Last night as I was getting on the Internet I noticed this story’s headline. I immediately felt a strong pulling in my spirit to read it. I felt the Lord saying He was going to say something to me through it.
Bracelet pulled from chicken is one clucky find
Boy's ID bracelet lost decades ago turns up in a gizzard from Minn. bird
updated 5:35 p.m. PT,
FAIRMONT, Minn. - More than two decades after Aaron Giles lost his identity bracelet, he's finding how it was discovered tough to swallow.
A meat cutter at Olson Locker in Fairmont came across the shiny object in a chicken gizzard and saw a name, address and phone number engraved on it.
"I've heard of livestock swallowing unusual objects, but this situation stands out,"
Giles had lived in Fairmont as a child and played hide-and-seek and other games with his brothers in their grandfather's barn near Sherburn.
"I would spend most of my time out at his farm, and that's the only place I can think of that I would have lost it," Giles said about his bracelet on Thursday. The 31-year-old said he thinks the bracelet was lost when he was 4 or 5.
The barn was dismantled a few years ago, and Giles thinks his bracelet was imbedded in materials used to construct another barn in Elmore, about 45 miles away.
The bracelet was found in a chicken that came from an Elmore farm.
"It was in pretty immaculate shape. Everything was working on it, and all the engravings on it were still legible," Giles said. "It was quite the surprise."
Giles said he expects the bracelet to stay in his family for many years to come. "I have no plans on trying to lose it again," he said.
As I read this story I felt God saying there were things that have been laid aside, lost or stolen a long time ago that are getting ready to be returned. I have continued to feel God brooding over this story, pulling me to look at it again and again. And today I realized it was because this message was not just for me but for many of you as well!
I feel God saying that many have had their Identities stolen in some way or another. Who we are in
I also saw many of us coming back full circle. In life God often teaches us with specific emphasis and then HE goes on to other subjects and impartations. These seasons and what He teaches through them become apart of who we are and gives us Key’s and tools to respond like He wants throughout all life’s experiences. I see us coming back to lessens learned long ago. I see us coming to a season where He says, “Now is the time to pick up and combine all I have taught you through the years.”
God is taking us corporately into a season where we will need ALL we have learned over the years!
I see us like Knights that have trained for a long time. Sometimes emphasis has been on the sword, sometimes it has been on the javelin, other times we have learned to ride without hands. Now He is saying to many, “You have learned well! But there comes a time where you use ALL your skills together for a purpose.”
I see a drawing together taking place in the body of
God will be placing us strategically in groups, because each of us has learned vital lessens that we will need to combine to fulfill our assignments!
This next Season/ year will be about restructuring, being brought full circle, and reestablishing into our lives that which has been lost, stolen, or laid aside for a season. Some of us are even being called to step out of our comfort zones! Some of what has been OK in the past will not be OK in this season. In order to fulfill our God given calls some of us will have to relinquish our hold on things God is saying is not for us right now. A call is going forth to look our lives and say, "Lord what would you have me do with my time and everything else you have given to me?"
Some of you have looked back and seen a huge price that you have paid for treasures that have been unused ever or unused for quite some time.
“Look at Me” the Lord says, “I have made you beautiful and you will use ALL that you have learned in the coming season of time. I have equipped you fully for a reason. It WILL NOT be wasted. Your years of training and the tears you have wept before my throne will not be lost! I have equipped you for a harvest, Now GO fully able!!!”
December 1, 2007