Purified By The Snow

December 31, 2008

In view of the recent chilling weather conditions across the country from the north to the south from east to the west, the Spirit of the Lord has reminded me of this simple word I was given on January 11, 2007. My prayer for all is that you’ve had a safe and restful time with God as He’s once again allowed the snows of His purifying love to be poured down from Heaven above.

Just as numerous disastrous occurrences are currently happening around the world, I believe once again God is speaking to us all. He’s looking for all of our attention to be entirely focused on Himself. It’s definitely time for a solid refocusing upon the God of the Universe. If God doesn’t have your undivided attention yet, He soon will.

This is the original word released on January 11, 2007

Over many generations as many in the Body of Christ are currently aware of, sin and the curses that follow sin can and have come upon many of us and the land in which we inhabit.

This morning, the Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me in an audible voice saying, “This is the Grace of Heaven that has fallen upon you Great Northwest. Clean up your act, start acting by faith, in faith to Me The Faithful One. Begin to do the acts found in the Acts of the Apostles. The sin that is upon the land is being purified by this recent snowfall.”

“Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” Psalms 51:7

“Pray, pray, pray that the devastation that’s been prophesied doesn’t happen, those things are warnings for you to pray.”

“Watch, then, for you do not know what hour your Lord comes.” Matthew 24:40

“This day, you have been blessed by the frozen assets from Heaven, just as Doctors freeze cancers off the body, I have caused things to freeze up and die. I will put opposition into a deep freeze and cause it to fall away. As the snow melts there is a healing process beginning upon the Northwest.”

“To consecrate her by cleansing her in a bath of baptism as she utters her confession, in order to have the Church as His very own, standing before Him in all her glory, with never a spot or wrinkle or any such flaw, but consecrated and unblemished.” Ephesians 5:26-28 Moffatt

“My people have become a stiff-necked people, you shall begin to pray and grab the hand of those that hate you within My Church.”

“And you shall know that Jehovah your God is not giving you this good land, to possess it, for your righteousness; for you are a stiff-necked people.” Deutronomy 9:6

“I will bring down dissension.”

“My people, on whom My name is a called, shall be humbled, and shall pray, and shall seek My face, and shall turn back from their evil ways, then I will surely hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

“I don’t want devastation to overcome you because of sin done in the land, this day I say continue to cry out for more of My life to be in your life, for your States Cities, Schools and certainly for My Church.”

“And I also say to you, that you are Peter, and on this Rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against her.” Matthew 16:18

“My purity has come down from the Heavens for ALL to see, it has come to cause you to stop and see your busyness. For you shall arise in the morning and acknowledge Me like never before.”

“O God, You are my God; I earnestly seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You, as in a dry and weary land without water.” Psalm: 63:1

“Acknowledge Me as Ruler over ALL the Universe, for ALL that comes down from Me The Father of Lights is good.”

“Do not go astray, my beloved brothers, every act of giving good and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom is no change or shadow of turning.” James 1:16, 17

May the Blessing of Heaven be upon you this day.

Tom Panich
Prophetic Evangelist

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