I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying: “I Am granting you access to secret chambers and dimensions of My heart. You are being armed with an arsenal of My ability and I Am adorning you with My favor like never before. Accept My word and align yourselves with what I have spoken. Anticipate the greatest hour that has ever existed. I Am awakening My church to a new day of harvest and purpose. It is time for you to activate the anointing I have put within you. Acknowledge Me in all of your ways and I will give you the desire of your hearts. This shall be a decade of acceleration and accommodating My promises a fresh and anew.”
“Be bold and do not shrink back from what I have promised you. Bombard heaven with your praise and I will break you through the walls of limitation and take you beyond the veil of My glory. My bride shall shine in this year like never before as I cause her to carry My radiant beauty in the earth. Brace yourselves for the best instead of preparing for the worst. Breakthrough is here and you have entered a new chapter and era as the people of God.”
“Consecrate yourselves, keep your hearts pure and your hands clean. Cling to my presence and cast off every care. I Am staking My claim and coming to My church like never before. As I spoke to Moses and Joshua so I speak to you: Do all that I command you to do and you will have great success. Commit yourselves to Me and allow Me to create a new culture of covenant within My church. Be consumed with compassion and commit to My great commission and I will cause nations to be converted as I have promised. Stay connected to a steady stream of the Holy Spirit and become conduits of My power”.
“Dare to dream again and declare that your day and time of destiny has arrived. The days of disappointment have come to an end. It is the dawning of a new day. Delight in the Lord and His promises. Do not doubt and you will not be denied. Be deliberate in your steps as I cause you to walk in new realms of delegated authority.Declare your full dependence upon Me and I will give you the desires of your heart. I am delivering the designs for your destiny and causing your dreams to become reality. I have determined that this will be a decade of double portions and double favor.”
“Expect to be surprised by expressions of My love and affection as I enhance My presence upon My people even in public places. I will be seen enthroned upon the praises of My church and I will release My glory in extraordinary ways in the year ahead. Prepare to be entrenched in victory as I continue to heap coals upon the head of the enemy. I Am equipping believers with the power and glory that was demonstrated in the Book of Acts. Expand your expectations and I will expand your territory, your impact, and your influence. I am sending the hosts of heaven to be embedded among you to listen to what you say and and carry out my word as you give the command.”
“The faith of the faithful shall release the works of God in action. I am calling forth the flames of fire to carry the fullness of My glory. Favor shall surround My people like a shield and I will fulfill My promises and bring My word into fruition. The fruit of the Spirit must line up with the gifts of the spirit in this next season. There is a new freedom coming upon My people to be who I created and called them to be. I am driving out fear and releasing fresh faith. Be like the great men of old who obtained a word from God and framed their world with it. Fortify the body, fall into formation as I send you into unchartered territories of favor.”
“Greater glory, greater works and greater purpose is being birthed in the heart of My church. Grab hold of my promises and go forth with great confidence. My goodness shall be seen in the earth this year and many that are in darkness shall gravitate to the living God. I have given you glimpses of My glory in the past but this year I shall consume you. Generations are coming into 2011. There is a generational move of the Spirit that is coming in this year focus on generation ministry and I will release the mystery hidden throughout generations.”
“Hold on to My word and hide it in your heart. You shall no longer be hindered. It is time for the heirs of salvation to have what I have spoken. I am putting greater honor upon My house. 2011 will be a year of humbling for many leaders in the church and on the world stage as I release My hand of mercy to bring forth the turning of hearts among the elect and the elected. Healing shall spring forth like the morning and the hope of many shall be restored as I heap the resources of My heart upon My people.”
“Increase has come upon you in 2011. Increase your capacity as I release to you the inheritance of the Kingdom. Your inheritance has already been secured and paid for. There will be an increase of opportunity, fruit, and souls in the year ahead. Operate out of your identity, be secure in who I created you to be and know that you are backed by the I Am. Your sphere of influence will be expanded as you are illuminated with a child like faith and innocence. Intercessors are being called to take their rightful positions and infiltrate the enemies territory. This shall be a year of financial intervention and Kingdom investment.”
