Across The West Coast

Intro by Garris Elkins
Revival in Oregon

Several weeks ago Rob DeLuca spoke at Living Waters Church in Medford, and the following weekend at New Song Church. During these two visits Rob brought an ignition and acceleration to the move of God's Spirit in this region. Many were healed and destinies were released. While in Medford, Rob prophesied that "Oregon would be known as a state where the healing presence of God dwells."

During one of these meetings a leader in our church saw gold dust begin to appear on her hands. After the meeting she went home and the gold dust appeared again. She understood this sign to be an indicator to pray for her husband and for a visiting relative—both of them were healed. Her husband and her relative began to shout when gold dust appeared on their hands!

Just this week this same woman laid hands on a friend who is a waitress at a local restaurant. Then gold dust began to appear once again on her hands during dinner. This waitress had Celiac Disease (a gluten tolerance disorder). This woman was so allergic to gluten that if someone who had been handling a gluten product just touched her food she would have a violent physical reaction. The woman was healed and has been eating pizza and bread for the last week with no reaction. She had been sick for 28 years!

Another ignition has taken place (among others recently along the I-5 Corridor and the West Coast) and God's Spirit is moving through His people as they simply step out in faith. We have seen the gift of supernatural faith being released and imparted in our meetings.

When Rob was here he spoke of what carries revival—it is discipleship. As this move of God accelerates in intensity and dimension God is asking those who lead to make sure that systems are in place to disciple the thousands who will come into God's Kingdom. These signs and wonders are pointing people to Jesus who is coming with Kingdom power for a great harvest of souls.

Oregon will be known as a place where the healing presence of God dwells.
Wanting more,
Garris Elkins

The West Coast Prophecy
Rob DeLuca

The following words were given by Rob DeLuca on July 12, 2009 at Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon:

There is a whirlwind of fire—a tornado of fire over Oregon and it lands here! It begins to burn the forests and torch Oregon. Then it begins to pull up gold out of the ground; small, big, thin, fat— all shapes and sizes. The gold glistens and burns hot, like coals. Then the whirlwind begins to send the gold flying. First it flies all over Oregon, and then all over America. Everywhere the gold lands it start fires. The gold is the people of Medford. The fire is the refining purity of God.

The Lakeland, Florida Outpouring was preliminary to the movement God is about to begin, and the West Coast is God's next place to land. All along I-5: San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange County, Sacramento, Redding, Medford, Seattle, and Northern Washington.

Carry revival in such a way that the world is changed. To live this way, though, you have to be touched first. We need to avoid the failures of previous historical revivals. When the outpouring hits, we need discipleship to follow! Lakeland was only a taste of what God is about to do. Revival includes repentance, holiness, and souls saved!

God wants to show up in revival more than we want it! It will require, though, prayer and yielding before we become revived. It's not hard to live in revival if we realize that we live in an open Heaven! Get radically lost in God. Live in a Supernatural world. Revival is natural.

The following words were given by Rob DeLuca on July 19, 2009 at New Song Church, Medford, Oregon:

God gave me a vision while I was in Lakeland last year, and I saw this great fire burning in Florida. And the fire lit up the sky, and there were burning embers that were being taken by the wind and they were going all over the world. The majority of the embers I saw were hitting America. I saw burning embers landing across the nation and I saw campfires starting. I saw campfires taking place in other nations, but the majority of the campfires were taking place in America.

Schedules Will Change, Conferences Will Change

And the Holy Spirit spoke to me and He said: "I am about to change the plans of man. I am about to change men's schedules. I am about to change the agendas that men have made concerning My will for My people. Schedules will change, conferences will change, and I will bring back camp meetings as in the days of old. And people will gather around these fires and whole cities, entire towns, will be lit on fire.

"To those who are yielded and to those who will listen to My voice, I will send them to territories with revival fire. And they will bring My fire. They will take their families and they will go in My name. Some will go for three weeks, some for six weeks, some for three months, some for six months. And they will change entire cities with My revival fire."

And it reminded me of an old revivalist named Peter Cartwright. He was the "pistol packing preacher" who would ride on horse-back. He was a pioneer, he was a frontiersman. He would ride across the trails of America, and he would stop and have camp meetings. Some 2,000, some 10,000, some 20,000. They'd go for weeks on end, and people would come in their covered wagons and on their horses.

They'd build these big old wooden amphitheaters, because there was no amplification in those days. And they'd build these big platforms with wood up, wood out—wood walls that would amplify their voices and they would begin to preach. They would cut down logs and trees and make them into pews. People would come and they would just stay and camp out.

