To the northwest and Seattle, I will pour out My Spirit upon this region! There is an open heaven presently in Seattle. I opened heaven because of my children crying out to me. I have answered you.
Heaven is open to bring revival! Heaven is open to touch my lost sheep. My heart cries to them. I am going after them because I want them with me! Listen My children.. pray for my lost! I will go after just the one!
I have many who are lost. I will send you out to them! I will use you to gather them and bring them into my church. They are broken and in need of saving! Out of zeal and love I will bring them in. I will give them My spirit and My love.
You shepherds: I will fill you with wisdom and authority to teach my lost ones. I will place new mantles on you! I will cause you to be steadfast and live by example. You will not waver in demonstrating caring out my purpose!
“Return, O backsliding children,” says the Lord; “for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. - Jeremiah 3:14-15
I'm gathering the laborers right now because the harvest will be full! I bringing them into the city! The world will rejoice because this open heaven will reach not just the city but across the earth. Look at revivals of the past! Remember My glory in them!
I will also revive my shepherds and laborers. Those of you tending my vineyards, my pastures, and my fields, will find rest for your souls!
I want you to know above all else, my love for you is jealous and hungry love. Ask me for my heart! Ask me to come into a courtship with you again. I desire this as much as you do! Remember me in everything you do. Sing to me where ever you are. Talk to me at all times. I'm listening. If you need to repent of a sin, confess it to me. I will cleanse you of your sin. I love you! Amen