Editor’s note: This word from Kathi
Pelton comes from the greater Pacific Northwest.
It has application personally, regionally and in the broader community.
I have had a stirring in my spirit the past few months
regarding the new season that the Body of Christ has entered. I keep hearing
the words: "The old and the new are merging as one."As I was waiting
on the Lord the morning of August 17th, I heard Him speak these words:
A Personal Word for
God's People
"My people have entered into a time of great purpose
and preparation. I am preparing My yielded ones to be a landing strip that
receives all that I desire to bring forth in this strategic time in history. I
am clearing the debris in order to make room for the things of Heaven to come
to Earth. I am clearing both lives and land that were created to be green
pastures in the days to come.
"Disappointments and hope deferred have taken root,
causing thorn bushes to overtake many who are called for such a time as this. I
am removing the root of bitter disappointment in those who will respond to My
invitation to restoration. I have sent My angels to usher you to the green
pastures of My Spirit where you will be healed, nourished and restored."
A Corporate Word for
Lands and Nations
The Lord says, "I am revealing and restoring ancient
gates at this time. These ancient gates have been long forgotten and forsaken,
but I am once again revealing them to those who have eyes to see what My Spirit
is doing. I am sending My chosen ones to repair the ancient gates.
"Like in the days of Nehemiah, when the city walls were
in disrepair, I am sending many to the lands where ancient gates are located. These
are places where The King of Glory will appear in order to accomplish My
end-time purposes. These Heavenly gates have existed from the very beginning of
time and the time of their opening is near.
"I have places throughout the Earth where I am opening
up portals of Heavenly supply for the preparation of the Great Harvest that is
coming soon. There are lands of promise and places of strategic purpose that I
will lead both individuals and ministries to dwell in. I am preparing places
that will be storehouses for My people at this time.
"The ancient and the new are merging as one in this
hour; the beginning and the end are intersecting. In the midst of violent times
I am establishing peace and bringing forth peace makers and peace keepers. In
the midst of drought I will pour out My latter rain."
The Lord says, "Even now I am recruiting those who are
willing to leave all and follow where I will lead them. They will be sent to
the ancient gates, the predestined cities where peace, purpose and praise will
open the gates and restore the land. These sent ones will not fear the evil
one; they will overcome him through their faith, their trust and their
obedience to My voice. Faith's assurance will be their strength."
The Coming Harvest: A
Word for the Body
A great harvest is coming to Earth and God is preparing both
people and places. As the Lord has spoken, there will be storehouses
established in this new season. I believe that these storehouses will be both
small and large
Some will be in homes and on personal properties, while
others will be in cities and on large property owned by Christian ministries
and businessmen and women. There are workers, even now, being called to be a
part of what the Lord is building in preparation at this time. I hear the
Spirit speaking these words of encouragement:
"I, the Lord, will provide for all the work of
preparation. I will bring wealth to the storehouses and to those who are called
to be gatekeepers and those who are called to repair the walls. I will raise up
those who have wealth to support those who are preparing the way and clearing
the land for My great harvest. Do not miss the time of My invitation. Do not
miss this time of great purpose and preparation. You are My chosen ones."

Submitted in love,
Kathi Pelton
Oceans In The Desert