I see the body of Christ going through major re-alignment, to the point where I see different parts being moved around and re-aligned in ways we didn’t know could be. Change, change, change! Surprise, surprise, surprise!
I see major upheaval up ahead and what almost looks like derailing (like a train) of ideas, thoughts and plans!!! And I see major shifting that will fling people into new place! It will feel disruptive, BUT if you’ve already given up on your own understanding, yielding it to God (Proverbs 3:5-7) and you’re NOT holding onto old patterns and thought, it will go smoothly! Might be a bit bumpy for those not expecting!
I see miracles being drawn out of God’s hat like a magician this year and the years ahead! He will use the element of surprise to move His people AND to disrupt the enemy’s intelligence! Bahahahaaa!
Wake up! Wake up America, before it’s too late! Wake up and smell the roses! Wake up and smell the perfume of God’s love and awakening power being poured out on you!!!
I see a huge bucket of cold water God is getting ready to pour on the USA to wake her up! I see 3 angels about the height of half the width of the USA standing on the east coast with VERY serious looks on their faces, looking toward our land. I see a set of scales in the hand of one. Wisdom, Intelligence and True Government/Justice stand waiting till the vote is in… What will America choose!? Once awakened will she choose to repent or go to war against God, fighting in rebellion?
Open up your heart America!!! Open up your wounds! I see the heart of America opened up in the heartland (center of States). I see the heartland drinking new wine!
I see things disrupted this year and the next! I see plans falling apart if made apart from God! In finances, in doctrine, and in relationships!
Call on God Oh AMERICA! Turn to Him and say, “Turn my heart toward YOU! Turn my mind toward you! Turn ME and my plans toward you!”
I see more miracles planned for His people this next couple of years than we could ever dream of! The supernatural is being poured out on the earth! It is time to walk in the supernatural! It is time to SEE with new eyes! Turn your hearts and SEE and walk into ALL He has promised!!!! The Promised Land and Promised time has come! WALK in the land of milk and Honey, NOT based on the natural, but in spite of it! Superimposed over it! (I see two realities, and you choose which one you will walk in. You choose by trusting in God or trusting yourself and your own plans, ideas and understanding).
I see disruption coming that can actually launch YOU into the supernatural or into destruction! YOUR choice! YOU choose!
The war that is coming is not really about anyone else BUT YOU! Will you accept HIM, and His plans or will you fight for your own? Will you embrace your own understanding or HIM?
Get ready! Brace yourself for full impact!!!
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