In Dennis Cramer's E-Book, The Next 100 Years (which you can purchase as a download), Dennis Cramer gave this prophecy on page 19 about a healing breaking out in the Northwest--in small towns...towns such as Albany. He mentions by the way, many other towns, cities, states, and countries in his prophecies, including North and South Korea, etc.
Here's an excerpt from
"Many out-of-the-way places--will be powerfully blessed by God's provision of supernatural healing for chronic, incurable, deadly disorders. These small to medium size towns and villages will not necessarily be easily accessible by the masses, but this will not stop the flood of desperately ill people looking for physical relief and wholeness. God will not disappoint them.
For example, several coastal cities in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and some cities, towns, and villages slightly inland will see many mighty miracles of this kind--a real visitation from Heaven!
Although some of these places will not even have airports, mile after mile of cars and buses will find their way there! A mighty healing revival will break out, gaining the attention of the unsaved population of this region. The churches will not be able to handle the great influx of new converts--the result of this outpouring of undeniable, supernatural power."
Reported by Steve Shultz; Albany is his hometown.
via ElijahList