And it was recorded that Peter Cartwright said that hundreds, thousands, thousands of souls were saved as the preaching of the Word was brought forth. He said, "I would witness hundreds fall under the glorious power of God." He said that there were preachers that were preaching against it, but it could not be stopped. He said, "Glorious joy and laughter would breakout among God's people. To me it looked like all of America was coming to the Lord."

And I believe that what was brought forth, maybe 150, 200 or 300 years ago, in the birthing of this nation, is about to be brought forth again. And our conferences, and the way we do things in church, are about to change. And we're not going to care about our schedules so much—we're going to care about the GLORY of the LORD. God dwelling among His people.

And that brings me to what God gave me for Oregon...

Word For Specific Cities on the West Coast

Last year I saw a whirlwind land, and it hit Oregon. It started to spin and swirl, and it was a fierce wind of fire. It landed and hit Oregon. It started burning up the forests; it was doing like a trail-blaze across Oregon. And I saw golden stones coming out of the ground—they were being pulled up and sucked into this whirlwind of fire, and they began to burn—gold stones of fire. They began to get thrown all over the state and all over the nation. And they were starting fires. And I thought to myself, "This is what I saw over in Lakeland, the big campfire with burning embers landing all over." But I saw something happen here, in the Northwest. And the Lord just spoke to me in the last two weeks in regard to the West Coast.

From San Diego all the way up to Seattle and Vancouver, the LORD is about to do something VERY, VERY SPECIAL. Revival fire is about to breakout on the West Coast. I saw it hitting San Diego, I saw it hitting Orange County, and L.A. County, and I saw it hitting the northern counties of California. I saw it hitting Sacramento and Redding. I saw it coming up this way going right through your cities—right through Medford, right through Albany, right through Portland, and hitting Seattle. All the way up the I-5 Freeway.

And the LORD said, "There have been men and women who have prayed along this trail, and I will honor their prayers." Do you feel that? And I started looking up who has been through these lands:

Aimee Semple McPherson went right up this I-5 corridor, all the way up. William Branham, right over here and he hit Oregon. Even William Seymour. As a matter of fact, the Apostolic Faith publication, what was being published about the Azusa Street outpouring, much of it from Portland Oregon, through Sister Crawford—the reports of the revival in Azusa were being brought forth from Oregon. Billy Sunday came through here having revival fire. The Voice of Healing came through. California, all the way up this trail—this ancient path that's been prayed over for revival fire to be brought forth on the West Coast. HALLELUJAH!

One of my sons in the faith and I were out praying over California, and a vision came to us. There were four angels that manifested off the West Coast, and they were holding gold and silver trumpets. And they began to blow these trumpets and a sound and a massive wind was brought forth. What was witnessed was a dark cloud over America, but as these angels began to blow, this dark cloud was removed from the West all the way across America. So that includes Oregon.

I shared this with Pastor Bill and Beni Johnson recently at lunch. And we started talking about the time and the season. Beni had received the same thing from the LORD as I did, and we got real excited at the lunch table. I really believe this is going to happen within the fall. So that's probably in about three, four, or five months. Something is going to hit the West Coast; there is going to be something that takes place.

I don't know if there's going to be numerous outbreaks, but there is something that God is planning for the West Coast. I know there is going to be an outbreak in California, but I also know there's going to be an outbreak in Oregon and in Washington. And hopefully it will overflow into Canada.

Word For Oregon

This is what I received for Oregon. He gave this to me at 1am, as I was studying and praying. He spoke to me, and this is what was said: "Oregon again shall be known as a state of God's healing power. Once again Oregon shall be known as a state of God's healing power."

And then I saw people crossing the state line, and as they crossed the state line I saw people being healed. They were on their way to church services, but as soon as they hit the state line and crossed over, they were getting healed.

Then I saw a great river—the River of God—and I saw this river flowing throughout Oregon, and I saw the valleys being filled. The valleys of Oregon were being filled and they became pools of healing. And many were coming to the valleys to receive from these healing pools. And I looked at the mountaintops of Oregon, and the GLORY of God started to manifest in the mountains of Oregon.

And the LORD spoke to me and He said, "Multitudes will be healed. They shall come and be healed. Multitudes shall come and seek Me for periods of time in the land of Oregon."

And then I saw camp meetings, just like I saw in my vision that I had last year. And I saw groups of people coming to Oregon, seeking the GLORY of the LORD. And then I witnessed the settling of God's GLORY covering this state. And I said to myself out loud, "He has chosen to rest and make His abode in Oregon." That is a word. A holy, anointed word. A great, great, great blessing is coming out of this state. This state is going to be known for healing, for healing, for healing.

Rob DeLuca

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