Open Doors Lead to New Rooms
John is a Northwesterner, and has a beautiful description of the transition we're now experiencing, here in the Northwest. -ed.
Delta Doors
It has been 22 months [at the time this was written] since the Lord visited me with the strong
message about "Delta" and "Doors." You may have noticed Paul Keith Davis'
newsletter for August 2011 that was titled A
Day of Open Doors. I find much encouragement through the revelations and
writings of Paul Keith and I've noticed others have had "door" revelations in
the past year. Still, my spirit has not been entirely at peace about this "door"
Passing through doors in the spiritual realm does not produce a
change in circumstances without first producing a change within
us. Doors represent transition. Transition is movement and movement often produces insecurity as we move from
one balanced step to the next. In transition we often first pass through our
expectations of what we think the change should look like. As the nature of
change is to change us, the first thing often required is our expectation of what change should look like.
Let's go back [several] weeks to the pivotal time of Rosh Hashanah.
There was much spoken of and prophesied about this season: earthquakes, huge
changes in church as we know it, etc...
Two Things to Understand
Some prophetic words have a Kingdom (spiritual)
realization but their manifestation on this plane is delayed.
For example, I believe there has been a significant change in "how
America does Church." That change presently is the Kingdom realm – the spiritual
realm – and may not be visible and demonstrated until a cataclysmic event sets
it off. The stage has been set, but to say the change has occurred would be like
inviting thousands of people to a concert a week before the musicians arrive.
The other thing to understand is the limitations
of our linear, Greek-style of thinking.
As American Christians we are hard-wired to believe that events
occur in a rational sequence. B follows A, four follows
three, and any change in the Spirit is simply an extension of where we have
already been. We seem to equate spiritual progress with job promotions. But to
do this is prophesying from our tip-toes and can lead to dangerous speculation.
Where we are presently is not someplace the Body has been
before, nor it is a mere extension of where we were. The Lord's idea of progress
is not the same as ours.
Open Doors Lead to New Rooms
Imagine a large, beautiful house. You have dwelt in this house for
a long time. Your favorite room has become your "living" room. You know how the
light enters the windows during certain times of the day and seasons of the
year. You have a favorite chair or couch on which to rest and you've decorated
the walls with symbols of desires, values and memories. We have a particular
room like this. It contains our wood stove, a brick chimney and wood box, a
handmade bookshelf with a few hundred books, one La-Z-Boy chair, a couch, and
rocking chair. On the walls are a number of pelts – bobcat, wolf, coyote and
badger – a buffalo skull, a European mount of a whitetail buck, an L. A. Huffman
print of South Sunday Creek, a framed Ezra Riley book cover, two framed Wally
Badgett cartoons, and chaps and spurs hanging in a corner.
It is a comfortable room and very Western. It reflects who "we"
are, or more precisely, who I am. Imagine as you sit in your comfortable room
that you suddenly notice a door you'd not seen before. Curiously, you rise from your comfort, crack the door open, and peer
inside. The new room is dimly lit, so you enter to take a better look
and the door closes behind you.
The door is stuck hard, but not locked. If you truly want to return
to comfort it's possible, but an inner compass settles and centers you. You look
about the new room. To your senses, there is not much here to like. The room
seems very bare and the shades on the windows are drawn, making the room almost
dark. But you do notice the floor is hardwood and the ceiling seems higher than
The room and its atmosphere is very clean as if prepared
beforehand, but you desire more air and light. You pull the curtains back and
open a window. There is a view before you that you've not quite seen before.
It's your yard, your place, but from a different angle. The light and fresh air
brings a warmth to the room and you see that the floor is even more beautiful
than you'd thought. It glistens in the sunlight.
What this room lacks is a personal touch. The
foundation and atmosphere reflects His handiwork, but the walls are bare.
You must personalize this room with your sanctified values,
dreams, desires, and memories before it is fully yours to occupy. But
there is no rush to do this.
And the room is strangely silent. If you put your ear to the wall
you would faintly hear prophetic voices describing "new seasons" and "new doors"
coming from the room you'd just left but the voices now seem dim and hollow.
They don't speak to you now.
The room needs music. But not any music. Not yesterday's music.
It needs a music from within that you've never heard.
The new room calls for a new response. You sense you have
arrived at a deeper level and somewhere here is a new sound of worship.
Something more fulfilling, more piercing and authoritative, yet, softer and
sweeter than any sound you've known. As the sound grows in you it seems
tangible, like a cloud of energy hungering for release. It is so large and so
enlarging that you wonder if you can birth it and still live.
You are impressed to sit, relax and wait. Busyness alone won't
enhance this room, in fact, mere busyness would degrade its atmosphere. This is
a room where patience is embraced and where patience embraces in return. Peace
is here. Its presence is close. You sit in the new room not knowing what comes
next and not caring. We are impressed to simply sit on the floor. Relax and
wait. Busyness won't change this room.
We must sit, wait, and allow our eyes to become
accustomed to new light. This is where we are in the present season of new, open