“Joy unspeakable and full of glory is yours this year. My joy is your strength so do not let the enemy steal it. I am jealous over you and long for you to fall in love with me all over again in the year ahead. Judgment begins in the house of God pulpits and steeples shall be shaken with a greater sense of the holiness of God. Justice shall be served in this nation and the nations of the earth this year as I overturn the rulings of man and unravel the plans of the enemy.”
“Kingdom Keys are being released to Kingdom hearted people. I will give you the keys to unlock generations, nations, and resources for an end time harvest. Keep your eyes on My presence in this season because you have never been this way before.”
“Lead with love, listen with love, learn with love, lavish with love. Pursue love and I will make you irresistible. Love is the key, love is the answer, love is your greatest tool, and love is your greatest weapon. Love the unlovable and I will give you cities, regions, and nations.”
“Multitudes are about to be moved from darkness to glorious light. My mercy is going to release a movement of miracles in the earth as I manifest My majesty and might in the earth. Move beyond the ordinary and maximize the moment I have created for you.”
“Nothing is impossible for those who believe and I am launching you far beyond what you have ever thought was possible. I am releasing My nature upon those who are called by My name.”
“Open heavens shall abound in 2011. This will be known as a year of open doors and unexplainable open doors of opportunity for those who have abandoned themselves to obedience.”
“Perfected praise shall spring forth out of the mouths of children. The pure in heart shall see My face. Be persistent, precise, and patient and you will posses the promise. Peace is power in 2011. This will be a year of prophetic encounters, provision encounters, and power encounters.”
“Quit worrying and let your faith be quickened. I am quashing the attacks of the enemy and causing the earth to quake with the knowledge of the glory of God.”
“Restoration is on My lips this year. I Am bringing about the restoration of all things including the restoration of rest for My people. Release what I have deposited inside of you. Rely on My power and not your own. Jesus the Redeemer is coming to redeem, restore, renew, and rejuvenate His people. Rivers of resources are being released to the Remnant that will build by the Spirit.”
“Seek me in the secret place and I will tell you secrets that you have never known or heard so take time to sit at My feet. Salvation is here. This is a year of household salvation! I am changing the landscape of your surroundings I am releasing a saturating presence upon those willing to soak in my presence. Surrender your ways for My ways. Seize the moment as I continue to secure your future. Spirit led will replace seeker sensitive and the sons of thunder shall be heard loud and clear.”
“Trust Me during this year of transition. Your trials are being turned into triumphs. I am crowning you with truth and taking you from grace to grace and glory to glory. This is a year of transformation for many churches, cities, and nations. Taste and see that the Lord is good. This is your time to take back what was stolen. The Holy Spirit is coming to teach and train His people as He thrusts them out to do what has never been seen or done before.”
“Unwrap the gifts I have placed inside of you. God is unifying and fortifying His church. I am ushering you into a year of unusual and uncommon encounters with the Holy Spirit. He is uprooting, unraveling, and undoing the plans of the enemy on behalf of His people.”
“Victory is at hand! Men of valor are rising like Gideon to defeat the works of darkness. Virtuous women are taking their place of value in the body and victims are becoming victorious.”
“Watch me fulfill what I have said. The waiting is over and I am moving you into realms of fulfillment and completion like never before. I am washing over My body with rivers of refreshing. Be willing to be stretched, challenged, and changed. This will be a year that the whispers of heaven will be heard.”
“Expel all thoughts of failure. I have called you people of excellence, to soar like eagles and to see what others could not. Exhaust yourself in your pursuit of My presence and I will show you mighty deeds. I am expanding your territory. Exalt me and lit me up and I will draw all men unto me.”
“Yesterday is gone so let it go. Yield yourself to me. Let your soul say yes to what I am calling you to do. I am releasing the anointing that destroys the yoke. You have been anointed and called to make history and change the world around you. This is your day, your time, and your year to go beyond where you have ever been.”
“Be zealous for good works and let the zeal of the Lord be seen upon you and provoke others to jealousy because of your passion for Him and His love for you.”
Word Given by David Wagner, Pensacola, Florida 12-31-2010
Via Marc Buchheit