Let no man fool you and say that I am the one that destroys. For the destroyer comes to destroy the land. I speak it out, for there are many that need purging. Do you understand that the blood of innocent ones cry out? And even so they cried out before what took place in
Let my Church arise. Let my people arise. Let them become the voice. Let them become the voice of this Nation as they were before. Let them become the voice that they were. I shall not allow the enemy to take what is Mine. This Nation does not belong to Allah; this Nation does not belong to Buddha. This Nation belongs to the Lord Most High, the God of the universe. Your forefathers spoke these words. They said it shall be established on the principles that were given to us by Christ. This Nation belongs to Christ. This Nation belongs to the son of the Living God. And I'm looking to My people to bring the unity. If you do not do this then it shall continue.
For there shall be fights between (political) parties and solutions shall come and answers shall come. And those that are corrupt will be brought to the surface. God said this a few months ago, that I would bring forth to the surface the corruption that exists in the political arenas. I will bring it to the forefront. When they speak against an innocent man, I will bring forth the corruption and I will expose their nakedness. Therefore let the voice of the parties not be the voice of the Lord. Let My prophets arise and let them speak while the opportunity is at hand. Do you understand that the prophets could have a voice into the ears of those that matter?
I will predict again and again and they will eventually say we must listen to the prophets of the Lord. We must listen for they are warning, and the warning shall come. For I will do nothing unless I reveal My secret to my servants the prophets. No not My prophets, but to My servants the prophets. There are many prophets who are not servants. I will not reveal My secrets to those who are not servants. I look for faithfulness, I look for humility and I would not use measures to bring humility. Humble yourself before Me and I will raise you up.
This hour it shall come to pass, in the next two months, that there shall be more purging. But listen to Me; at the end of October
Legislation, legislation, they say you cannot legislate unity. You cannot bring unity through the United Nations. The United Nations is abolished. The United Nations has no more say. For I will take care of the refugee Nations. I will take care of those that have become refugees in this Nation. For now I call to the Nations of this earth.
The people said to Moses, give us water for we need water to drink. They looked for the obvious, they looked to the wind and they looked to the clouds. They looked for rain but I did not send it through rain. I sent it through a rock. I sent it from the earth not from the sky. They are saying, Oh, you said the oil and the economy shall be revived. Are you looking to oil when I already have something else that I shall use from your rocks and from your earth? Do you realize that
An unusual thing shall take place. For even as the kings came to Elisha they said give us a prophet to prophesy in our earth. Give us a prophet who will prophesy in our famine. Give us a prophet who will say something. This Nation is now crying out for the voice of the Lord. Your President is crying out for the voice of the Lord, and you shall not have it from the obvious. Even Elisha told the Kings. God said I shall send you rain, I will do it because of the King of Judah. I will do it because of the King of praise. I will do it because of the people who have praised Me and said though he slay me I will yet praise Him. I will yet serve Him. The people that said, even though many have spoken against the Lord God we will yet serve him. The prophetic words will come forth. I will send you rain in your valley
Enough of the fighting. Enough of this destructive words against each other. Forget not my prayer when I prayed to the Father in John 17 that they may be one as we are one then the world will know. If there is not unity that I demand from the gatekeepers of
I will bring back miracles, greater miracles than Kathryn Kuhlman ever had. Greater miracles than Jack Coe. There will be no question that this was the Lord God Almighty. There will be no questionable miracles. They will be proven time and time and time again. These unusual miracles will take place when My men and My women say we will do it, we will humble ourselves and we will pray. And this Nation shall be healed. I raised up Larry Lee to bring a Nation to prayer and then God said away and no more prayer. I will raise up others that will bring this Nation to a place of prayer again. I'm not talking about prayer that is lengthy and that has too much wind. I'm talking about the prayer that shakes hell and that moves heavens within a minute. Just one minute of prayer can do that. This that they call spiritual warfare, screaming for hours, God said enough of this! My Son looked at a lunatic and said today you are the missionary to this region and cast out a legion of spirits. There are going to be mass demonic expulsions that will take place. And you won't even know it.
But I will rid this Nation of the one thing that destroyed My friend President Ronald Reagan, for it shall come to an end. Alzheimer's shall come to an end. Dementia shall come to an end. Do not say that it cannot be done, for it has already been discovered.
Would there be a man and a woman that would fall half-way their size, and on a knee they would say God you have spared us and you have kept us. Yet there are those that are crying out by the tens of thousands in
For the Church, as it has been, has officially been abolished. The structure and the system as it has controlled has officially been destroyed. And this means that unless My Son has preeminence, and unless I have My total way that shall no longer be called the Church of Jesus Christ. The system that has controlled and religion that has dictated to your children shall no longer flourish. I will take those in the caves, and I will take those at Gilgal. I will take those that are in the caves of Adullah. I will take those that have praised me as the Sauls have used as his hobby to destroy David.
God said no more! For the David's that I called are arising to the surface and they shall dance before the Lord and they will lose their clothes. And they will say you think I'm undignified now, you watch how undignified I will be. For
And as you pray to Me there shall be an abundance that will come and I will bring unity into the Church. And once that takes place, My Spirit shall come upon it, and I will raise up those out of chaos and make them great men. I will raise princes out of the dust. I will take those who have nothing and give them something. And you will hear these words, let the weak say I am strong. And the weak shall say I am strong, and the poor shall say I am rich. For My Son became poor so that you could become rich. Is this not the truth, says the Lord? Now pray out loud. For as you pray out loud, I will listen to your cry, and I will hear it from heaven, and I will bring upon your homes and your children, your husbands and your wives, your grandparents. I will bring a fresh thing that will raise them up and cause them to know the Lord and do exploits in his name.
Kim Clement, September 9, 2005; From his website; emphasis in the original. Northwest highlight added.
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