Mike Bickle responds to the Word over California

Mike responds to the word over California: PROPHETIC WORD FOR THE WEST COAST OF AMERICA:

Wendy - I read the word you spoke about judgment coming to California. I was very grateful for your clear trumpet sound. May the Lord raise up 1,000 more prophetic voices that sound forth with the kind of clarity that you wrote with. God’s judgment is truly coming to California. Prayer for mercy with genuine repentance is the ONLY way to minimize what is coming and to release the fullness of revival that God promises. You were a vessel of mercy to those who have ears to hear. You spoke in the fear of God. I thank you for not yielding to the man pleasing spirit that is silencing much of the Church today. I boldly stand with you in crying out to California to greater prayer and repentance to cut off God’s terrifying judgments. In the fear of God, MIKE BICKLE.

Mike Bickle is the leader of the International House of Prayer
Reported in a prayer thread on Francis Frangipane's website