As there are so many things happening through out the earth right now, I've felt led to share about a generation that is now getting a hold of something that has never been seen before. God is calling an entire generation to be lifted up into the glory of the Lord, to be completely transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Isa 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. [NKJV]
Isaiah saw the glory of the Lord; he saw the activity around the throne of God and heard the conversations of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as they waited for someone to respond. What Isaiah saw in his day was the entrance of a place where the body of Christ has been called to dwell in. We are a generation that is beginning to hear conversations that are coming out of heaven. God is giving an open invitation to anyone that would take the opportunity to seek Him while He may be found. Through out the generations there have always been those who have responded to His call, refusing to be bound by the lifeless restrictions of religion. The Holy Spirit beckons us into this dimension of spiritual transformation; God is giving an entire generation the invitation to be transformed through the Mind of Christ.
Isa 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.” [NKJV]
We no longer can sit on the sidelines and wait for someone else to go in and encounter God for us. The veil has been torn in two, and access has been given to those that would come boldly into the presence and glory of God, knowing their identity as sons of God through Jesus Christ. We cannot be satisfied with the experiences of others, but we can be inspired by their testimonies and revelations, so we will become hungry for nothing less than the manifested presence of God.
The Lord said to me, “I've given you this time to make Me your priority.”
After hearing this, I began to understand the opportunity that has been given to me. I've felt a grace come over me to put aside the distractions of life and make my pursuit all about Him. This is a picture of what is happening in the hearts of many believers right now. God has given us access into a very unique place in Him for the purpose of getting direction and insight for what is next. He wants our next encounter with prophesy, or the spirit of revelation to come directly from Him. He wants us to enter His rest so that every part of our being is fully exposed to His glory. Expect to be changed. I pray that God gives you a desire to be in His presence at all times; from faith to faith, and from glory to glory.
Josh Crofton,
Crofton House Ministries