Prophetic Words for 2017
A new gate is opening in the spirit as God is releasing a
backlog of revelation and blessings.
Prophetic Words for 2017
2017 is going to be a time in which many of the least likely
people begin to awaken to God’s love. A long-awaited start of global awakening
and revival will take place. Many of these people have been rejected by the
Church, but God is saying, “I have not forgotten them and their cries have
reached my ears.”
Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you
peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord
endures forever. Praise the Lord. Psalm 117:1–2 (NIV)
The world is going to awaken to the awesome power of the
Lord. There is a reason for all the turmoil and attacks. It is the enemy not
wanting us to see what God is about to do. God is more powerful than Satan and
some people have fallen into the trap of looking at the storms and believing
this is judgment against us. God has a solution in the midst of it all
that will unfold in 2017.
Due season is now overdue
The lives and ministries of people were brought into the
Courts of Heaven over Rosh Hashanah last October 2016. Last year, the Lord
examined our lives with the highest level of the heavenly court system. Daniel
7 Ancient of Days court sessions were held over us all. This is similar to the
level of the Supreme Courts on Earth.
Everyone went through an assessment to see if we are ready
to advance to the next level with the Lord. Many people were promoted
spiritually this year and the Lord is now releasing special plans and
assignments for those who have walked through the painful preparation it takes and
are crying out for mercy and not judgment.
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due
season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)
I heard the Lord say, “This is your due season and it is
overdue for many.” Do not give up as this is a season to reap. It is
not far off. Things are going to begin lining up for you over the next few
months. The Lord has not forgotten you! For many, the very reason you
came to Earth is about to be revealed in 2017.
Wind of Change coming
Expect to see backlogs of blessings and unanswered prayer
come to you over the next 3 months. Between now and March things will
start to line up with greater clarity. What currently looks like
losses will suddenly turn around for many people. Though it seems that darkness
is winning, after March this is going to take a quick turn for the good.
I have observed that the Wind of Change angel from Heaven
shows up March through May each year. Expect the Wind of Change to blow
heavy this year. It will help remove debris from our lives and uncover new
hidden treasures.
I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret
places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel , who summons you by name. Isaiah
45:3 NIV
Angel is ready to dance
God spoke to me that many forgotten prophetic words from the
past are coming to us in 2017.
I had a spiritual experience at Rosh Hashanah on September
28, 2011 in which I saw an angel that was in position and about to dance. In
the vision the place where I saw the angel standing looked like a
combination of San Francisco , Las
Vegas and Hollywood .
The Lord said that when this angel dances it will shake
things open and release finances, favor and an anointing to bring people into
God’s Kingdom. In the experience, many of us had been waiting a long time for
this angel to dance. Then without warning, it danced and the ground shook and
golden coins filled the streets.
This is the release of Kingdom finances that will be needed
to impact the world for God. It is also a shaking coming in the way we do
things. Watch for this angel to dance over your city!
Two moves of God coming
There are going to be 2 moves of God.
1. The first is going to be inside the Church and in the
lives of Christians—it is designed to awaken and prepare us.
2. The second is a wave of revival that will be geared to those
who have been rejected by Christians or have been considered unclean or even an
abomination. What is coming might seem to be a stretch to many people,
as some of our current ways of doing things will not work to reach those who
have been rejected. I
have been prophesying this for a number of years now and I call this
group the spiritual outcasts. They are the ones that did not fit
into churches or had a bad experience and went away, never to return.
Billion Soul Revival
This year will be the start of the Billion Soul
Revival—though it will not look like it on the surface. Do not despise humble
beginnings. The late prophet Bob Jones prophesied this revival would happen.
Sadly, Bob died in 2014 without seeing the fulfillment of it.
On September 22, 2016 I heard a counsel meeting in the
Courts of Heaven. It was about Bob Jones’ life and ministry and his prophecy of
the Billion Soul Revival. Many people have forgotten about it, but God
has not forgotten this prophetic promise and plans are being made now to
fulfill it on Earth.
During the counsel meeting, the tasks of fulfilling the
revival were split into thousands of assignments. No one man or woman could
carry this mantle alone. Bob carried the strategies; but now the actual
fulfillment plans are being released to us.
A new Jesus People movement coming
The Jesus People movement of the late 60s–early 70s was the
last known revival in North America . This was
a theologically messy movement as many hippies turned on to Jesus and became
Jesus Freaks.
The Jesus People movement started in San
Francisco and was taken to Southern California
and then to the world. This movement had a strong belief in miracles, signs and
wonders, faith, healing, prayer, the Bible and powerful works of the Holy
Spirit. It changed the face of Christianity and broke the religious spirit of
that day. Sadly, it was rejected by the majority of the Church.
There is a new Jesus People movement that is going to
start in San Francisco
again. It will not start with the hippies as it did then, but it will
be among the sexually broken and the Fatherless generation crying out for God’s
love. 2017 will mark the start of something new in San
Francisco that will go to Southern California
and then to the world.
A Golden Gate opened
The Lord spoke to me to go to San Francisco on New Year’s Eve 2016 and open
a gate in the spirit that will release the strategies for the next coming
revival. I tried that night, but it would not open until the next day when I
repented on behalf of all the people who have cursed and judged San Francisco .
As I removed these curses, the gate opened over the city
of the Golden Gate . This is a key to opening
revival and blessings over your house, church, business, city and nation.
The Glory of God is returning in 2017
During the Jesus People movement in the early 1970s there
was a strong presence of God’s Glory. It was like a liquid anointing or
tangible atmosphere that could be felt by many people. Without God’s greater
glory and power, we will not be able to be part of a revival and movement as
big as what God has in store for us.
In 1975, the Lord spoke to Bob Jones that the greater Glory
of God was going to leave the Church because it was used for man’s gain instead
of for revival and the Lord’s work. On March 17, 1977 Bob saw this glory lift
from the Church and it has not returned since. Yes, there are people who still
carry portions of it, but overall, the glory of God has not been on the Church
at large since that time.
March 17, 2017 is the 40th anniversary of the Glory
departing. This is the year that the Glory of God is going to return to
the Church. Like the glory of the 1970s it will not be limited to the
four walls of a Church. Similar to the Jesus People movement, the Glory
of God is coming with signs and wonders, healing and miracles and will begin to
touch those outside the church and into the streets.
In closing, I am not saying all of these things about the
big revival will take place in 2017. But God is planning and positioning us for
This will indeed be a year that started out looking evil and
dark but will end with greater hope and more of the light of the Lord being
Get your hopes up as God has not forgotten you!