Greatest Outpouring / Responding to Prophetic Promises
Martin Best
IT'S COMING: I had a very intense
dream last night/early this morning that at first I thought was just for me
because I normally not recognize individuals in my dreams unless they're just
for me. However, Holy Spirit said to share parts of this one.
I was in a large room like a
school gymnasium with round tables and chairs, somewhere in the south,
listening to the worship team. As I was getting lost in the worship I noticed
one individual come off the stage area and go over to the table where my wife
was sitting and begin to chat with her.

“The Father wants you to know that
you're about to see the greatest outpouring of His Spirit since the first
Pentecost - and that all of the signs, wonders and miracles since that day
until now will pale in comparison to what He is about to do now through His
sons and daughters who have been tried and tested over the years.”
dream from Martin Best.
Do you want in on this? Even
though it’s a promise, even though it’s a gift, it’s not without cost.
The key, I believe, to
participating in words like this is ὑπομονή, perseverance: not swerving from our
deliberate purpose. If we approach this as a tourist, as an observer, then at best, we’ll watch
it from a safe distance; we won’t be in the midst of it.
It’s easy to hear promises like
this and get excited about them. That doesn’t accomplish much more than a
temporary emotion.
It’s easy to hear promises like
this, and to notice that you haven’t seen what it’s talking about, and get
discouraged, and quit hoping, quit believing, quit pressing in for them. I don’t
mean to be harsh, but that disqualifies us from most of the promise.
I hear Father emphasizing
something this morning: emphasizing that we have the choice for how much we get
to participate in promises like this. And our choice is revealed by how we
respond. Here’s what I hear him whispering is a wise response, a response that
targets us for participating:
Don’t just grab the promise (any promise)
blindly. Examine it. Judge it. Discern it. (1 Corinthians 14:29).
An emotional reaction is fine, but insufficient.
It’s good to be happy about an extravagant promise like this, but happiness is
just wrapping paper: it’s not substance.
If we want the promise to come about, we pretty
often need to participate with God in bringing it out of the spiritual realm
and into the world here. That may involve work. It will involve prayer, and
likely lots of prayer, much of it in face-to-face declaration of that which is
promised as though it were already manifested in our community. Agree with the
word. Vigorously.
I recommend dialog, listening to God even as we’re
talking with Him (and declaring to creation) about the promise. He’ll give more
clarity, more revelation, more direction in how to pray, how to work, what to
expect, who to partner with, etc.
So do you want in on this? Are you
ready to go war over the promises? This is part of the trying and testing the
word speaks about.
and application from NWP.