. May our Lord grant us wisdom to understand the times and prophetically engage with His Spirit for the healing of the nations.
September 29, 2006
Catherine Brown, Gatekeepers
Email: admin@gatekeepers.org.uk