This will require questioning ideas and beliefs that you have assumed to be correct for a long time, and it will require grace and patience as you watch others struggling through belief systems and transitioning in understanding of my Grace. For my grace is boundless, and reaches far beyond what you have learned in Sunday School. I am doing a new thing and bringing a new paradigm to my people in this hour. This new paradigm shift will help position you for the billion soul harvest that you have been preparing for, and you will not quite be ready until you receive my thoughts and my ways. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so are my thoughts above your thoughts, and my ways above your ways. Come up here and sit with me awhile, and I will share my thoughts and my ways with you, and I will give you blueprints of things to come.
I am preparing my bride to be spotless and pure, to be ready for all things in the days to come, and to be a shining light, burning brightly in the darkness that is ahead. And when I say darkness, do not fear death, calamity, or destruction. For the darkness I see most is the darkness in men’s hearts, darkness that hides my truth and seeks to keep mankind in bondage to the Law. See now that I have already set you free from the Law, and have brought about the new way of living by my Spirit. I am bringing a new revelation of the depths of what my Son purchased on the Cross, and am raising up a new generation of speakers who will share this revelation with My Church. I am not speaking in terms of ages, in that it will be a young generation of speakers I am raising up. No, I am speaking of a new generation of speakers from a perspective of the old having gone and the new having come. I am doing a new thing, and I am giving the revelation to a new group of people. I have had a people kept in hiddenness for this very time, those who have been hearing my voice and my leading in a new way.
Be aware that I am not saying that I am somehow a different God, but I AM saying that I am bringing new revelation and new understanding. Things that have been good in the past will no longer serve you as I bring about a new understanding that trumps the old. The old will simply be of no use or no value, in the same way that an old wineskin destroys new wine. You cannot expect to successfully mix the old wineskin and the new wine that I am bringing. For those who have been praying for the new wineskin, continue to diligently pray and diligently search. In the same way that my sheep know my voice, you will know the new when it comes before you, and you will know to follow my voice above the voices of all others.
When you hear my voice, do not turn aside from it and follow the wisdom of man. Many who have walked in my ways in the past, and whom I have genuinely given revelation to, will question my voice in this hour. You must follow my leading and not theirs, as I have said again that I am doing a NEW thing. It will not look like the things of the past, but it will look like my Son. Know that as long as you seek to know my Son and seek to hear My voice, I will not put the voice of Another in your path. I will lead you in paths of righteousness for My Name’s sake, and you will dwell in my house forever.
Michael King