Don't Give Up! (A word to the Northwest)

By Ramona Wallace

Brothers and Sisters of the Northwest,

It’s time to cross Jordan into the promises God has given us, and I have begun to see an attack that I did not recognize at first.

Today I felt so discouraged. I felt there was no hope and I would never walk into the promises God has given me. I felt like giving up entirely, UNTIL God opened my eyes to what was taking place in the spirit.

I saw full scale attack against those getting ready to walk fully into their promises given by God throughout our region. I saw demons like snakes, gathering around individuals. They were hissing and lying and showing false things as though they were real. People COULD NOT SEE what was really taking place because the enemy was so in their face with these lies and mirages.

Amazingly enough I saw the angels lined up to the side with their arms crossed just looking on, and God in heaven, His arms crossed as well, just looking on, BUT with a proud look on His face as He watched us in this region. I thought, WHY ISN’T GOD DOING SOMETHING? WHY AREN'T THE ANGELS DOING ANYTHING TO DEFEND OR DEFLECT? THEN I heard God's thoughts: "THIS is a part of their (our) crossing Jordan. Will they believe what the enemy spews at them, or will they choose to believe the truth of what I (God) have already said? Their faith in ME and what I HAVE said is what will get them across Jordan and fully into the promises I have given them."

One at a time I watched as these men and woman under severe assault CHOSE to believe what God said, above what the enemy was saying and showing. AS THEY CHOSE to believe, I saw true peace and rest permeate them and the area around them. The enemy/snakes, slithered away defeated, in silence.

I see that the Northwest is gearing up for something so amazing that God has refrained from revealing even a small portion of the whole picture of what He intends to do here. MANY of us have been stuck in a neutral like position in the spirit. We have wondered if we would ever be able to move forward into what God has promised us. But I see God getting ready to release many of us from the neutral position to full speed, in the blink of an eye. We are like roadrunners (like in the cartoon...built for speed in the spirit), but God has been holding us back for the right moment of release! I see massive release straight ahead in this whole region.

So where are your eyes? What are you CHOOSING to see and believe? Are you choosing to believe what God has said, OR what the enemy is saying right now?

I challenge my Brothers and Sisters of the Northwest: Choose to BELIEVE what God HAS said, and you will make it through with flying colors, and the enemy’s assault will fall powerless to the ground!

Are you in a holding pattern, held back? Believe and TRUST! You are right on the verge of being shifted from neutral to FULL, ALL OUT POWER!


By Ramona Wallace June 4th 2009

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