"Smile," Says the Lord, "for I Am Thundering throughout the Earth!"
The following word was prophesied by Kim Clement on October 2, 2010 from The Den:
"Do Not Tremble at the Sound of Bad News"
God's Spirit says to you, "Are you expecting something from Me? Are you waiting and saying, 'God, any moment now something could happen?' Are you expecting something from Me?" For the Spirit of the Lord says, "If you are expecting, then I shall grant it to you in My time."
Those who fear the Lord, do not tremble at the sound of bad news. Do not tremble at the sound of bad news, for the Spirit of the Lord says, "I will release My voice, and I have, to overcome and resist the very enemy that has tried to take the joy away from My people.
"Smile," says the Lord, "for I am thundering throughout the earth. I am rushing to and fro throughout the earth," says the Lord, "hearkening unto the sound of My people and waiting to hear the sound of faith," says the Lord."I'm running throughout the earth," says the Lord.
God says, "I am working on your behalf. I am exercising the same power that I did for the children of Israel. When their enemies rose up against them, I arose," said the Lord.
"I Shall Cause My Earth to Bring Forth a Judgment"
"Let the earth shake," for God says, "the damage that your enemy has desired to do to you shall turn back and it shall be done to them. Would they come and stand on the Holy Ground that My people have established? No, I shall do the shaking," says the Lord.
"And when they point their finger and stick it into the nose of those who have stood and prayed, I shall break fingers and I shall cause My earth to bring forth a judgment. And even though it shall shake, the soil of the land shall shake in America, they shall say it did no harm or damage."
"Oh, What Changes are About to Take Place"
Lord, we stand upright before You in fear – not of man, but fear of God. I'm praying now that what You spoke would suddenly be saturated by Your people. If God be for us, who can be against us? "But Kim, our country is going down the drain."
No, it shall not be this, it shall not be the veil of Islam (Kim covers his face with his mantle), but the unveiling of Christ. Father, cast Your mantle upon us right now, on every home, every person that is watching me all over the world (Kim grips his mantle in both hands). Strike, Lord and let Your Name be exalted in this nation.
How the enemy has targeted Europe now, as we prophesied, and then America again. You've kept us, Lord. Oh, what changes are about to take place. The winds of change. The Spirit of Elijah, of Christ, is about to break through and bring families together – sons back to fathers, and those who are fatherless shall find the fathers. They shall find the father that they did not have. Father, reveal Yourself in this day and age, raise up fathers and Lord, touch every home and life right now.
You have made a promise so great that we stand fearing and trembling only at You, knowing that You will keep us. You said do something unusual in order to bring about something unusual.
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