2012 the Year of Divine Alignment

As I have been praying to the Lord about the New Year, the Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me many things concerning 2012. One major point that I will share at this time has to do with “Divine Alignment.” This is a “Grass Roots Prophecy,” meaning it is on a personal level for the Individual that will powerfully affect their lives and then will blossom into impacting the world around them. 2012 will be a powerful and fulfilling year for the believer. Much to look forward to.

1. 2012 is a Turning Point Year for Many

Many started the “Turning Point” in 2011 with a “Change of Thinking.” True repentance that brings desired results always begins with a change of thinking, and then it must be accompanied with a “Daily Resolve,” that is a determination in ones heart to change. This must be “followed with a course of action.” God wants us to line up with the very center of His will so we can have the Fullness of the Promises. Grace and Mercy is available to all who desire to Turn.

2. 2012 is a Year of Divine Alignment

The “Heavens Declare the Glory of God;” in 2012 there will be a Heavenly Alignment in the center of our Galaxy. But greater than this, is there will also be a “Divine Alignment” for the Believers in 2012. The Purpose of this Alignment is to bring the Believers into the “Very Center of God’s will for their lives.” This may be why the Church, or the Believer has not yet experienced the greater success that they desire, because they may be a little off center; and God also has a Timing for all things. But this is a Year where the Believers who are asking God to bring them into the very center of His will for their lives, will be positioned for greatness as they are “Divinely Aligned.” We will hit the Mark as we pray for Divine Alignment; Divine Alignment is so the “Believers can Declare the Glory of God.”

3. 2012 is a Year of the “Spoken Word” in Action and Power

All things were created by the Spoken Word of God. Because of the Divine Alignment, the Spoken Words of the Sons and Daughters of God will be released in greater power and authority. Kingdom of God Authority will be greater in and through the lives of the Believers, because they will have “Spoken Power” to make Declarations that will see God’s Power manifest. Many will be amazed by the power of the Spoken Word flowing through them. Heroes of the Faith will rise out of obscurity and shine for the Glory of God.

A finely tuned and aligned instrument resonates with sound. An orchestra that is finely tuned and aligned brings forth a beautiful harmony. Divine Alignment in the church will see a greater release of harmony, unity, and power, as the Glory of God will fill the house and cover the earth. 2 chr.5:13,14 There are some words that, once spoken, set the wheels of destiny in motion, and there are also some actions that speak volumes. This is the life of the one who is Divinely Aligned in 2012! As Children of God we will speak words and make declarations that will affect destiny, open doors, and see God’s power bring salvations, healings and restorations.

4. 2012 is a Year of Increase and Acceleration

Believers will be “Aligned for Greatness” in 2012. As they are they will find themselves in the Right Place, at the Right Time, with the Right Attitude, and this will result in Increase and Harvest, Radical Recovery, and Rapid Resource. God will restore losses and take His people to a new level in 2012.

Fear not children of God, but rather rejoice, for the Lord is with you, and the time of Divine Align is here and the Lord your God is Aligning you in this hour that you would shine for His Glory, “For the Knowledge of My Glory, says the Lord, shall cover the earth through you.”

Heavenly Father, I pray for each one who reads this prophecy, that You will show Your great mercy to them and give them grace and power to “Divinely Align” with You. We know that your Son Jesus paid a great price for our salvation. We are so thankful to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus and made Joint-Heirs. We want to be in the Very Center of Your Will. We want to bring glory to You. We Love You Father so much.

Stephen Meyering, December 2011