God is saying there have been those in the church in the United States of America that have been faithful. God is speaking first to those that have walked with Him and not wavered. He is well pleased that you have walked in holiness and stood for the things of God when others would not stand. You have not wavered over years of trials and tribulations and the Lord is pleased. God has raised you up to teach the younger generations to stand in the storm and they need to be taught not to waver but to stand strong.
There are those that have come back to the Lord and have had time away in the world. You have come back to me broken. God is saying, if you will repent of your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive your sin and He will yet use you to build His church. The key is to come back now and repent of your sin.
There are those that are apostolic and prophetic parents that have been sowing into the church in the United States and seeking to see the church arise and be all God has called her to be. Continue to pray for Divine strategies on how to minister to My church effectively, remembering that you must sit first at My feet to have fresh food to give out to My church. It is time with Me that will be well spent in the days ahead. I am raising up a church that will stand in the storms of life. You have seen the result of tornado's recently and the devastation they have made. I say to you that the enemy seeks to make havoc in the lives of My believers. He seeks daily to kill, steal and destroy and you must fortify yourselves church, in the Word and prayer.
Church it is for you I died and I am calling you to come higher. To do so you must take a stand for righteousness and fear not those things which shall surely come to pass. You need to be fearless and come together in love. You need to put aside the sin that so easily besets you and run the race with new diligence. I am calling the church in the United States of America to repentance and to run the race with diligence. I have not found your works perfect before Me so run that you might obtain a crown. You must pray for leadership and those that are in authority over you that you might live a quiet, peaceful and Godly life. You peace depends on your intercession. Pray that I raise up intercessors in My house. Pray for My church to submit to authority and honor it for I have established it in My Word.
Authority is established by Me for My purposes that you might live in peace. Learn to die daily to your own desire that I might live in you.
Apostolic and prophetic parents will raise up children that will take My Word to the Nations of the earth. They shall come from within the United States as well as the other nations of the world but I say to you that there are those within that have skills that My babes need to learn. Teach them that they might go and do likewise and sow into the nations of the earth. Be diligent to protect these babes in Christ for they are yet young, many still in the teens that will take the message of the Kingdom to the Nations. Pray and cover them that the enemy will not touch them or take them out before their time. Pray for Israel and My church in the United States needs to stand with Israel regardless of the cost. Remember that you were engrafted into the vine and do not forget where you have come from. I am calling My Church in the United States of America, to repentance, to put aside the sin that so easily besets them and to run the race with new diligence. Fast and pray and join with Me in this end time battle for the souls of men. There is a harvest to be brought in, so put aside the difference My beloved body and go forward together.
through Patricia Hamel
April 26, 2010