EDIT: For one group's response to these prophecies, see: https://nwp.link/OpposingSpiritOfFear).
Rick Joyner: Prophetic Significance of the Japan Earthquake
There has been a lot of conversation about the prophetic significance of the Japan earthquake, and questions of what does that signal, both for the US and for the Northwest. One of the clearest voices on that topic is Rick Joyner, and he's produced several Prophetic Bulletins on the topic.
Here are Rick's Prophetic Bulletins, gathered in one place for your review.
A couple of comments:
First, we reject the concept of the earthquake, or the other events surrounding that earthquake, representing judgement. This is not God's judgement on Japan. Nor would it be any of our business, really, if God were speaking to Japan through these events. That would be Japan's business.
Second, the Word says, "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said." We present these bulletins in that spirit: please weigh carefully what is said. Please do not shortcut this step.
Third, please use this information first and foremost to pray for Japan, and second to pray for the Northwest. We are not looking for sensationalism: we're looking for prayer! Serious, focused, Spirit-directed prayer.
Finally, it is our intent to add more to this specific page. As Rick and Morningstar release more of these bulletins, we will add them here, if they seem prophetically relevant. You may want to bookmark this webpage.
EDIT: For one group's response to these prophecies, see: https://nwp.link/OpposingSpiritOfFear).
EDIT: For one group's response to these prophecies, see: https://nwp.link/OpposingSpiritOfFear).
This page contains several video links. If you're receiving this by mail, you will need to click on the title ("Rick Joyner: Prophetic Significance of the Japan Earthquake") to open the original webpage, and view the videos there.
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