What Is This Revival Going to Look Like?
by Don Deskins, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Before Lou and I moved to Canada,
I was looking for the Third Great Awakening to start at any time in the US. I
didn't know what it was going to look like, but I felt that something really
big was going to happen. After being in Canada awhile, I started doing a
bit of research on revivals and what they looked like. Canada has
never had a nationwide revival, although there have been several pockets of a
real Move of God. In my research, I found a few prophecies that stated Canada was headed for a great awakening, or Move
of God, and that through this (or at the same time), the US and other
nations would have a revival.
The following is a list of characteristics of what I believe will happen
in this Move of God.
1. This revival will be different from anything that has happened in the
past. Do not look for God to do what He did in the US during the Great Awakening or
the Second Great Awakening. If you do, you will miss what God has for you.
(confirmed by Charlie Robison on 03/22/2011 in Kelowna).
2. The revival will be led by lay people, not pastors, preachers or
evangelists. The lay people will be those that are in tune with the Holy Spirit
and have a heart for God. Those gifts that were intended for use outside
"the church", will be used in a dramatic way. People will be healed,
and eyes will be opened with words of wisdom and knowledge from
"normal" people. People will suddenly feel the Spirit of God move
within them, and they will speak as if God Himself were speaking. The lay
people will "naturally" do what is right, being led by the Holy
Spirit. This is not to say that pastors, etc. won't have a role, but the main
thrust will be through lay people.
3. There will be a God ordained "civil war" within the church.
In the same way that Paul had to rebuke Peter for compromising the Gospel
through his actions with the Judaizers, there will be a desire to get back to
the pure truth of the Gospel: that is, that there is no way to the Father
except by a confession of faith in the Lord Jesus. We are not talking about
doctrinal differences. Those that get into a fight over doctrinal differences
will be left behind in this revival (or may find themselves in a fight with
God). Instead, we are talking about any "gospel" that is preached
distorts who God (the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit) is and teaches any
other way to the Father than through Jesus. (this has already started)
4. Related to the items above, the Lord will use the people who have
been rejected by "the church" in the past. These include those that
have sinned greatly, but have been miraculously transformed by the power of the
Holy Spirit. Just as the Apostle Paul was transformed from a murderer to a
warrior for God, so shall these days be. As people are being saved, God will
transform them into soldiers for God. God is going to use ex-drug dealers and
addicts, ex-gang members, ex-prostitutes, etc.... those people who "many
sins have been forgiven," will love much (Luke 7:47).
5. Because some in the current church do not understand what is
happening, because some will take offense at the outcasts that are coming to
salvation, and because there is a split over the True Gospel, many will leave
the church, but many more will be moved into the Body of Christ. Those that
take offense and don't repent will start mocking, and then move to persecuting
the Body of Christ. This may very well include those the are true children of
God, but don't accept what is happening in the church.
6. The Body of Christ will become "spotless and without
blemish," i.e., she will move into the Righteousness and Holiness that God
7. Any Move of God also includes a great Move within the youth - the
very young through the college age. This will be from the very beginning (and
may have already started). This will, of course, include the outcasts, but also
include the youth from our mainline churches who just "catch fire."
The youth will move in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a mighty way, so much so
that it will astound the older generations.
8. This Move of God will cross all denominational boundaries. This is
not about who is right doctrinally, but who God is! Those that deny the Move of
God as legitimate because it didn't come from their church or denomination will
be left unchanged. Those that claim that the Move of God started with their
denomination or church, or lead by their denomination or church, will be left
unchanged through this Move because of their hard hearts - they may even open
themselves up to the judgment of God. There will be attempts for some to lead
this movement, but if they have personal motives, they will crash as an example
to others. This movement will truly be lead by the Holy Spirit. He will raise
up "leaders" that do not want to be recognized but want the Kingdom
to be advanced. Individuals in the Body will just "do" what they are
supposed to do.
9. There will be a 24/7 prayer movement in major regions or cities
across denominational and church boundaries. (this has already started)
10. There will be a restoration of David's Tabernacle, that is, there
will be a movement for 24/7 praise and worship in major cities and regions
across denominational and church boundaries.
11. There will be a Move of God to promote justice across all boundaries
(socio-economic, racial, etc.). Please note that there is a false "social
justice" movement in place at this time that will not get (and will not
even try to get) justice. You will recognize the difference in the two by their
12. There will be a move by the Body of Christ to secure a place in
society for the "fatherless." This includes the UNBORN. Today's trend
of abortion on demand will be reversed by the Spirit of God. The Body will make
every attempt to empty the orphanages and adopt the fatherless.
13. The Body of Christ will become the New Testament church once more.
As the church walks in Holiness and Righteousness, the miracles of Acts will be
seen once more. It will be both glorious and terrifying.
14. As the Body of Christ sees what Jesus means to her, individuals will
live sacrificially with their finances and their time. Material possessions
will become meaningless to the "alive" church. Seeing people added to
the Body of Christ will be the church's main focus.
15. The revival will cover all (or most all) nations. Jews, Muslims,
Hindus, etc. (that is, people from all religions) will have their eyes opened
to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and be converted.
16. The Body of Christ will learn to truly "walk in the
Spirit" and walk in the authority that God has given her.
17. There will be great conflicts and disasters during this time - but
for those of us who are focused on Jesus Christ, it will not matter. These
troubling events will only strengthen our resolve to do what God has called us
to do.
18. This last revival will remain in place until the Lord's return.
Compiled by Don Deskins, Kelowna, BC,