Overcoming Obstacles, a Matter of Perspective
Many of you are facing what appear to be insurmountable
obstacles – like giant walls of boulders, or in other places like solid brick
You can see the detail of each rock or brick, you can see the texture
and can almost feel them from where you are standing.
You know this is the way you are supposed to go…but you
can’t SEE how to overcome the obstacles in front of you.
The Lord showed me that these “obstacles” these “walls” are
nothing more than really nice pieces of art work on RICE PAPER.
They look real
in every aspect, but He said “I’ve got this, see in the spirit instead of the
natural and SEE that these obstacles are nothing more that attractive
distractions – JUST WALK ON THROUGH as I have already prepared the path before
So – look at your obstacles with your spiritual eyes and
allow the wisdom of the Lord to show you that HE’S GOT THIS.
Be blissed.
Martin Best
Shelton, WA
2018, 22 July.