12 Places for Healing and Revival to Start are Mentioned--but THIS TIME IT'S GLOBAL"
Ministry Report from Lakeland, Florida:
Below is a ministry report written by Linda Dodson, a church member of Albany Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Albany, Oregon. Linda is attending the revival meetings in Lakeland, Florida and sent us the following report of what happened on Monday, April 21, 2008:
Greetings from sunny Florida! The glory of God is growing. There is a tangible presence all over town. Are you feeling "the wind" of the Spirit blowing where you are? The "winds of change" angel appeared to Todd Bentley in Florida, and simultaneously to Bob Jones. I have some encouraging news for all of you, which come from the prophets who released it on Monday night at Ignited Church in Lakeland, Florida. Bob Jones gave Todd Bentley the "green light" to release every bit of this prophetic word. I took notes quickly, so I may have missed a few details, but in general, you are surely to be blessed by this word.
Todd Bentley called Bob Jones an elder prophet and talked with him for about an hour about the "Florida outpouring" here in Lakeland. Here are notes about their phone conversation:
On New Year's Eve, for 2008, God told Bob Jones that "the third wave was coming." Todd asked Bob what the third wave was. He said that Toronto was wave #1, Pensacola was wave #2, and the third wave is the "Winds of Change"--this move of God. This move will be a global move, traveling with signs and wonders all over the world! The third wave is here!
As a sign that this wave would be released from the Northwest, Bob shared that God said in the natural world, there would be extreme "winds and storms" out of Canada and the Northwest this year. (We had these storms in the Northwest this past winter and winds even now!) These natural winds would be followed by the winds of change. There would then be a move of the Holy Ghost, where entire towns would be shut down by the power of the Spirit. Revival will come as a Northwest wind.
It was also mentioned to "set up your sail"--the "Winds of Change" are blowing! There are 12 places specifically mentioned where revival will hit first (listed in the order mentioned):
- Des Moines, Iowa;
- Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska;
- Kansas City, Missouri;
- Denver, Colorado;
- Nashville, Tennessee;
- Lakeland, Florida;
- Ohio; Charlotte,
- North Carolina;
- Albany, Oregon;
- Washington; and
- Redding, California.
Of course, I did quite a bit of shouting when Todd named "Albany, Oregon." We have known for some time that Revival was on the way to Albany, and yet when I heard it declared by the prophets, it was a glorious moment. So for Albany and Oregonians, rejoice and get your hearts ready! Also mentioned were countries where it is moving first--England, Australia and New Zealand.
June 22 to July 22 will be a significant time in the spirit. (Todd didn't elaborate on this period.) This Revival will NOT be stopped.
There are several "clarion trumpets" (people God uses to deliver His word) and John Kilpatrick, former pastor of the Brownsville Assembly of God Church, where the Pensacola Revival took place, "probably has one of the clearest trumpets." Todd wanted to honor John Kilpatrick by naming him as Bob had spoken.
The third wave has begun! This wave promotes, prepares, purifies, pierces and inspires. We can expect to be changed by this move of God. The year 2008 will be the best of years for Christians and the worst of years for unbelievers, mainly due to their fear about the economy. There are doors now open in the spirit that will not shut!
The "Voice of Healing" move of the Spirit of years ago is here for a second time and it won't be stopped. This was a major healing move. This current move can be carried to other cities and countries. Wherever people move and who are carriers of this glory, it will move, like the ark was moved from place to place.
There will be one main thing required to see this outpouring continue: COMMITMENT--it will cost a lot to see it happen. (Todd has said twice now, that if this move requires him to lay down his own ministry, he will do it!) An invasion of glory for the hungry is on the way for you and your whole family!
I felt happy to be able to respond to the altar call as someone from Oregon to come and receive the "anointing and impartation" from Todd Bentley for Revival for Albany, Oregon. I was with others from the places mentioned above. I have been very hungry and contending for many years for Revival. I have gone wherever God has called me to experience His glory and to grow deeper in Him. So I am very encouraged by Monday night's word! The glory of God is coming to your town, too!
Reported by Linda Dodson(attending from Albany Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church)
via ElijahList