Earth Movers
Immediately I heard the sound of a smaller earth mover coming from behind me at a high rate of speed, plowing up dirt everywhere. As it passed by me and came to a curve in the road the thought came to mind that this guy was going to lose it. Sure enough the earth mover went out of control and went off the road into an open field. He had pushed up a huge pile of dirt and was just sitting there by himself.
Gold Imbedded In Rock
The dream instantly changed and I found myself in a deep gold mine looking at a huge vein of gold imbedded in a rock wall. Again I complained to the Lord and said, "How are we ever going to get this gold out of here Lord?"
I could just imagine how painful it would be and tedious to use pick axes to get it out. I had no sooner asked the question than I witnessed from a distance a huge explosion. Rocks, dirt, debris went flying everywhere. I instantly found myself standing before a sluice box with water and dirt going by. As the machines shook screens in the waterway-- people just picked the gold out in huge chunks and threw it over their shoulders. The dream ended.
Impatience Toward The Work Of The Kingdom
The first part represents impatience toward the work of the kingdom being accomplished. The earth movers are the workers, their engines are running, but in this instance there wasn't anything being accomplished-- yet.
The smaller earth mover that was out of control represents just that, a worker who is zealous and going after it, but in a way that could end in shipwreck.
It's About Attitude - Not Activity
What I am describing is an attitude more than activity. Have you ever felt frustrated at the lack of your own personal fruitfulness and that of the body of
I have come to believe that God mostly gives dreams like this, because we are either unaware or have a blind spot to our attitudes sometimes. I believe the Lord was graciously warning me not to get impatient about what He is doing in transforming the church in
America or the harvest.
The second part of the dream represents a hope of the gold coming forth, the treasure of
Worst Decisions Made With Impatience
Some of the worst decisions made in the Bible were made out of impatience and led to great harm and disappointment. To mention a few--
4) And there are many other accounts of impatience leading to sin and loss in the bible. God wants us to rest in the work and work in a place of rest, trusting Him for the end result. The gold is coming. a Trust and obey.
- Denny Cline, via Firefall Zine