Cave Time

Years ago while I was talking to the Lord, He showed me a massive army coming out of individual, solitary caves.

These caves were off the beaten path. Over each cave was a sign declaring what fiery time (pain or sorrow) that cave represented for that inhabitant. I saw that only God was able to go into these places with each individual, as He was the only one who could actually share the pain fully, and bring them out. Some of these seemed to have spent considerable time alone (sometimes years) with God in these caves. When and if they yielded to God and said, “though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him” I saw gold deposited and developed within them. Self will and human frailty fell away, bit by bit, as their strength came no longer from within themselves and their own wisdom, but it now came from God.

But as this mighty army of victorious ones assembled and joined ranks I was amazed at the authority they now carried. I saw a uniqueness about these solders I had never seen before. As the enemy would attack from any direction, those who had gained victory, by going through pain and fire in that particular area of attack, came to the fore. They KNEW how to defeat the enemy in this area, and were able to immediately lead the others in victory through their experiences, and the others had the humility and wisdom to follow. As soon as the enemy realized he could not defeat them from that quarter he would try another. Suddenly others would discern this strategy, and from their experiences in their cave time, they would stand up, and the others would follow, valuing the wisdom learned from their experience. It happened time and again from all differing directions as the enemy tried and failed, because these solders had learned from their cave times (fiery trials) and had learned to lean on their Master in that area. All were willing to BE LED in humility as well as to lead when the need arose. NO ONE PERSON SEEMED TO CAPTAIN THIS ARMY BUT THEY WERE ALL DEPENDENT ON EACH OTHER TO WIN THIS WAR, because they had learned, through the fire, to follow their Lord, not self.

Often in the midst of our pain or hardship we doubt the goodness of God. Sometimes we rail at God and blame Him for not preventing all that hurts us. Sometimes God pulls us right out of it, but most of the time God wishes to transform the pain that the enemy has incurred, into authority we will have over him the next time. When God created Adam and Eve HE GAVE them dominion over the earth. It was through sin that this authority was given to the enemy. Jesus paid the ultimate price to win it back, but we have to put the enemy in his place by learning to walk in the authority Jesus won for us on the cross. We are still meant to take dominion…

So what have you learned in your cave?

I hear the Lord CALLING, “AWAKEN!!!!” The words have such force I can see the shock wave circling the earth repeatedly. I see a massive, explosive, exodus of many leaving their caves simultaneously! He is calling on many who never thought they would ever leave the fires they have endured. For some, the fires have intensified recently, and I see the reason. It is TIME for a massive move of God’s Spirit to erupt, and all His soldiers must be ready to bring in the harvest! He is calling them up and in unison with His timing! I see amazing miracles within people’s lives. These people have prayed for so long that they have almost lost hope. I see a FORCE of mighty, VICTORIOUS ones rising up miraculously!

I see an Angel wearing a bakery hat and apron, with a stop watch in hand as he looks at many ovens. His job? Making sure we are all ready in time. Extra angels have been dispatched in order to speed people into their victories. I see “AWAKEN” spreading around the earth and being heard in every tribe, tongue and nation. I see Jesus’ Beautiful, Glorious, Bride arising as One in beautiful unison and harmony, both with each other and with her Lord.

God is awakening His Bride in ways they never knew they were asleep. God wants to awaken, in you, areas which you never knew existed, or were put on the shelf long ago…

Are you willing to be AWAKENED? Are you willing to COME OUT OF YOUR CAVE?

Sometimes its scary to leave the familiar behind even if the familiar is pain or bondage.

Ramona Michelle Wallace

May 14, 2008