Elvin Gladney: City Gatekeepers.

This is a video of Elvin Gladney speaking to pastors, on the topic of the City Church. In this case, Elvin, from Seattle, is speaking to the city church of Portland. 
This is an extremely powerful prophetic word, but it's different enough that it requires some introduction. Elvin is declaring a Kingdom view of the Church in a region; it's a remarkable change from how the church works now. 
  • If you're a leader, a mentor, an influencer in the Body of Christ in your region, listen with a mind to learn from a mature apostle. Let's live, let's work for the Kingdom of God in the region, more than (not instead of) the local congregations. 
  • If you're an intercessor, please pray for the leaders, the influencers in your region, that the Church in your region will grab ahold of the vision for the Kingdom of God in their community, more than (not instead of) the local congregations. 
Something is happening in the Portland area. God is stirring something in Portland, targeting Portland. Pray for the move of God in Portland. Pray for the City Church in Portland, and in your own community.

This post is clip. If you have difficulty playing the file, click on the post title (Elvin Gladney: City Gatekeepers) to watch it online. Note: this is a long message: just over an hour and a half. It's worth the investment.

From Timothy Johnson of LatterGlory.
You may want to consider the NewYear's conference in Portland: Discerning The Times