Living the Dream in 2015
2014 was
the year of “Recovery and Discovery,” and the Lost was being Found. The Church
and the people were being positioned for the Blessings and the Battles, and the
Victories that await them in 2015. Yes, 2014 was preparational for 2015. Much
was restored and recovered in 2014, personally, financially, and spiritually.
The Spirit of The Lord was busy restoring, recovering and preparing, for it was
a time of internal preparation. It was a
fruitful year indeed. The transition
continues into 2015. But 2015 will be
the Year of Victories.
2015 is
more about “external manifestation” to possess the promises of God over your
life. Yes, the Glory of the Lord will be revealed in 2015 and many will be
Living out their Dreams. As the
prophetic drama unfolds, they will live out their parts that were scripted by
Abba for them before the foundations of the world. Divine Strategies will come
and Explosive Growth will result. This is a time of much activity in the Spirit
realm and upon the Earth. It is much
about positioning, for battles always precede victories. Time to take the land,
which represents truth and the promises of God over your life, city or nation.
Lean and Mean in 2015
Yes, the
Joy of the Lord is your strength, and the Power of Praise and Prayer will play
an important role in the Possessing of the Promises in 2015. But, we must put “our game face on” like a
boxer who enters the ring or a soldier who is on maneuvers. You must have a
winning and a fighting mindset. As a soldier, you must be lean and mean, that
is a Mindset. The Spirit of the Lord told me that Mindsets much change in
2015. Example: after 40 years in the
wilderness the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan River .
They had a “Wilderness Mindset” But you cannot Possess the Promises with a
Wilderness Mindset. You must have a
Warrior Mindset, that is why Jesus appeared to Joshua as a Mighty Warrior, the
Commander of the armies of God. Joshua 5:11-15. So revelation will come in 2015
that will give you a New Mindset.
Christians will also lose weight in 2015.
Yes the pounds will come off so you can be in your best shape both
Naturally and Spiritually for the Battles and the Victories. Yes, and whatever
else is weighing you down shall be laid aside in 2015. Hebrews12:1
There will be “Fireworks” in
2015, the Fireworks of Warfare and the Fireworks of Celebration. The Lord is
appearing as a Mighty Man of War to lead you into Battles and Victories. And
what He spoke to Joshua in Joshua 6:2 ... “See I have given ________into your
hand... “ (Fill in the blank is for you.)
Yes, It is time to fill in the blanks, and boldly move in the direction
of your destiny with a shout of praise unto God.
The “Prevailing” Winds will Blow in
The wind of
the Holy Spirit will blow in 2015. This
wind of God is like a trade wind, it is a favorable wind, and it will blow like
a tail wind taking you forth into your destiny, it will guide you into
victory. This wind will empower you and
it will prevail over your enemies. Many will actually feel this “Wind of God”
as a sign. Natural winds will also blow
as a sign. The word “Prevail” is a key word to describe 2015.
Praise Encounters and Prayer
Encounters in 2015
Encounters will happen more frequently, especially during times of praise and
prayer. These will be special times of
meeting with God. Yes, God Inhabits praise. Ps.22:3 And this will be so much more evident as
these times of praise will become encounters with God, yes praise encounters
and prayer encounters. You will see it,
and many of you will experience this. Key Verses for 2015 are Psalm
149:6-9 “Glory Storms” will also come
and they will be a phenomena that is the result of prayer and praise unto the
Lord. I am not sure what the term “Glory Storms” means, but when it happens we
will know and be amazed!
With the
understanding that “Judah
means praise” Gen. 29:35, the Believers will demonstrate and experience the “Prevailing
Power of Praise,” in 2015. “Yet Judah
Prevailed over his brothers, and from him came a ruler, although the birthright
was Joseph’s.” I Chr. 5:2 Yes, I declare
over you that you will experience the Power of Praise unto God in 2015 and
receive your breakthrough. Judah
ended up with the birthright because Judah prevailed. If you will boldly
take on a “Judah Mindset” then you also will prevail.
Home-Coming Celebrations
Also there
will be “Home-Coming Celebrations” and a feeling of “Homecoming” in the
atmosphere. This is the beginning of a new mindset, a transition into the time
of His return. The Home-Coming has to do with three things: to celebrate Church
Heritage; to celebrate or welcome back former members; and to begin to
celebrate the Occasion of the Lord’s return. Yes, Jesus is coming back with a
I declare
that you will live your Dream in 2015, that you will position yourself for
battles and victories and be lean and mean in 2015. As you yield to the prevailing winds of the
Holy Spirit you shall be propelled forth into your destiny. Shouting unto God with the voice of triumph,
you shall experience victories in every area of your life and ministry and
finance, and be a blessing to many
people as God will also prosper you in all things.
Mucho Agape,