Prophetic word for 2014

 As I write this word for 2014, it is my deepest desire to correctly articulate what the Holy Spirit has given me for the New Year. 1 Corinthians 13:9 says “For we know in part and we prophesy in part” with that understanding, this is my portion for the body of Christ.

Spirit, Soul & Body
 The Spirit of the Lord is bringing healing to the Church as a whole person this year spirit, soul & body. God is bringing the Church into a new alignment with His will and purposes that will greatly affect His people for the good. The areas of your life that have not been in agreement with the Holy Spirit are going to be brought to light this year for the purpose of healing, restoration and deliverance. Where there have been wounds from the past that have hindered your ability to function in wholeness, God is doing a deep work that will produce abundant life in His people.

The Apostle Paul wrote the following:
1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God is expanding His kingdom into many places of influence where the Church needs to be ready to demonstrate Gods love. This is why there needs to be wholeness in the body of Christ, so we can give out of the depth of love that has been poured into our hearts through Christ. Its time for the Church to be whole!
Overcoming dualism
 God is dealing with wrong understandings that have created conflict within the Church about the spirit and the soul. There have been dualistic teachings that have kept many people in bondage to a performance based relationship with God. This kind of teaching has been harmful to the body of Christ because it separates the spiritual from the natural, and creates a wrong understanding of how God views the individual person. Many people have been taught that the spirit is good, but the soul and body are corrupt, needing to be brought into submission to the spirit. This understanding is incorrect, and does not take into account that the spirit and soul are deeply intergraded and do not function apart from one other. God wants the Church to stop living their lives miserably for Him, to stop living as though we are not pleasing God because of a lack of spiritual performance (not enough prayer, not reading the bible, or denying self). There are multiple layers to what this looks like, but I feel like God is going to give the Church greater revelation regarding how much He loves us (our entire being) and how to function as a whole person in the earth.
Led by the Spirit
 The Father has been looking for sons & daughters that will yield to the leading of His Spirit. This will become clearly evident in the days ahead, as God is going to display His purposes through those that are led by the Spirit of God, and not by the spiritual climate in the world.  The leading of the Holy Spirit is going to take on a new dimension in 2014, because many people are being freed from patterns of living and wrong thinking that have hindered their walk with God; He is going to free many for the purpose of leading many.

Romans 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

John 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

Character matters
 2014, will be a time when the character of Christ is going to come to the forefront of the Church. There has been a great imbalance regarding our focus on the power and works of God, yet operating without the character of God. God wants His Church to function with all the resources of heaven, but He also wants His people to function with His character.

Character can be defined as the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves, someone’s personality. God is going to develop the character of Christ in His people that desire to be more like Him, this will require a much needed sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as He shows us the things that need changed in our hearts and minds. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is going to appear in the lives of Gods people this year in an extraordinary way, due to a willingness to yield to His inward working.

God is also in the process of redefining what ministry looks like, He is getting to the core of our value system, regarding what we do. Ministry by definition is about serving others, not about serving yourself. Everything Jesus did was for the benefit of others, from turning water into wine, to washing the disciple’s feet; He taught that whoever wants to be greatest must become a servant of all. I feel like God is going to give us new perspective regarding ministry, He is reveling the motives and intentions of the heart as we move forward into maturity.
The last will be first
 We have entered a time where the last will be first, and the first will be last. Many people have bypassed Gods way to get to the front of the line in regard to “success” at any cost. There have also been many people that have chosen to take the lowest seat; and have not attempted to be first in line. Because of this decision, not to run to the front of the line, they will not be passed by in this new season. God is going to promote many people who have been patiently waiting their turn. He is going to exalt those who have humbled themselves, and bring low, those who have been unwilling to humble themselves.

Luke 14:11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

There has been a refining fire moving through the body of Christ that is now causing a deep humility to flow out of the hearts of Gods people. This humility is an entrance into a deeper intimacy with the Lord. God is going to exalt those who have chosen to humble themselves over this past year, as He has been doing an inward work in His people that have yielded their hearts to Him. (Luke 14:7-11)

Identity being restored
 We have entered a time of full restoration, as the Father is restoring the identity of His sons and daughters who have forgotten who they were, and have departed from His will. The enemy has attempted to destroy the lives of many people, and keep them from accomplishing what God has purposed for their lives. The Lord is intervening on their behalf right now, and bringing to their remembrance the Fathers love for them. This is a time where those that have seemingly departed from the Fathers will, and chosen a path in life that has led them to destruction, are going to “come to their senses” and return to their Fathers house. The Father is going to place the robe of identity and the ring of authority on many sons and daughters that have walked away and been hurt in the body of Christ. He is restoring their identity, because they belong to Him. (Luke 15:11-32)

Financial independence
 2014 will be a year of financial independence for many people. There are wise investments, and financial breakthroughs that God will give insights and strategy for, if we are willing to wait for His leading. 2014 will be a year when multiplication comes upon many people’s finances; as we are entering into a time when people are going to experience what it truly means to be debt free. Many people are going to experience ownership for the first time, I feel like there will be houses, lands, cars, investments that are paid for in full this year, giving people full ownership of what they posses.

In early 2013 the Lord spoke to me about the price of silver, that it was a good time to buy and invest, I believe there are many opportunities to increase financially if we ask the Lord to show us.

Love breakthrough
 The Holy Spirit is highlighting 1 Corinthians chapter 13 this year. Because there has been a surface understanding of love that the Church has demonstrated to the world, I feel like we are going to experience a deeper revelation and demonstration of love this year that will transform us into a greater expression of Jesus Christ. God has given the Church a clear blueprint of what love looks like as we read the verves below:

 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4 Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, 5 does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, 6 does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.

Jesus Christ is the complete definition and fulfillment of true love; I believe the Church is going to experience a love breakthrough this year that will change our priorities and reshape our focus back to His character and likeness.

Josh Crofton