Many geographical areas have been identified as "targets" for spiritual restoration. The principal of “unstopping old wells” as demonstrated in typical form by Isaac as he rediscovered the wells of Abraham, has become common language in our quest to bring a restoration to expressions of revival that once visited our nation. During the late '40s and early ‘50s, an awakening swept across America with unprecedented demonstrations of the Lord's healing and deliverance virtue. Although there had been great miracles throughout prior years, none had touched the corporate body in as far reaching a manner as the one during the mid 20th century.
Unfortunately that deposit of revelation and power was lost and the Church of America experienced a spiritual disciplining from 1956 to 1996. As with Israel during their legacy in the wilderness, there were expressions of the Lord's love and blessings that touched many during those years. Nonetheless, the "promise" of corporate revival and outpouring had passed to the next generation.
The lot has now fallen upon us in this day to position ourselves to “cross the Jordan” into a new day of promise and restoration. We believe a token of that mandate was given this past week during a conference in Coeur d'Alene Idaho co-hosted by Grace Training and WhiteDove Ministries. The speakers were Shawn Bolz, Bob Jones, Bobby Connor and myself. Noel Alexander was also present for the pre-conference leadership meeting and part of the conference.
Naturally, we are not implying that the events of this past week in our conference are the only things the Lord has been doing in the Pacific Northwest. No doubt, there are many aspects of divine restoration taking place through ministries being groomed and prepared for notable days of destiny. However, the purpose of this brief article is to simply communicate the undeniable testimony of spiritual recovery and impartation that took place during these days, highlighted with revelation and healing. It is our hope that the sharing of this report will ignite faith in the hearts of people to lay hold of His provision and proceed through the open door presently before us.
The Key of David
The conference was called "Revelation Glory" and followed a leadership summit attended by over 100 leaders in the Pacific Northwest. The theme of the summit was taken from Isaiah 22:22 and the unveiling of governmental authority symbolized by the "Key of David." Several weeks prior to these appointed days, a vision was given related to the blueprint of Heaven and the Lord's strategy for touching this land of great beauty. In fact, it is the Lord’s desire to cause spiritual beauty to transcend the natural beauty in this land of destiny.
The Vision Revisited
The vision began with the revelation of a spiritual hourglass as the sands elapsed from the hourglass denoting that "time had run out." It was clearly communicated that the time has now come for divine purposes to be established in "the land of beauty." This expression concerning the land came from the Lord to signify His desire to establish “spiritual beauty” in the Northwest--- clearly a place of natural beauty. The Scripture that accompanied this revelation was Zechariah 11:7.
So I fed the flock for slaughter, in particular the poor of the flock. I took for myself two staffs: the one I called Beauty, and the other I called Bands; and I fed the flock. (Zech 11:7)
They are the divine staff's of “beauty” and “bands/unity.” Bob saw in the vision, a tangible release of glory and beauty that is represented by the beauty of the land itself.
This is pointing to a release of favor and covenant or relationship among the people, through the divine grace that is coming. It is the land of immense splendor and attraction. The Lord is announcing His desire for the Heavens to be open in the land of great beauty. The hourglass has run out of sand. This will be a new beginning.
Nature itself will declare the handiwork of God. It is the emergence of His righteous “staffs” to heal and restore hurt and wounded sheep. The windows of Heaven were opened in the vision and revealed, through nature, the beauty of Heaven in the Pacific Northwest. This vision provided the foundation for both the Leadership Summit and the Revelation Glory Conference that followed.
Charity and Fraternal Affection
Throughout the Leadership Summit key revelations were given to help God’s leaders walk in a governmental mandate and appropriately steward the Kingdom power and authority soon to be delegated. Noel Alexander shared powerful "keys" related to intercession and benevolent giving that will characterize the faithful leadership of last days ministry. It is in sharing the Lord's heart for the lost and oppressed that we will truly discover genuine authority in the Heavenly places. He went on to share a revelation given to him to help identify true governmental leadership and ministry...miracles, signs and wonders. God’s genuine governmental leaders will be marked and distinguished with manifestations from the power realm of Heaven.
We also conveyed, with the Lord's help and affirmation, the qualifying nature of brotherly love and fraternal affection to be shared by God’s administration in the coming days. This essential attribute will touch Heaven with such dynamic persuasion that it will open the warehouse of God's Glory and generate creative miracles. Never has there been a time of greater need for this reality. The Holy Spirit is providing the keys... now we must walk it out with His help.
There was some initial spiritual resistance to the leadership summit on the opening evening. However, the willingness of the participants to join together as one voice of opposition and warfare, overcame the cloud of oppression and paved the way for fruitful meetings that followed.
A New Day for the Healing Rooms Ministry
There was one day between the Leadership Summit and the beginning of the Revelation Glory conference. It was my privilege along with Bob Jones, to minister in Spokane Washington to Cal Pierce and the Healing Rooms ministry team. Rarely have we seen such a hungry and focused group of ministers. Many in attendance were poised for promotion and increase into a new level of authority.
The Lord seemed to be revealing His desire to escalate the return of the vital healing ministry and consolidate greater dimension of revelation to help elevate the faith of the people to lay hold of the Lord’s healing redemption.
Highlights of Revelation Glory
There were many things that transpired during the Revelation Glory conference. However, we will attempt to touch on the highlights of the most important aspects of those three days. We would encourage those interested to purchase the tape series. This is not for the purpose of selling tapes but to resource people and impart a strategy to touch Heaven and begin to demonstrate the "tasting of the good word of God and the power of the age to come.
The Holy Spirit helped the people throughout the conference obtain a vision for the eternal realm and transcend the cares and anxiety of the natural realm. This came from both the words that were spoken and the incredible atmosphere provided in worship. As we level our focus on Him and our inheritance in Him and His in us, it actually links Heaven with earth and provides an environment for true impartation. The messages brought in the early sessions of the conference began to elevate faith in the hearts of the people and opened the door to a higher realm in Him.
Bobby Conner shared a moving message on simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ and the unveiling of His Kingdom through consecrated vessels. This theme remained paramount throughout the conference and further related to the demonstration of the Lord’s Justice soon to be displayed. I was able to shared in an abbreviated fashion the essence of the “Sevenfold Glory of Jesus the Just Judge.” The heavens and the earth and all that is in it, should rejoice and embrace the revelation of the Lord in His justice.
The Bible admonishes us in Psalms 96 to “let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all the things which fill it; Let the field be exultant, and all that is in it! Then shall all the trees of the wood sing for joy before the Lord, for He comes, for He comes to judge and govern the earth! He shall judge the world with righteousness and justice and the peoples with His faithfulness and truth.“
Shawn Bolz further advanced this important foundation with presentations of Truth related to the understanding of the Lord’s inheritance in His people. The apprehension of this reality provides insight and illumination into the heart of the Father for His Son and union with His Bride. There is a higher place in God to which we must ascend. It is the “open door” of Revelations 4:1 and access to divinely granted appearances of the Lord and revelatory insight into the Kingdom realm.
Each of these spiritual tools fashioned an environment of faith to capture a vision of the “beauty” elements of Heaven and elevate faith. There was a perpetuation of both Word and Spirit setting the stage for the fathers blessing and the inauguration of a new day in the Spirit.
A Divine Appointment
To more fully appreciate the most important aspect of the conference, a foundation must be laid concerning a vision given to Bob Jones and it’s fulfillment in 1996. During the latter part of 1995, Bob shared with me a vision that he had received concerning a forty-year season of corporate discipline that was coming to an end. In it he was actually given the date January 16. Having studied many key leaders utilized in the healing movement of the '40s and '50s, I recognized that day as one in which a prophet was directed to Chicago IL and commissioned by the Lord to announce that "America had turned down her opportunity."
Clearly, Bob had no natural knowledge of that prophetic event that transpired on January 16, 1956. Therefore, we felt that it was important to meet on January 16 1996 in a prophetic roundtable meeting in Moravian Falls, North Carolina. There were several leaders in attendance for the purpose of seeking the Lord for His revelation and strategy for the coming season.
A Divine Appointment
A few days prior to our meeting on January 16, another vision was given in which he saw three men receiving an impartation from the Lord related to spiritual revelation and provision. He only recognized the third man in the line but knew that he would encounter the first two on or around the date of the 16th.
As our meeting began on January 16, 1996, there was much anticipation concerning the significance of this date as a forty-year anniversary of spiritual judgment being pronounced on our nation. Throughout the meeting, Bob was continually reminding us that the man he saw in the subsequent vision must be present although he did not know who the man was nor was there anyone else invited to this private meeting.
Throughout the morning and into the afternoon we waited to determine how we should proceed. Finally, we decided to simply share with the group in attendance, the visions that had been given concerning 1956 and 1996. While we were in this process, the door opened and the man walked in whom Bob had seen in his vision. This man was Ray Kirschke, from Spokane WA. As we invited his party to participate with us we once again began to share the visions. As I was approaching the part of the vision related to the prophet who pronounced discipline on our nation in Chicago IL on January 16, 1956, Brother Kirschke spoke up and remarked that he was actually in that meeting.
What an incredible affirmation. This brother was actually in Chicago IL on January 16, 1956 in the service in which this pronouncement was made. Now, 40 years later to the day, he finds himself in a log cabin in the mountains of North Carolina in a meeting to which he was not invited, (although he was invited by the Holy Spirit) while that specific event was discussed. Only God could have orchestrated such an endeavor. I did a little research and discovered that it is believed that only about 500 people were in attendance in 1956. We then have to wonder how many people are even living 40 years later.
I actually questioned this dear brother about the meeting in 1956 and he confirmed that it was the only time he had heard this particular minister speak and he can remember the meeting vividly. He acknowledged that a clear and tangible difference could be discerned in the level of power attainable after the meeting on January 16, 1956. No longer were they experiencing the great grace for healing and deliverance as before. He said he has waited 40 years to see it return. Brother Kirschke also affirmed that he was the last disciple of John G. Lake. Brother Lake took Ray Kirschke under his wing and mentored him for the last 1 1/2 years of his life.
When I asked Brother Kirschke how he made his way to the mountains of North Carolina on this unique day, he confirmed that he and another man had been on a two-week "missionary journey." They had traveled from Florida up the East Coast to the northeastern portion of the nation and were now on their return trip to Florida and simply decided, as an afterthought, to drive through Moravian Falls to see who was there. Little did he know that he was “front and center” in the destiny of God.
Transference of Ownership
That foundation is important to understand the significance of what transpired in the Revelation Glory conference. While in prayer on the afternoon of the first day, the Holy Spirit showed me a spiritual picture concerning the conference. It was as if he was giving us a "spiritual check" to be drawn on the resources of Heaven. This was a symbolic revelation denoting a promise from the Lord for the conference.
When such a promise is made, we are allowed to “fill out” the check with our hopes and purposes. However, I had been wisely taught that our best decision in encounters like this is to allow the Lord Himself to complete the "check." We simply do not possess the wisdom and understanding to appropriate a spiritual endowment of this nature.
Therefore, at the evening service we announced that we were yielding our full hopes, purposes and agendas in the conference to the Lord and were publicly "transferring ownership" of the meeting entirely into His hands. It was a public acknowledgment of total surrender to the moment by moment leading of the Holy Spirit in the administration of the meetings.
A second part of that experience involved Ray Hughes. The Lord had so orchestrated it that Ray had received a new guitar that had many prophetic implications. The new guitar also represented a new day and a new sound. In the revelations that came that afternoon, the Lord instructed me to have our team pray over Ray and release a fresh wind of blessing into his life. A new mantle of revelation and authority is being deposited into Ray to help give articulation to God’s thoughts and ways. It will be the consolidation of “spiritual thoughts” with “spiritual words.”
A Fathers Blessing
On the second morning of the conference, Bob was given a vision of Ray Kirschke and watched as this brother signed two "quitclaim deeds" in the experience. Very often, prophetic people are given insight in allegorical form to highlight a spiritual reality. Prophetic symbolism is used to communicate a divine reality or strategy. This was one such occasion.
A quitclaim deed is a legal document that conveys the full rights of ownership from one party to another. This was to illustrate the transference of ownership from one generation to the next, of the deposit of spiritual power and authority demonstrated in the prior generation.
Naturally, we began a search for this brother to determine if he could attend the evening service. Incredibly, someone present knew how to reach him and he agreed to attend the meeting. What transpired that evening was one of the most powerful and touching things we have ever participated in.
This precious man of God, now 84 years of age, shared his heart for the Gospel of revelation and power. He announced that the mantle that rested upon John G. Lake was plainly the anointing and ministry of the Lord Jesus entrusted to man. It is not our hope to receive the mantle and ministry of a man, but the Lord Himself. With that said, he prayed a blessing upon this generation and released all that was deposited and resident in him from the prior generation and transferred the promise into this new day.
It is much like Joshua and Caleb who carried within their spiritual womb the promise given to the prior generation. Although the covenant blessing was given to an earlier generation, it was never fully engaged because of unbelief. The Lord, in His great grace, allows the next generation to learn from the mistakes of the prior so that the inheritance can be obtained. Joshua and Caleb functioned as the fathers of the prior generation to carry the promise and impart it upon the next.
Healing Affirmations
The evening of the impartation with Ray Kirschke and the final day of the conference, were visited with wonderful tokens of God’s healing power. Many testimonies have been submitted to attest of the Lord’s grace for healing and deliverance. This is just a token of the virtue to be entrusted to the Church needed to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven and the redemption of the Lord Jesus. There are many such places the Holy Spirit has targeted for Spiritual restoration and demonstrations of His power.
Perhaps even more encouraging have been the reports of changed lives and the aspiration birthed in the hearts of the people to fully invest themselves into the depths of God and experientially comprehend the Revelation of Jesus Christ for themselves. A strong Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation was present and shared by many to ascertain greater dimensions of insight with understanding of the rich and unfathomable things of God. These can only be shared through the divine counsel of God, as they are beyond the scrutiny of the natural mind.
During one of the sessions, the Lord spoke to me and communicated that this meeting in Coeur d’Alene was the second in a trilogy of encounters. The first was in Albany, OR and the next is to be Shreveport LA, in April.