Five "Hot Pockets" in the Nation

This is a transcribed word of the Lord prophesied at PMI Glory Institute in Chicago, Illinois on February 13, 2011:

I hear the voice of the Lord! I'm telling you, I hear the sound of rain. I'm seeing rain in the desert. I'm seeing rain where it never rained! I'm hearing the sound of Heaven. I'm hearing the majesty of the King, and I hear Him saying, "Grace! Grace I will pour out unto you. Grace I will give you. Oh Church, rise up in grace. The throne of grace is open to you."

I see the waters filled with diamonds. I see a flood of the walls of Heaven. I see the breath of the Ruah of God. I hear the sound of exhale from Heaven. There's an exhaling coming from Heaven. And God will say to His people, "My Son is sufficient for you. My Son is sufficient for you." I hear the Son. I see the Son looking at His Father. He's saying, "These are the children of the Most High. What shall We do to bless them this day?" The Father smiles... He exhales!

I see flames, I see arrows, and I see frames... many frames. Like picture frames. People are about to get visions. For where there's been no vision, the people perish. "But I am about to say to the seer that has not seen, 'You will start to see with a new vision.' I'm about to say to the speaker who has not spoken, 'You are about to speak with new dimensions of authority.'"

"I Laid Down My Life For You, But You Must Pick Up My Life"

I was awakened this morning, and I was taken up above the earth. I was in this atmosphere where there was a crust on the atmosphere. I heard the Lord say, "Look into this." As I looked into the crust I saw a blister and it burst. I saw what really did not compute to my own understanding. I saw dollar signs come out. I saw houses come out. I saw people come out with rags on.

There's a blistering about to happen over the nation. The ceiling has been burst. The debt has been burst. "And I say to you, oh Church, it's the finances of the Church that will save the nations. For upon the visitation of your gift that you give unto Heaven, that will be the release of grace I send to the below. The blister is not pretty, but those who have given will be taken care of, and those who have must take care of those who have not. For I am calling My Church, I am calling My people to be givers like never before. I love you so much," says the Lord, "that I came into this earth, dispatched from My Father. I laid My life down for you. But you must pick up My life, Church. You must pick up My essence, My being, My Presence.

"Where is the promise that you gave unto Me? says the Lord. "Where's that promise you gave unto Me?" says the Lord. "I cannot be threatened by your promises. For many times your promises have been in vain.... out of your own will and out of your own imagination. But I tell you a greater glory is coming, and when it comes your promises that you give to Me will be the promises that I have released to you. For I am wiping away the backsliding." Come on, somebody! "I am wiping away the fear. I am wiping away the word 'no,' and I am giving you yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Five Pockets in the Nation from Hollywood to New York

There are five pockets in the nation. Their pockets are deep. Their pockets run deep into the earth. They are firmly rooted in this earth. But I tell you, their heads are in the clouds. These five pockets – one pocket is Hollywood. I tell you, Hollywood has its head in the clouds, living in the imagination of God. So Lord, we break the perversion off the imagination. We break the perversion off the imagination and we release the truth of God in Hollywood.

There's another pocket, pocket two, that's in New York. There's a group of people that are in New York that have been praying to see My glory. So Lord, we speak to New York, and we ask You, God, to release the truth in New York. Where is the witness in this house?

There's another pocket, pocket three, and it's in Georgia. The state of Georgia is carrying a deep pocket. There are signs, wonders and miracles in Georgia. People will start flocking to Georgia, and it's going to move over into Alabama. It's going to go into Tennessee, and it's going to go... Oh, thank You, Jesus, it's going into South Carolina, hallelujah! It's coming up through Ohio, it's coming into Indiana, and it's going through Kentucky, and it's coming into Illinois. Chicago will be a place where God's glory will be made manifest! God will move from the region of Chicago! That is a pocket! Chicago, you are a pocket – pocket four!

There's another pocket, pocket five, in the upper west coast. Its face is toward Canada, and its feet are toward America. I am saying to you from this region there will be a great revival! It'll be birthed from this region! All hail King Jesus! Go west, young man; go west, young woman! I'm telling you, God is raising up a band of people from the northwest area of North America, and there is going to be another pocket of revival where miracles, signs and wonders, miraculous healings and many are raised from the dead!

And the Lord said, "I'm going to teach you how to laugh at the Lord's enemy when he comes up in your face! You're going to laugh at the Lord's enemy when he comes in your face, and your laugh will be the flood I will raise against his house." Ha! Ha! Ha! I see the flame of Yah. I see this flame, and it's filled with the color purple and the color blue. I'm about to release into this assembly a spirit of revelation. There will be a destiny! You will begin to revelate in your sleep, you will begin to revelate on the TV, you will revelate on the computer, you will revelate talking. All of a sudden you will say, "I don't know where that came from," and you will know that it came from God because it is glory! It is God's Word.

A Spirit of Revival is Coming, But It's Not What We're Accustomed To

I see a spirit of revival, but it's not the revival we're accustomed to. I see many diving back into the Scriptures. I see revelation – revelation coming forth from the Scripture. I see a whole new wave of glory coming. I hear Him say, "I'm about to unfold another mystery. I'm about to give you another key to the Kingdom. I'm about to give you an audience with the Majesty."

I see a lion. He is huge. I hear the Lord telling me that he's 20 stories high, and he's walking across the land. He's been in Egypt. He's been roaring in Egypt, and he's walking into Israel; he's getting ready to walk into Israel, and he's going to raise his face to the sky. He's going to roar! He's going to roar in Israel! The line that has been drawn by the Blood of Emmanuel's veins between the United States and Israel will not be broken.

"But if a nation of people, not the land, will humble themselves and pray, I will give you the land, I will change the land, and I will change the atmosphere, because the framework is coming in." Come on, somebody! The framework is coming in! The framework is coming in!

EDITORS NOTE: I believe the framework spoken of here to be the proper alignment and coming into rank and file of the five fold ministry. Especially the apostolic and prophetic foundation, framework, skeleton upon which the Body is built.

"I have set boundaries. I'm beginning to set new boundaries. I'm going to tell you, the sky's the limit!" Glory to God! The sky is the limit! Sing the chains are gone...

My chains are gone, I've been set free,
My God, my Savior has ransomed me,
And like a flood, His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace.

Praise God! Hallelujah! Hallelujah for grace! Grace, grace, grace, grace! Hallelujah, glory to God! Come on somebody, praise the Lord!

Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice